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Linux HOW-TO: Automated efficient XBMC install - Ubuntu 12.10/13.04 mini based - Printable Version

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RE: HOW-TO: Automated efficient (dedicated) XBMC installation on Ubuntu minimal 12.10 - un1versal - 2012-11-05

(2012-11-05, 06:56)illiac4 Wrote: Hi!

Can you also add to script so that if Grub menu is shown that by default it will auto start in lets say 5 seconds the Ubuntu?
ATM when Grub is shown it waits for command.

sudo nano /etc/default/grub

Find the line GRUB_TIMEOUT=0 and change it to 5 save and close then:

sudo update-grub

@ thethirdnut

Ill have a try, see what happens.


[Linux] HOW-TO: Properly Kill the cursor at XBMC startup using xinit. - un1versal - 2012-11-05

Solved the problem 100% killed cursor and anything related. Its no more YEY! Big Grin

Obviously if you use a mouse/rat you wont get a cursor at all if you do this. so dont do it.

So if you are slightly peeved a cursor and the X and a black square in middle of screen @ xbmc startup worry no-more!

I was trying to append -- -nocursor to xinit according to my previous post

exec su -c "xinit -- -nocursor /usr/bin/xbmc --standalone :0" $USER

Which of course is wrong and xbmc wouldn't boot (a glorious FAIL), the .xinitrc suggested by thethirdnut didn't work + it killed the remote controller Angry

So now my /etc/init/xbmc.conf is as follows thus passing the kill cursor argument properly.

# xbmc-upstart
# starts XBMC on startup by using xinit.
# by default runs as xbmc, to change edit below.
env USER=xbmc

description     "XBMC-barebones-upstart-script"
author          "Matt Filetto"

start on (filesystem and stopped udevtrigger)
stop on runlevel [016]

# tell upstart to respawn the process if abnormal exit

  exec su -c "xinit /usr/bin/xbmc --standalone -- -nocursor :0" $USER
end script

This works beautifully well, in fact its perfect.

Hope this can help some other folk too. Who dont use a window manager and get the blurp cursor when xbmc starts.

@Bram77 feel free to link another how-to in main posts!

One step closer to perfect minimal install + xbmc setup! Now to get xbmc to die and show X login, when selecting exit on power menu!


RE: HOW-TO: Automated efficient (dedicated) XBMC installation on Ubuntu minimal 12.10 - illiac4 - 2012-11-05

Today i was trying to install x11vnc. I can connect to it with vncviewer but the screen is black. The cursos can be seen and it moves also also the keyboard is working. So basically it works but screen in vnc viewer is black.
I assume that it has something to do with xorg.conf and ati drivers. There are some posts on net but nothing eas really usefull. Has someone any idea or. Alternative way?

RE: HOW-TO: Automated efficient (dedicated) XBMC installation on Ubuntu minimal 12.10 - Bram77 - 2012-11-05

You want to use VNC to remote control XBMC? If so, that isn't going to work very well even if you get XBMC to be displayed. The visual changes are too much for VNC to cope with. Why not use one of the numerous remote applications available?

RE: HOW-TO: Automated efficient (dedicated) XBMC installation on Ubuntu minimal 12.10 - illiac4 - 2012-11-05

Which? I am using vnc on crystalbuntu and it works good to do some maintainIng remotely. I am not using to remote control.

RE: HOW-TO: Automated efficient (dedicated) XBMC installation on Ubuntu minimal 12.10 - Bram77 - 2012-11-05

Alright Smile. Does this help: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=131026
If you've figured out what VNC server works best for you, please let me know so I can add the vnc server installation to the installation script as an optional package.

RE: HOW-TO: Automated efficient (dedicated) XBMC installation on Ubuntu minimal 12.10 - illiac4 - 2012-11-05

Hmm i like x11vnc because it is command line one. If someone can try it on nvidia machine to see if the same problem is also on nvidia or just ati cards.
sudo apt-get install x11vnc

To run server use command:
x11vnc -display :0 -bg -nopw -noxdamage -forever

To connect from f.e. windows machine use program:

RE: HOW-TO: Automated efficient (dedicated) XBMC installation on Ubuntu minimal 12.10 - ZIOLele - 2012-11-05

OK I've used your guide to install frodo .. it's working very well (i'm using vdr, vnsi server plus fernetmenta's add-on, as backend because no matter how hard i try.. with tvheadend there is no feeling...).

