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Req SACD/DSDIFF playback in XBMC - Printable Version

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RE: SACD ISO playback works in Leia - blueribb - 2018-10-06

(2018-10-06, 00:51)ArminiusTux Wrote:
(2018-06-29, 15:38)blueribb Wrote: I found this page: https://github.com/notspiff/vfs.sacd

It looks like this addon was included in the Libreelec Leia 0508 (and newer ?) builds. Am I right ?
 Hi blueribb,

I can happily report that the addon compiles successfully (only on Linux so far) for Leia and playback of SACD ISOs works:

                            Image                 Image

With a bit of luck and a minimum of user demand, we might see it come to LibreELEC before christmas   Wink
That's great news !
I have (2) Intel i5 NUC's running Libreelec 8.2.5 (Kodi 17.6 Krypton). Will this addon require Kodi's Leia build ?

RE: SACD ISO playback works in Leia - ArminiusTux - 2018-10-06

(2018-10-06, 01:58)blueribb Wrote: Will this addon require Kodi's Leia build ? 
 Hello again,

despite spending hours on trying to compile and make it run for Krypton, I failed  No .
So yes you have to dance with the princess  Cool, if you want to spin the ISO extract of a Super Audio-CD.

As for seeing this plugin on LibreELEC, I am also looking forward to it use it on my Raspberry Pi Nod
After managing to extract SACDs via Raspbian, and not being able to output the DSD files via HDMI, I had one of a kind of shock and awe moment Love, when I switched to LibreELEC: 

Crystal clear multichannel sound via HDMI from a 30$ device.

RE: SACD/DSDIFF playback in XBMC - HeresJohnny - 2018-10-06

I can confirm this works in CoreElec, too. However, only local files are found. Anything that is an SMB or NFS share doesn't show the files. Does anyone have the knowledge to correct this? @ironic_monkey 's account seems to be closed.

The next step would be to access the tags stored in .xml format which are generated by Maxim's parser. Here's an example: https://pastebin.com/VDJ8P8jK

@DaveBlake Is this something you would be able to do?

RE: SACD/DSDIFF playback in XBMC - jjd-uk - 2018-10-06

ironic monkey is @spiff

RE: SACD/DSDIFF playback in XBMC - HeresJohnny - 2018-10-06

Thanks, and @notspiff as I see from the repository. He's got all his bases covered :-)
Edit: Not all files play, so at the moment WhatYouHearIsWhatYouGet. Better than nothing, of course!

RE: SACD/DSDIFF playback in XBMC - Krobar - 2018-10-06

Why do people use ISO for SACD? (Cant see any advantage vs DSF)

In spite of spiff's absence, I hope you'll appreciate the irony< - ArminiusTux - 2018-10-07

(2018-10-06, 20:07)Krobar Wrote: Why do people use ISO for SACD? (Cant see any advantage vs DSF)
 We could comprehend the WHY, by asking WHO would do such an unheard of thing.

A. Mathematical NERDS, fanatics of the ideal sound who put accuracy above anything else. Their mass incarnation began, after the „accurate ripping of the CD-A“ was introduced.

B. Sonore CONSERVATIVES, lovers of the traditional sound who cherish their physical media and mistrust the lures of the IT-ether. They consider the new „streaming generation“ to be „online-junkies“ at best or „audio-vile hedonists“ at worst.

C. Unsung CAPITALISTS, buck savers who follow the siren of efficiency (in storage capacity) even in the age of the cheap terabytes.

As for ironic monkey = @spiff = notspiff, this revelation should be posted on page one, as it could ease the confused minds of those poor souls who have decided to read this thread from the very beginning.

RE: SACD/DSDIFF playback in XBMC - HeresJohnny - 2018-10-07

^^ What he said.

(2018-10-06, 20:07)Krobar Wrote: Why do people use ISO for SACD? (Cant see any advantage vs DSF)

Also, don't feed the trolls. That kind of comment is not made in the spirit of furthering this thread.

To boldly go, where many Kodi additions have gone before - ArminiusTux - 2018-10-22


there a few new developments regarding VFS.SACD:

The coder spiff ={ironic monkey, notspiff, akva2} has resumed his work on this addon.
The addon (among other spiff projects) has also silently gone official in a matter of speaking.

It is not only mirrored on the github project xbmc now, but upon building the source code of KODI the plugin is downloaded now and build if you pick "make addons".

Though this spares us building the addon manually, this process is sadly not yet reliable.
For instance it fully builds on macOS (vfs.sacd.dylib), but the playback does not work (ISOs are ignored in the music section) and on Windows we get an .xml output but no vfs.sacd.DLL

To make a long story short: After a considerable hiatus there is momentum for this Kodi addon project and with a bit of luck (and popular demand) we might see a usable result when the princess finally goes 18.

RE: SACD/DSDIFF playback in XBMC - spiff - 2018-10-22

still missing a few fixes in kodi core before it works, already pr'd, but got interrupted by the github outage today.

windows support is entirely up in the air, the code relies on a lot of posix stuff not provided on windows.

A few more bugs to take care of ... - ArminiusTux - 2018-10-27

(2018-10-22, 22:59)spiff Wrote: still missing a few fixes in kodi core before it works ...
 Hello spiff,

thank you for your continued work on this little addon! Please let us know when you finished your Kodi core fixes, so we can resume compiling and testing the vfs.sacd addon.

Glad to see that you have fixed the tracking order / sorting issue:

Image Image

Ha det bra!

SACD/DSDIFF playback in XBMC - HeresJohnny - 2018-10-27

If at all possible I would suggest for the next step to be to make files available on the local network. As of now playback is only possible from locally attached storage.

RE: SACD/DSDIFF playback in XBMC - ArminiusTux - 2018-10-27


It would appear that playback needs a bigger fix first, as I am only getting a buzzing sound.
This might have something to do with the transfer of the DST decoding capability from the addon to the core components.

Can you compile the the current master branch to confirm this issue?

RE: SACD/DSDIFF playback in XBMC - spiff - 2018-10-29

everything should be in place now, but i don't have an extensive library of isos to test with. what's the encoding on the sacd in question?

RE: SACD/DSDIFF playback in XBMC - spiff - 2018-10-29

found a stupid error, now playing files from sftp just fine.