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[Mod] Influence - Printable Version

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Question - Tweak - 2010-03-31

Thankyou yiarkyiark For this skin mod
Got a Question
Is there anyway to be able to use a horizontal Home Menu in this GREAT Confluence Skin Mod? Also What .xml File does the custom Home Menu Buttons
Go In when you add them in the Skin settings?

Again Thanks For the Skin Mod this is what I have Been Looking for
For a While now Please Keep up The Great Work Big Grin

- yiarkyiark - 2010-03-31

:-) Soon a nice surprise Nod

You will find the Custom Home Menu in ExtraButton.xml

- Tweak - 2010-03-31

yiarkyiark Wrote::-) Soon a nice surprise Nod

You will find the Custom Home Menu in ExtraButton.xml
Sweet Can't Wait Smile

- yiarkyiark - 2010-03-31

Influence v0.1a5.zip
New version v0.1a5.zip , fix problems with svn, and a little surprise in the panel configuration Skin/Home Window/(First option).

I'm still working on this feature, the most importance is having good code , i'll skin this feature later, and if anyone have any idea for nice presentation ...

- chunk1982 - 2010-04-01

the new version with the carousel is cool and the weather preview on the home page worked right up to when i added this....

slyk2203 Wrote:for all that does not like the left collum /bar so wide, I maked it a bit smaler... only move the home file into the 720p folder
PHP Code:

now it does not show the weather preview at all is there any way you could incorporate the smaller side bar in the next release please
also would it be possible for you to include a season wrap view for tv show seaons in library mode
its like the poster wrap view but the season icons and writing are the other way round, poster wrap = season icons near top of screen and writing underneath and season wrap is season icons near bottom and writing above
i think this would work very well for this theme
i think the confluance wizard edition had it

keep up the good work its really taking shape nicely


- Dannydeman - 2010-04-01

Would love to see some decent quality screenshots. The 4:3 ones looks akward.

- yiarkyiark - 2010-04-02

@chunk1982 I'll incorporate the smaller side bar in the new release with an option in systeme parameter. No problem
May be an horizontal menu too !

Can you give me an example for the season wrap view ?

- slyk2203 - 2010-04-02

chunk1982 Wrote:the new version with the carousel is cool and the weather preview on the home page worked right up to when i added this....

now it does not show the weather preview at all is there any way you could incorporate the smaller side bar in the next release please
also would it be possible for you to include a season wrap view for tv show seaons in library mode
its like the poster wrap view but the season icons and writing are the other way round, poster wrap = season icons near top of screen and writing underneath and season wrap is season icons near bottom and writing above
i think this would work very well for this theme
i think the confluance wizard edition had it

keep up the good work its really taking shape nicely

Hi chunk1982

this version of home.xml was only for the first release of influence and it does not work for the next ones.

for the version 0.1a3 I have made another home.xml


this home.xml editon does not work with the 0.1a5 edition....
unfortunately yiarkyiark ist to fast for me... ;-)

yiarkyiark could you take my home.xml for the next ones. the left bar ist nice small. It would be verry fine.

- yiarkyiark - 2010-04-02

slyk2203 Wrote:yiarkyiark could you take my home.xml for the next ones. the left bar ist nice small. It would be verry fine.
Certainly today Smile Thanks for your home.xml

- chunk1982 - 2010-04-02

@ yiarkyiark this is season wrap view in library mode (if it was not to much trouble could you see if you could also lower the icons a little but not reduce the amount they zoom)


and yes horizontal view would be good if it too was transparent but only if you could also keep the weather preveiw image as i really like this ALOT!Nod

@ slyk many thanks for your home.xml works a treat now

thanks again to you both its greatly appreciated this is shaping up to be one killer theme now


- CreepingDrums - 2010-04-03

excellent skin! i was looking for confluence for xbox and couldn't find it. thanks a lot for making this Big Grin

- KymyA - 2010-04-07

And... for your (?) pleasure, the Italian translation... made by me...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>
  <!-- Misc labels -->
  <string id="31000">Cambia il tuo</string>
  <string id="31001">Amabile</string>
  <string id="31002">Odioso</string>
  <string id="31003">Alimentazione</string>
  <string id="31004">!ATTENDERE!</string>
  <string id="31005">Nascondi INFO</string>

  <string id="31007">Plugins</string>

  <string id="31020">Ultime aggiunte</string>
  <string id="31021">File Video</string>
  <string id="31022">File Musicali</string>
  <string id="31023">Eseguo</string>
  <string id="31024">Pagina</string>
  <string id="31025">Elementi</string>
  <string id="31026">Opzioni varie</string>
  <string id="31027">Località</string>