Now, since i've read that xvdr already support timeshift, iwas wondering if you know a ppa for it, that work with quantal..

RE: HOW-TO: Automated efficient (dedicated) XBMC installation on Ubuntu minimal 12.10 - wuppi - 2012-11-06

i used your script, but afer a reboot i get the console login screen (TTY1) Sad

any hints?

Complete history:
- was on ubuntu 12.04 LTS
- did an upgrade to 12.10
- found out that xbmc-live is not available any longer (it printed errors because lightdm was not installed. I am not missing that package and wanted a better solution for automated standalone startup)
- removed complete xbmc & xorg installation
- try your script (create xbmc user and so on). script looked fine, no errors or so
-> now i have a fancy xbmc boot screen but I end up at the console login screen ...

RE: HOW-TO: Automated efficient (dedicated) XBMC installation on Ubuntu minimal 12.10 - Krautmaster - 2012-11-06

hi there. I did some xbmc setup scripts in past too, nice work so far.

I will create an unanttended 12.10 iso file to setup with unetbootin running that or a simmilar script automatically after first boot.

In my scripts, i am adding an own .xbmc configuration with advanced launcher preconfigured and firefox mainmenue point. Do u think this could be possible to be mergerd into the .xbmc folder as well by this script?


I suggest to do the dialoges at the beginning, to store the decisions made by user and then to apply all functions. else it costs nerves to wait for.

RE: HOW-TO: Automated efficient (dedicated) XBMC installation on Ubuntu minimal 12.10 - thethirdnut - 2012-11-06


Just to be clear this method is really only intended to be run a new / blank minimal installation.

Did you previously have a 'full' Ubuntu installation or minimal as well...not 100% clear. Also, if you had previous upstart scripts in place for lightdm or otherwise there could be a lot of conflicting issues in place.

RE: HOW-TO: Automated efficient (dedicated) XBMC installation on Ubuntu minimal 12.10 - Krautmaster - 2012-11-06

any how, xbmc doenst come up because the whole .xbmc folder isnt accessable for the user xbmc.

RE: HOW-TO: Automated efficient (dedicated) XBMC installation on Ubuntu minimal 12.10 - vbat99 - 2012-11-07

(2012-11-04, 13:25)Bram77 Wrote:
(2012-11-04, 06:56)mrbiggmd Wrote: OK. I am close now.

I ran the script and I get the following error on my tv after a reboot.

Screen Shot

Does this have to do with the video card? I believe it is an ATI Radeon HD3650 (old I know Big Grin)

Your videocard is too old. The script script supports ati series 5xxx and up.

Well that's a pity. I was going to test this with a mobo with onboard HD3200 graphics (HDMI).

Best you put minimum specs required on OP.

Best of Luck with script. Was following whole thread unit came to this post.Confused

RE: HOW-TO: Automated efficient (dedicated) XBMC installation on Ubuntu minimal 12.10 - wuppi - 2012-11-07

(2012-11-06, 19:08)thethirdnut Wrote: @wuppi

Just to be clear this method is really only intended to be run a new / blank minimal installation.

Did you previously have a 'full' Ubuntu installation or minimal as well...not 100% clear. Also, if you had previous upstart scripts in place for lightdm or otherwise there could be a lot of conflicting issues in place.

no, the only previously installed GUI stuff was xbmc with xbmc-live.
everything else is kept as a pure console server installation.
no gnome, kde, lightdm or anything. i paid attention to that.

RE: HOW-TO: Automated efficient (dedicated) XBMC installation on Ubuntu minimal 12.10 - illiac4 - 2012-11-07

I wanted to give the xbmc user the permissions as root. I need this to run the scripts within xbmc that needs su privileges.
After finding the way how to full privilege user xbmc (tipp from unix user from seventies Smile; i was a little sceptical) as root i did:
Edit file /etc/passwd

and change the line and add a modified one:
# xbmc:x:1000:1000:xbmc,,,:/home/xbmc:/bin/bash

Now xbmc is root, finally Smile

Before i was using echo pass.... but it is blank password and it is valid only for the specific script.