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Full Version: Scraper Fanart/Poster
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I'm new to this tool, and gave it a try today.
I like it very much, great work.

Now my request:
When scraping movies or TV Shows, I get a preview page with posters / fanart, where I can choose my favourites.
These preview pictures are very small in size, and it is hard to evaluate the quality of the pictures.
As I'm german, I also prefere german posters, but on the previews the text parts are often very small and hard to read.

So a function would be nice to see the original picture from the preview page, via double click for example.

Regarding TV Shows I'm missing a few things.
With other tools you can scrape/ select a "All Seasons" Poster and Fanart and Fanart for each Season.

I use "Transparency" as skin and this shows this pictures.

Kind regards

I've added your feature request to our ToDo list.

ad 2) if you scrape TV shows within tmm, all season posters for your seasons should be downloaded per default?

no it should not download all season posters per default.
The skin "Transparency" uses this "Menu-Structure" for TV Shows. If you select a TV Show you see:

- *All Seasons*
- Season 1
- Season 2
- Season 3 ...

If you select "All Seasons" you get all Episides for all seasons in a list.
If you select "Season 1" you get only Episodes for Season one.

The speacial thing in the Transparency skin is, if you highlight "All Seasons", it seaches for a files named
in the main folder of the TV Show.

If you highlight "Season 1" it searches for

and so on.

I hope it is a bit more understandable now.
Sorry for my bad english.

In other tools, like Ember Media Manager, you can scrape Posters, Fanarts and Banners for each season and for the "All Seasons"-Section.
+1 for Artwork Language Flaging and sorting by Language
artwork is sorted by an algorithm before being displayed in the UI:

- preferred scraper language (from the settings)
- en
- others

but the sorting (and thus flagging) is only as good as the scraper results are..