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[ATV1] HOW-TO install Sam's image to internal Apple TV harddrive - Printable Version

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- Roders - 2011-03-14

Thought I would report back and say that I got it all working. Sam's latest image is now installed onto the Apple Tv internal drive and it works great so far. Many thanks to sam and anybody who worked on the guides.

Starstream Wrote:For audio over HDMI both audio settings must be set to plughw:0,3 by selecting custom audio output then entering in that.
Thanks for the info Starstream it solved my sound problem.

BDPNA Wrote:Also I have a 160 GB apple TV and when I got to the steps to use all the disk space, I was unable to perform the "sudo rm 3" command because the device was in use. I could not find a way to umount it either (sudo did not even work using SSH).
I also ran into this problem, but then I noticed what waldo22 said earlier in the thread about not editing fstab until after removing the ext3 partition. Worked for me.

- BDPNA - 2011-03-14

Okay, got it working from the install.img. Worked the second time. No idea why it crashed the first. Thanks, Sam and all.

Now a couple questions.

1. The user name is not xbmc/xbmc but atv/atv right? Once I get in, I can't help but notice that the atv user does not have any permissions when I try and upload files via FTP? Is there a way around this? I can use ssh and then do a wget of course but it's a pain.

2. I noticed when I did add a repo to /root/.xbmc/addons the repo showed up, but when I attempted to install the addon, it immediately stopped installing -- Leads me to think some permissions need to be set somewhere somehow?

Thanks for continuing to support the Apple TV 1!

- BDPNA - 2011-03-14

Here's my latest, this is a new one. No crash on a 720p test video mkv but non stop stutters on video/audio.

Custom and plughw:0,3 set on both audios and .asoundrc also set.

19:55:26 T:2959694736 M: 67899392  NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
19:55:28 T:2757733264 M: 67833856  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
19:55:28 T:2757733264 M: 67833856   ERROR: GetDelay - snd_pcm_delay, alsa error: -32 - Broken pipe
19:55:28 T:2791304080 M: 67874816  NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
19:55:30 T:2757733264 M: 67428352  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
19:55:30 T:2757733264 M: 67428352   ERROR: GetDelay - snd_pcm_delay, alsa error: -32 - Broken pipe
19:55:30 T:2959694736 M: 67489792  NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
19:55:31 T:2757733264 M: 67837952   ERROR: GetDelay - snd_pcm_delay, alsa error: -32 - Broken pipe
19:55:31 T:2968087440 M: 67878912  NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
19:55:32 T:2757733264 M: 67313664   ERROR: GetDelay - snd_pcm_delay, alsa error: -32 - Broken pipe
19:55:32 T:2791304080 M: 67354624  NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10

Installer for Linux released - Sam.Nazarko - 2011-03-14

My Linux USB/HDD installer will fully automate this for you, fetch it and run it like so:

wget http://svn.stmlabs.com/svn/crystalhd-for-atv/scripts/install/crystalhd.sh
chmod +x crystalhd.sh
sudo ./crystalhd.sh

Feedback wanted.


- bigjuggler - 2011-03-14

[quote=Sam.Nazarko]My Linux USB/HDD installer will fully automate this for you, fetch it and run it like so:

wget http://svn.stmlabs.com/svn/crystalhd-for-atv/scripts/install/crystalhd.sh
chmod +x crystalhd.sh
sudo ./crystalhd.sh

Sam. Thanks so much. I am very keen to give your installer a go (I am at work now, so I must wait a bit.)

Quick clarification: do I run this code on the ATV over ssh or do I boot Ubuntu on my desktop and then run the code (having attached an external usb drive for formatting)? If using it on the ATV, will the installer offer me the choice of installing on the internal drive or and external usb? Alternately, can I download the installer from your site and run it by itself under Ubuntu?

Thanks again for all you knowledge and effort. I feel that XBMC nirvana may be very close.



- Sam.Nazarko - 2011-03-14

Fire up Ubuntu or Debian, run them commands on the desktop with your USB plugged in et voila.

- Romey-Rome - 2011-03-14

Gaar... It won't boot after running the install script.

I'm trying it by running ubuntu.sh on a 10.10 install with the aTv drive on USB. Just changed my drive device. In theory it should work. I don't see why not. It doesn't look like it's pulling anything off the running image. Unless it needs a special version of parted. 10.10 standard is 2.2. Not sure if supports the GUID deal that 1.8 was patched for.

Can partition alignment errors from parter be ignored?

Also, I think the following line in ubuntu.sh:
hddsize=`parted -s /dev/sda unit GB print | grep "Disk" | tr -d [A-Z][a-z] | tr -d '/: '`

Should be: (quotes around regex)
hddsize=`parted -s /dev/sda unit GB print | grep "Disk" | tr -d '[A-Z][a-z]' | tr -d '/: '`

Arch - fanofanne - 2011-03-14

Is Arch supported - or is it still work in progress (I see references in the crystalhd script)?

- Sam.Nazarko - 2011-03-14

Romey-Rome Wrote:Gaar... It won't boot after running the install script.

