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- Wob - 2005-04-04

my bad, i "assumed" that it would be in the latest cvs, i'll give it ago.


- freeidee - 2005-04-04

hello madtw i wanted to know when it will be possible to program the recordings from xbmythtv? why task that is one what a lot important for all has ,some date? you are working to this?

- madtw - 2005-04-05

sorry, i can't give a specific date since i work on this stuff in my spare time... rest assured that it is on my todo list.

as always, user code contributions are welcome as well... if you have made modifications to the scripts that you feel are useful to everyone.

- madtw - 2005-04-06

fyi... the patches have made it into the xbmc cvs repository today. keep an eye out for your favorite builds...

- Abo-Jo - 2005-04-07

(wbrokow1 @ mar. 30 2005,04:33 Wrote:see this link it might help.
i followed this tutorial first time round when i setup the myth box... i've now reinstalled countless versions of xbmc and xbmcmythtv to no avail. i've tried all number of users including root. still the socket 10057 error. i'm at a loss as to why this has started to rear its head as i installed myth 0.17 before i even had an xbox so when i tried the myth script out it worked pretty much first time.

can someone post a version number of xbmc and xbmcmythtv that they have which works please?

the only thing which i have not changed between these different updates is the xboxmediacenter.xml file. it is the same one which came on the evox build.

- madtw - 2005-04-07

ok, i created a new tar.gz file on the sourceforge project page. this is what i am running with a fairly recent build of xbmc. the version of xbmc should not make a difference for your socket error.

you can get the file here.

note: i added a query when testing mysql settings now. please make sure you test your settings (in fact, if i was you, i'd delete your existing settings and start from scratch). if your settings test ok, then the problem has nothing to do with mysql or the mythtv backend - the next thing to look at would be your path prefixes...

- Abo-Jo - 2005-04-07

thanks madtw, i'll give her a try tonight.


bonza! it's working again. don't ask me how but the "my.cnf" file was rewritten to the default setting. i had to mess about with my users permissions and basically create a new user for myth and do a bit of setting up again.

thanks for help!!! :thumbsup:

- Abo-Jo - 2005-04-08

the live tv works a treat, set the buffer to 8mb so it took a few moments to kick in, but it is cool. great effort, this is the business!

- stilger - 2005-04-09

how many people have commerical flagging/skipping working? if i watch shows from my myth frontend it will skip the commericals fine. they will not skip with this script. my only thought is to do a complete reinstall of xbmc after deleting the saved game directory and see if that helps.

i also still sometimes get the lockups where i can move around on a screen but not go back the previous screen. this normaly happens in the recorded shows area. i am still able to select and watch any of the shows in there but i need to reset my xbox to get out of that menu. i mentioned this before and i do not think any one else had this problem.

any help would be great.

i also have the latest version installed and the program guide looks great.

- madtw - 2005-04-11

stilger: do you get a dialog asking if you would like to skip commercials whenever you watch a recorded show? if you don't get that dialog, then something funny is going on...

you could try a clean install of xbmcmythtv... delete the entire xbmcmythtv directory and reinstall from scratch. at the very least, delete all .pyc or .pyo files in the xbmcmythtv dir so that xbmc recompiles the .py files.

- philled - 2005-04-11

hello madtw - i'm new to this forum so i hope i'm doing the right thing just adding to the bottom of this list.

i've just installed xbmc dated 1-apr-05 and xbmcmythtv version 0.17.2. i can see the recorded programs and when i try to play one it says "do you want to automatically skip commercials", then when i say "no" (don't want to upset the tv execs now, do we) it comes up with an error message saying "invalid computer name". so frustrating - i thought i'd nailed it before that happened!

one further piece of info here is that there is an option to copy the file to local disk on the xbox, and that works fine. so it's finding the file and has read access.

does anyone know how i can resolve this?

thanks in advance,

- madtw - 2005-04-11

the copy is done using the myth tv protocol whereas playback is normally done using smb. my guess is that either the name of your host is weird or not being populated correctly in the myth database by the myth tv backend. you have two options: fix the backend so that it stamps the recorded shows with the right host name or change your path prefix replacing '%h' with either the ip or the correct host name.

- easel - 2005-04-11

so i just got the 17.2 version of xbmcmythtv running with my newly upgraded mythtv 0.17 box. most things seem to work correctly, although it looks like i need to tweak the live tv buffering some more. well done.

however, i have about 200gb of shows recorded on my system at any time. the old xbmcmythtv recorded programs screen allowed me to view all programs, or select the program i want on the left and then a specific episode on the right. currently, i have 13 pages of recorded programs, and scrolling through them using a remote is really slow. my wife's not gonna like it.

is there another skin or something that allows filtering by show?

- stilger - 2005-04-12


yes i do get the dialog.

when updating to a new xbmcmythtv i rename or delete the current directory and just copy my settings file over.

when using the commerical skip it should automatically skip them when they come up. i should not need to do anything correct? (maybe i am missing something on how to use them.)

- madtw - 2005-04-12

that cannot be skinned at the moment. skinning currently requires the same types of controls to be in the skin file but you can move them around however you like. the old interface had issues with various resolutions and skins so that is why it was changed.

your best bet with the latest interface is to use the view by button to group shows together by title. then you can use the list page up/down buttons to quickly navigate to your page of interest. i haven't gotten around to adding in a filter by program yet.

some ideas i've had but haven't had time to implement yet are:

- have a button that loops through "all programs" + each unique title one at a time when it is activated. the value in the button would filter the list on the right. (this would kind be like the old interface except you have to click a button instead of scrolling up/down)
- or when the list first comes up, display only the titles. when you select a title, show the episodes.

anyone else have any other ideas?