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Entry-Level unRAID Server Build - Printable Version

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- eskro - 2011-07-04

not sure of what u mean by start all over,,,

unRAID Basic is free up to 3 Hard Drives...

and also, u need to check for motherboard compatibility...

- matthew1975 - 2011-07-04

I have the pro version, and I just to wipe everything clean and start over

- aoaaron - 2011-07-04

i dont get this 3/5/6/12 etc. drive stuff. if i say only have enough money for 3 drive option but a year later, i want to expand it to a 12 drive, is that possible? also wifi card etc. is not listed in the cost. is this mean tto only work via ethernet or is it a choice to lower cost?

Is there an alternative say 5-6 drive option with a smaller form factor which you could suggest if somoenes short on space?

- bnevets27 - 2011-07-04

seand Wrote:I would not be surprised if the hot swap performed better cooling wise for being 2 slightly smaller fans than one slightly bigger one on the CoolerMaster.

Not sure where you got that idea but there is a lot more air space around the drives in the Cooler Master cage's because they are 4-in-3. Therefore it should keep the drives cooler. Only reason the 5-in-3 could cooler better would be due to shear fan speed (read noise).

matthew1975 Wrote:is there a way to start all over from scratch on unraid. If I took the usb thumbdrive and wanted to use a different computer and hardrives?

Simple, start from scratch. Backup the "Pro1.key" file located under the config folder on your flash drive. Then just follow the directions on installing up unRAID on flash drive here

aoaaron Wrote:Is there an alternative say 5-6 drive option with a smaller form factor which you could suggest if somoenes short on space?

6 Drive:
Fractal - Array R2 Mini ITX (Read reviews that say its a pain to put hard drives into it)
Lian Li - Mini-Q PC-Q08

- matthew1975 - 2011-07-04

bnevets27 so if I have the pro key and then erase the flash drive and reload unraid back on it will erase the previous computer info? But it won't erase the flash drive info? Because the key is attached to this flash drive, I can't just put it on another flash drive right? I just want to erase the previous setup info, is there not a way to just erase that without wiping the flash drive? thanks

- eskro - 2011-07-04

aoaaron Wrote:Is there an alternative say 5-6 drive option with a smaller form factor which you could suggest if someones short on space?

+1 for the LIAN LI PC-Q08B

its so great that im also thinking to make a place for it in Poofy & I's unRAID Guide!!

- bnevets27 - 2011-07-04

matthew1975 Wrote:bnevets27 so if I have the pro key and then erase the flash drive and reload unraid back on it will erase the previous computer info? But it won't erase the flash drive info? Because the key is attached to this flash drive, I can't just put it on another flash drive right? I just want to erase the previous setup info, is there not a way to just erase that without wiping the flash drive? thanks

will erase the previous computer info? - Yes
But it won't erase the flash drive info? - Correct
I can't just put it on another flash drive right? - Correct, the key is bound to the flash drive (The key is based on they flash GUID)
I just want to erase the previous setup info, is there not a way to just erase that without wiping the flash drive? - Depends, you can erase the shares by deleting them, same with the user shares, all the config files are located in the config folder. It is probably just easiest to reinstall.

- matthew1975 - 2011-07-04

thanks I appreciate it, I have already have done what you have suggested. It is doing a parity-sync now but it says 23924.4 minutes at 1,356 KB/sec to complete. Does that sound right?

- eskro - 2011-07-04

soundz Weird to me, thats like almost 17days!!


- kizer - 2011-07-04

matthew1975 Wrote:thanks I appreciate it, I have already have done what you have suggested. It is doing a parity-sync now but it says 23924.4 minutes at 1,356 KB/sec to complete. Does that sound right?

NO something is wrong.

It should be at least in the MB/sec not in the KB/sec and I think my 5.5TB normally takes 600minutes

Like I've suggested before I would seak info on limetech's website because all they do on that site is unRAID.

- matthew1975 - 2011-07-04

Could it be one of my hard drives slowing it down? I do have some junky hard drives. The one in question came from a old tivo that broke. I appreciate the advice, and I know this isn't a limetech/unraid forum. I have had no problems in the xbmc department, it just seemed like alot of seasoned unraid users are here.

- matthew1975 - 2011-07-04

Well it wasn't my junky tivo hd it was my brand new 3 tb wd drive. Thanks for everyones help.

- eskro - 2011-07-04

3TB + unRAID = not fully supported... yet

- matthew1975 - 2011-07-04

I thought it was as of 4.7, but windows wouldn't format it either. I guess I will be sending this one back. But right on the release notes on the website "Drives larger than 2TB are still not supported in this release however". I just assumed I guess it was good to go. Well thanks for the help again

- kizer - 2011-07-04

5 Beta 7 it is supported not 4.7