I'm trying it by running ubuntu.sh on a 10.10 install with the aTv drive on USB. Just changed my drive device. In theory it should work. I don't see why not. It doesn't look like it's pulling anything off the running image. Unless it needs a special version of parted. 10.10 standard is 2.2. Not sure if supports the GUID deal that 1.8 was patched for.

Can partition alignment errors from parter be ignored?

Also, I think the following line in ubuntu.sh:
hddsize=`parted -s /dev/sda unit GB print | grep "Disk" | tr -d [A-Z][a-z] | tr -d '/: '`

Should be: (quotes around regex)
hddsize=`parted -s /dev/sda unit GB print | grep "Disk" | tr -d '[A-Z][a-z]' | tr -d '/: '`

Use the distro in installer.img.gz if your installing to HDD, i.e. run the script and use that.

fanofanne Wrote:Is Arch supported - or is it still work in progress (I see references in the crystalhd script)?
References are there, but the images are not up yet.

- fanofanne - 2011-03-14

Sam.Nazarko Wrote:Use the distro in installer.img.gz if your installing to HDD, i.e. run the script and use that.

References are there, but the images are not up yet.

Any time soon ? Have a cleaned up atv1 waiting for an install. Trying to decide which route to take. I don't need HDMI audio.

BTW. Thanks for all the excellent work that you have put in. I have been reading and learning for the past week.

- Romey-Rome - 2011-03-14

Sam.Nazarko Wrote:Use the distro in installer.img.gz if your installing to HDD, i.e. run the script and use that.

That was the first thing I tried. It wouldn't boot either. I DDed it to a usb drive, plugged it into aTV, and it failed to boot.

- pmcd - 2011-03-14

Sam.Nazarko Wrote:Fire up Ubuntu or Debian, run them commands on the desktop with your USB plugged in et voila.

Are you suggesting that this will create a bootable USB hard drive which can be used to boot an ATV by plugging that drive into the ATV's USB port, even if you keep your original ATV internal drive?


- Sam.Nazarko - 2011-03-14

fanofanne Wrote:Any time soon ? Have a cleaned up atv1 waiting for an install. Trying to decide which route to take. I don't need HDMI audio.

BTW. Thanks for all the excellent work that you have put in. I have been reading and learning for the past week.

Give Ubuntu a go, you can always change distro if you want. I expect Arch will take me a while to do as I have to fit it around my schedule.

Romey-Rome Wrote:That was the first thing I tried. It wouldn't boot either. I DDed it to a usb drive, plugged it into aTV, and it failed to boot.

Of course it failed. That image has been hex-edited to allow file-system injection via Windows/Linux -- run the script or edit /.distrochoice in partition #3 manually

pmcd Wrote:Are you suggesting that this will create a bootable USB hard drive which can be used to boot an ATV by plugging that drive into the ATV's USB port, even if you keep your original ATV internal drive?


You can either overwrite your HDD (internal) or use a USB, script lets you do either.

Hope these answers clear the air

- pmcd - 2011-03-15

Sam.Nazarko Wrote:You can either overwrite your HDD (internal) or use a USB, script lets you do either.

Hope these answers clear the air

Just to be clear here. By USB this can be either a flash or a hard drive? If it is a hard drive then does one run the usb script for installing ( with the hard drive attached to a Linux computer) or the HD script? Once you then boot the ATV from that hard drive then it won't go about erasing the internal hard drive one hopes!?


Edit: Sorry about the confusion. I read the script and it automates it all. Pretty neat. The script, from Ubuntu, will write either the usb image or the other one to an attached usb device. So it can be a usb device (flash or hard drive) headed for an external enclosure to boot the ATV (this would write usb.img) or a hard drive slated to replaced the internal drive ( and then it writes out installer.img).

Will try this now!

Edit2: Very slick. One suggestion. It might be nice to have the option of selecting the image instead of having to download it automatically. This might be useful if one had already downloaded the image. Of course it makes things a bit more complicated, but the process seems to be pretty simple as is. I ran it from Fusion with Ubuntu 9 and it just seemed to know which drive to deal with.

resizing again... - pmcd - 2011-03-15

Ok, the installer did its thing. It partitioned everything but left unallocated space of 300 gigs or so. I had installed it to a 320gig drive. The unallocated piece is at the end of the partition, so can I just go ahead and initialize that as fat or ext2 or whatever ?

As it is, the hard drive booted the ATV from USB ( while the internal hard drive was left untouched). Much faster than a flash drive, but there is still that unused 300 gig partition.

Is there something that can be done to the unallocated partition or is it supposed to be that way? Seems a waste. Is there a simple way to install the fixed parted on a Ubuntu system? It's all very confusing at this point!

Basically the installer does not resize the 3rd partition. I tried it on a 16gig flash drive and the same thing happened. It seems to think there is nothing to do. That is, it thinks the disk is already at its limit even though before running the resize command it recognizes it isn't. It's the same old story as with the parted problem. Sigh ...
