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Is there a stand-alone media manager software application for music that suits XBMC? - Printable Version

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- avus m3 - 2010-09-09

How do I pad the track number when having MM organize my music? For instance instead of track 1, 2, 5, 9, 19, etc it would be 01, 02, 05, 09, 19. I tired the obvious <TRACK##> instead of the <TRACK#> but that doesn't work.

- albaranov - 2010-09-09

avus m3 Wrote:How do I pad the track number when having MM organize my music? For instance instead of track 1, 2, 5, 9, 19, etc it would be 01, 02, 05, 09, 19. I tired the obvious <TRACK##> instead of the <TRACK#> but that doesn't work.

There is another obvious option:

- avus m3 - 2010-09-09

albaranov Wrote:There is another obvious option:
Doh, after posting that I had a few minutes and went through the help file and saw that specific example. Thanks for the help. One last qurstion...is it possible to have a conditional format if it's a multi disc set?

Here is the format I am going for:

\<Album Artist>\<Album> (<YEAR>)\<Artist> - <Track#:2> - <Title>

I would like "\Disc <DISC#>\" after the album and year directory only if there is more than one cd. If there is only one cd in the set it seems kind of stupid to add the extra diectory. I saw there is conditional based arguments but it looks like its for truncating to size or format but not eliminating if field is blank? I am a little Huh Any help would be great.

- yeroash - 2010-09-09

Sorry I can't hep you with that; its above me xD, maybe a post in the mediamonkey forums will get you help faster

- D0nR0s4 - 2010-09-09

avus m3 Wrote:\<Album Artist>\<Album> (<YEAR>)\<Artist> - <Track#:2> - <Title>

I would like "\Disc <DISC#>\" after the album and year directory only if there is more than one cd. If there is only one cd in the set it seems kind of stupid to add the extra diectory. I saw there is conditional based arguments but it looks like its for truncating to size or format but not eliminating if field is blank? I am a little Huh Any help would be great.

It's possible in MP3tag (BTW probably the most powerful tagger ive met so far)

they have if, or, eql and whatever commands for use while tagging/renaming. Take a look.

Music NFo - mattdamon - 2010-10-20

Hi, Just wondering if I can use NFO for music/artist as I do in the video library. If this is possible what would be the format for the NFO.

Thanks in advance

- sergiocos - 2010-10-20


- hendoben - 2010-11-08

Is there a program for music that does the equivalent of what embermediamanager does on movies and tv?

There is not..... - hogfan - 2010-11-17

The ID3 tags of the media files do not contain info such as the band bios, discography, etc.....XBMC scraper will get these, but doesn't for all artists. We need a tool to do this like we have for movies. I contacted the developers of Ember Media Manager, but they are not interested in working on this feature at this time. They still have lots more to do with Videos they said. I wish somebody would make a good tool to get the music discog info. I use Ember to get things the XBMC movies scraper misses, and I'd love to have the same ability for music.


- albaranov - 2010-11-19

hogfan Wrote:The ID3 tags of the media files do not contain info such as the band bios, discography, etc.....XBMC scraper will get these, but doesn't for all artists. We need a tool to do this like we have for movies. I contacted the developers of Ember Media Manager, but they are not interested in working on this feature at this time. They still have lots more to do with Videos they said. I wish somebody would make a good tool to get the music discog info. I use Ember to get things the XBMC movies scraper misses, and I'd love to have the same ability for music.


I fully agree, but unfortunately am not qualified to develop it. IMO music library is the most important part of XBMC. Alex

- ingeon - 2010-11-26

I recently discovered MusicBee and it`s nice, just a shame it`s proprietary freeware

- albaranov - 2010-11-27

ingeon Wrote:I recently discovered MusicBee and it`s nice, just a shame it`s proprietary freeware

I've just taken a look at MB. In general, looks similar to MediaMonkey.

- azido - 2010-11-27

hogfan Wrote:. I wish somebody would make a good tool to get the music discog info. I use Ember to get things the XBMC movies scraper misses, and I'd love to have the same ability for music.


This is exactly why i started this thread.

Still, noone with programming skills seems to be willing writing an editor/creator for album/artist.nfo :-( And i didn't here any funky news of UMM either..

- ingeon - 2010-11-28

albaranov Wrote:I've just taken a look at MB. In general, looks similar to MediaMonkey.

Maybe it was just me but found it easy to pull lyrics with MusicBee and embed them into my songs.
The CU-lyrics addon works nicely with XBMC reading these.
Can you do it with MM ? I did install the Minilyrics plugin but it seems I have to
save the lyrics one by one, is there a better way? since minilyrics is nicer in terms of
downloading synchronized lyrics, which seems to work with the LU-lyrics plugin when it doesn`t crash

- Roborob - 2010-11-28

I'm looking for a tool for music too, to get fanart and other info, without scanning my whole library once in a while for new fanart. I recently downloaded Meedios, and that program downloads music info like fanart when playing a song, i hope someone is adding this function to XBMC sometime