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How to Install XBMC PVR Xvba for AMD/Nvidia/Intel GPUs - Printable Version

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- thctlo - 2012-01-06


for the few debian users, i updated the packages for wheezy.
I added also some extra info how to setup/install for wheezy.

look here : http://thuis.van-belle.nl/
added ati fglrx install info.
lightdm bug fix info, autologon does not work out of the box in wheezy.

More to come.

- EmuMannen - 2012-01-06

mkone Wrote:- ALSA error resolved with creating a .asoundrc file setting HDMI output as default
- sensors error resolved by installing lm-sensors package
FYI, I also had to create a .asoundrc for xbmc (since I'm not using HDMI for sound) and I also got sensors installed (I use phpSysInfo for easy web access to sysinfo like S.M.A.R.T etc. on my htpc). I also use Monit to monitor sshd (don't want to be without it when running nodm), tvheadend, forked-daapd and nodm. Here's a copy of my .asoundrc (I'm using 2 ch analog output):
pcm.!default {
type hw
card 1

ctl.!default {
type hw
card 1

- wsnipex - 2012-01-06

thctlo Wrote:Hai,

for the few debian users, i updated the packages for wheezy.
I added also some extra info how to setup/install for wheezy.

look here : http://thuis.van-belle.nl/
added ati fglrx install info.
lightdm bug fix info, autologon does not work out of the box in wheezy.

More to come.

nice job. If you repackage the Xvba branch as is(with the same configure flags) you might want to add a note, that it only works with ATI hardware, as I purposefully disable Vdpau and Vaapi.

- .:B:. - 2012-01-06

I'll chime in as well then Smile.

Arch packages are here:
Eden (beta 1)

- wsnipex - 2012-01-06

.:B:. Wrote:I'll chime in as well then Smile.

Arch packages are here:
Eden (beta 1)

great stuff Smile
You might want to change the GIT link of the xvba package to https://github.com/FernetMenta/xbmc/tree/xvba as the official xbmc does not support xvba yet.

- Tikken Baxter - 2012-01-06

Does any one have problems with Movie Library mode after doing this HowTo? I can't get movies added how much I even try.

TV Shows gets added to Library without any problems. In a previous XBMC Live installation Movies were added to Library.

I have searched the forum but found only one "guide" which I checked and copied how to enable Movie Library. Everything I could find is enabled.

Anyone with ideas?

- wsnipex - 2012-01-06

did you set the content on the movie source correctly? Also look if it's supposed to use the foldername or filename for scraping.

- Tikken Baxter - 2012-01-06

Content is correct. I added a folder with Movies directly underneath it and another folder with a folder for each movie. I have a few hundred movies.

In previous XBMC Live installation I was just adding Movie folder and it were added directly. (XBMC with Lars GIT, if that matters)

Adding movies in same way as TV shows, so I can't understand what's going wrong.

- wsnipex - 2012-01-06

pastebin a debug.log plz

- Tikken Baxter - 2012-01-06

"Failed to load scraper XML"?

Cutted out a short log:

- wsnipex - 2012-01-06

try this please: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?p=975078

if it works, thank gleam for the hint on IRC

- kobik - 2012-01-06

fritsch Wrote:You could just select: Optical in xbmc and choose spdif. This should work fine.
Perhaps you need a .asoundrc which directly maps to your spdif.

pcm.!default spdif

Remember only one audio source at a time will be hearable. Should be good enough for xbmc.

This sounds like a gibberish to me, but I'll search a little info about this.
Thanks for the patience Smile

I had a hang while playing and navigating menus.
Here is the pastebin link, unfortunately I forgot to enable debug

- Tikken Baxter - 2012-01-06

wsnipex: Installing YouTube made it work! Many thanks for the guidence! And thanks for this thread!
And thanks kobik for this threads Howto!
And thanks glem for the hint!

And many thanks to everyone else who makes this a great forum!

- kobik - 2012-01-07

You should thanks mostly to Robotica for the original guide and to wsnipex and fritsch for updating guide here.
I just copied-pasted stuff Smile
I really appreciate all the work done in this branch, thank you all involved souls for the great work.

- .:B:. - 2012-01-07

wsnipex Wrote:great stuff Smile
You might want to change the GIT link of the xvba package to https://github.com/FernetMenta/xbmc/tree/xvba as the official xbmc does not support xvba yet.

I'll do that, thanks.