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Is this the right location for the current XBMCbuntu live CD builds? https://github.com/xbmc/XBMCbuntu.git

I know it looks right, but does anyone actually know for sure that these are the scripts used to build the current livecd?

I've been tinkering around with it, and regardless of how I invoke the build, I always end up with a ~200mb CD that isn't anywhere close to what's available for download.

Thanks in advance for your help.
yes, it's what used. they should be tagged so you can find the exact version used. it's under development, so i'd stick with the tag.
Thanks. I was using the Eden branch, but no luck. I'll see if I can fiddle around with the build script parameters some more.
The Eden branch is the one used for the last release.
Master is being used as development tree (currently broken).
Yeah, I'd prefer the last stable. When you build the official CD, which shell script do you invoke and with what switches?

given that I must use apt-cacher-ng due to the number of test builds I make, this is my cmdline:

sudo ./buildWithOptions.sh -p -k

If you don't have an apt-cacher, just omit the -p option.
sudo ./build.sh

Should be the way to go!
Yeah, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm still ending up with a ~220 MB iso file in the end that doesn't contain xbmc binaries. The iso download on xbmc.org is ~600 MB.

Perhaps it's something specific to my environment.

Back to debugging...
Weird, I think it's working now. I'm seeing a lot more apt downloads, and xbmc-bin was listed.

Update: It worked! Thanks for the help! I have no idea what was going wrong before. I ended up cleaning up more space on that filesystem, as well as adding the xbmc ppa to the system. I can't imagine the latter actually helped anything.