  <!-- View Type labels -->
  <string id="31028">Elenco Poster</string>
  <string id="31029">Fanart</string>
  <string id="31030">Lista Completa</string>
  <string id="31031">Miniature</string>
  <string id="31032">Elenco Immagini</string>

  <!-- Extra labels -->
  <string id="31040">In riprod.</string>

  <string id="31042">RIPRODUCO</string>
  <string id="31043">IN PAUSA</string>
  <string id="31044">AVANZ.VELOCE</string>
  <string id="31045">RIAVVOLGIMENTO</string>
  <string id="31046">Proprietà Audio</string>
  <string id="31047">Impost.Correnti</string>
  <string id="31048">Impost.Visualizzazione</string>
  <string id="31049">Fine a</string>

  <!-- Playlist Editor labels -->
  <string id="31055">Apri playlist</string>
  <string id="31056">Salva playlist</string>
  <string id="31057">Chiudi playlist</string>
  <string id="31058">File musicali di sistema</string>
  <string id="31059">Playlist attuale</string>
  <string id="31060">Il video ha più parti. Seleziona la parte da riprodurre.</string>
  <!-- Skin Settings labels -->
  <string id="31100"></string>
  <string id="31101">Opzioni HomePage</string>
  <string id="31102">Sfondo</string>
  <string id="31103">Mostra "IN PAUSA" in presentazione immagini</string>
  <string id="31104"></string>
  <string id="31105">Mostra il titolo del media nello scanner</string>
  <string id="31106">Opzioni varie</string>
  <string id="31107"></string>
  <string id="31108">Nascondi bottoni nella HomePage</string>
  <string id="31109">Sfondi della HomePage</string>
  <string id="31110">Cambia sfondo della HomePage</string>
  <string id="31111">Nascondi</string>
  <string id="31112">Opzioni</string>
  <string id="31113">Imm.Singola</string>
  <string id="31114">Cartella Imm.</string>
  <string id="31115">Personalizza</string>
  <string id="31116">Addon Scripts</string>
  <string id="31117">Mostra i video aggiunti recentemente</string>
  <string id="31118">Sottomenù della HomePage</string>
  <string id="31119">Abilita Script personalizzato</string>
  <string id="31120">Testo del bottone</string>
  <string id="31121">Percorso allo Script</string>
  <string id="31122">Pagina Meteo</string>
  <string id="31123">Usa i "Poster" invece dei "Banner" per le serie</string>
  <string id="31124">Mostra lo sfondo in "RIPRODUCO" (Video)</string>
  <string id="31125">Mostra lo sfondo in "RIPRODUCO"</string>

  <string id="31126">Abilita le Lyrics</string>
  <string id="31127">Percorso al path dello Script</string>
  <string id="31128">XBMC Lyrics</string>

  <!-- Script labels -->
  <string id="31200">Collegamento</string>
  <string id="31201">Categorie</string>
  <string id="31202">Mostra il cast</string>
  <string id="31203">Scegli la canzone</string>
  <string id="31204">Collegamenti alla sezione</string>
  <string id="31205">Sorgente delle Lyrics</string>

  <!-- The Weather Channel Script labels -->
  <string id="31250">Radar &amp; Forecast</string>
  <string id="31251">Forecast</string>
  <string id="31252">TWC Script</string>

  <!-- Extra labels -->
  <string id="31300">Temperatura attuale</string>
  <string id="31301">Ultimo aggiornamento</string>
  <string id="31302">Menu</string>
  <string id="31303"></string>
  <string id="31304">Immagine</string>
  <string id="31305">Nessun disco rilevato</string>
  <string id="31306">Espelli</string>
  <string id="31307">Nascondi Fanart</string>
  <string id="31308">Dettagli del film</string>
  <string id="31309">Memoria usata:</string>
  <string id="31310">Traccia numero</string>
  <string id="31312">Scraper attuale</string>
  <string id="31313">Seleziona uno Scraper</string>
  <string id="31314">Opzioni per la scansione del contenuto</string>
  <string id="31315">Base</string>
  <string id="31316"></string>
  <string id="31317">Imposta percorso delle Fanart</string>
  <string id="31318">Fanart piccole</string>
  <string id="31319">Seleziona il profilo</string>
  <string id="31320">Ultimo accesso il</string>
  <string id="31321">Karaoke Song Selector</string>
  <string id="31322">Aired</string>
  <string id="31323">Ultimi film</string>
  <string id="31324">Ultimi episodi</string>
  <string id="31325">Opzioni Playlist</string>
  <string id="31326">Creato</string>
  <string id="31327">Risoluzione</string>
  <string id="31328">Aggiunti recentemente</string>
  <string id="31329">[b]TIMER IMPOSTATO![/b] [color=grey2] - IL SISTEMA SI CHIUDERA' TRA[/color]</string>

  <!-- Description Labels  -->
  <string id="31400">[b]CAMBIA L'ASPETTO[/b][CR][CR]Cambia la skin · Imposta la lingua e la regione · Cambia la visualizzazione dei file[CR]Scegli un salvaschermo</string>
  <string id="31401">[b]CONFIGURA LE OPZIONI VIDEO[/b][CR][CR]Gestisci la libreria video · Scegli le impostazioni per la riproduzione · Cambia la modalità di visualizzazione · Scegli i caratteri per i sottotitoli</string>
  <string id="31402">[b]CONFIGURA LE OPZIONI MUSICALI[/b][CR][CR]Gestisci la libreria audio · Scegli le impostazioni per la riproduzione · Cambia la modalità di visualizzazione · Scegli a chi inviare i dati · Imposta le opzioni per il karaoke</string>
  <string id="31403">[b]CONFIGURA LE OPZIONI PER LE IMMAGINI[/b][CR][CR]Scegli come vedere le immagini · Configura la presentazione immagini</string>
  <string id="31404">[b]CONFIGURA IL METEO[/b][CR][CR]Scegli le tre città che vuoi tenere sotto osservazione meteo</string>
  <string id="31405">[b]CONFIGURA LE IMPOSTAZIONI DI RETE[/b][CR][CR]Scegli se controllare XBMC via UPnP e HTTP · Configura la condivisione dei file[CR]Configura le condivisioni di rete</string>
  <string id="31406">[b]CONFIGURA IL SISTEMA[/b][CR][CR]Imposta e calibra il monitor · Scegli il tipo di output audio · Imposta il controllo remoto · Imposta il risparmio energetico · Abilita il file di debug[CR]Configura il master lock</string>
  <string id="31407">[b]CONFIGURA LE IMPOSTAZIONI DELLA SKIN[/b][CR][CR]Configura Influence · Aggiungi o rimuovi elementi nella pagina iniziale[CR]Cambia gli sfondi della skin</string>
  <string id="31420">[b][color=white]XBMC non rileva nessun disco.[/color][/b][CR][CR]Prego inserirne uno e premere [b]RIPROVA[/b] o [b]CANCELLA[/b]</string>
  <string id="31421">Seleziona un profilo utente[CR]per accedere e continuare...</string>
  <!-- Influence Label -->
  <string id="31500">Imposta menu </string>
  <string id="31501">Etichetta</string>
  <string id="31502">Azione</string>
  <string id="31503">Attiva i sotto-menu</string>
  <string id="31504">MENU EXTRA</string>
  <string id="31505">Attiva i menu</string>
  <string id="31506">Attiva i sotto-menu</string>
  <string id="31550">Genere</string>
  <string id="31551">Carica o ricarica il genere</string>
  <string id="31560">Abilita modalità Kiosco(disab.menu a scorrimento)</string>
  <string id="31561">Regista:</string>
  <string id="31562">Tempo:</string>
  <string id="31563">Anno:</string>
  <string id="31564">Scritto da:</string>
  <string id="31565">Voto IMDB:</string>


- yiarkyiark - 2010-04-07

Thank you so much

- yiarkyiark - 2010-04-09

Influence v0.1a6.zip
+ Experimental Carousel and Horizontal menu, i not very proud of it, need some works to have something nice


+ Can change each iconfolder

View genre

It's very simple to customize icon folder, for each icon with DefaultFolder, put an image in the directory Extra/foldericons named with the label text (like action.png for action genre)

+ A OSD button movie seek time (thank you Frost (again :-) )

Have fun

- slyk2203 - 2010-04-10

yiarkyiark Wrote:Influence v0.1a6.zip
+ Experimental Carousel and Horizontal menu, i not very proud of it, need some works to have something nice


+ Can change each iconfolder

View genre

It's very simple to customize icon folder, for each icon with DefaultFolder, put an image in the directory Extra/foldericons named with the label text (like action.png for action genre)

+ A OSD button movie seek time (thank you Frost (again :-) )

Have fun

HI yiarkyiark
well done!
how to move the vertical menu up or down? at the moment looks like aeon... ;-)