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[LIVE] HOW-TO install XBMC Live on Acer Aspire Revo - The Complete Guide for Newbies - Printable Version

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Aeon Question - vraniga - 2010-02-01


Thanks for the great guide. I had a quick question about using Aeon skin. I realize that I can't use xbmc live with the aeon skin. xbmc.org suggests I use a nightly build for this skin.

Does this mean I need to install a version of linux and then a nightly build of xbmc? Which version of linux and which nightly build should I use? Is there a distro which has linux and xbmc together?

Thanks in advance.

- sean6293 - 2010-02-02

okay guys i need help.

i have the acer revo like everyone else and i'm trying to get it set up on my toshiba 56" 720p dlp tv. now i have xbmc live installed to my harddrive and it boots up fine, however when playing back video i notice its a bit choppy. so i went to the video settings and changed the resoloution from 1920x1080 to 720p, that fixed the problem, however the image no longer fills my entire tv screen and the video calibration doesn't let me stretch the image to fill the screen.

also, when i was using xbmc in windows i found my shared folders without a hitch, but now that i'm running xbmc live i can't find any of my shared network folders from my windows pc. any ideas?

- Mac Norton - 2010-02-03

I am having an issue with the Aeon skin. I can install it, but when I try to use it I get no wallpapers or text on the menu. Can anyone point me to a fix?

- evomac - 2010-02-03

I just finished my XBMC live install on the Revo. I can't believe I am going to say this, but after following a mix of Lifehacker guide and here, video playback of 1080p streamed content plays perfect! Funny thing is, the only performance issue I have is the menu gets a little sluggish while playing a mkv which will likely go away if I upgrade to 2gb ram.

Now I am looking to clean up the interface and fix a couple loose ends. One thing I am wondering if possible. If I put the system in Standby from the XBMC menu is it possible to "wake it up" with a SFTP connection?

Also a super quick rundown to get it working 100%.

- Download the XBMC Live version hosted right here on the site. Official release, no beta or anything.
- Get Unetbootin and take the Live.iso and copy it to a formatted thumb drive to make it bootable.
- Start up system and press F12. Select your thumb drive to boot from.
- Select install to hdd.
- Choose guided - use entire disc.
- Let install finish.
- Boot into XBMC
- Set video to render to VDPAU
- Set audio device to digital and hdmi
- Browse to your shares, mark them properly for content.
- Enjoy 1080p playback on a $200 device Smile

- schneidz - 2010-02-03

^ why cant you beleive you would say that video would play well ?

did you assume that xbmc was too buggy or someting ?

since the ssh server is asleep and not listening for connections, you wont be able to ping the server until the whole system is up.wake from usb works well (it is described in this thread).
i havent tried wake on lan.

- darknessgp - 2010-02-03

evomac Wrote:I just finished my XBMC live install on the Revo. I can't believe I am going to say this, but after following a mix of Lifehacker guide and here, video playback of 1080p streamed content plays perfect! Funny thing is, the only performance issue I have is the menu gets a little sluggish while playing a mkv which will likely go away if I upgrade to 2gb ram.

Now I am looking to clean up the interface and fix a couple loose ends. One thing I am wondering if possible. If I put the system in Standby from the XBMC menu is it possible to "wake it up" with a SFTP connection?

Also a super quick rundown to get it working 100%.

- Download the XBMC Live version hosted right here on the site. Official release, no beta or anything.
- Get Unetbootin and take the Live.iso and copy it to a formatted thumb drive to make it bootable.
- Start up system and press F12. Select your thumb drive to boot from.
- Select install to hdd.
- Choose guided - use entire disc.
- Let install finish.
- Boot into XBMC
- Set video to render to VDPAU
- Set audio device to digital and hdmi
- Browse to your shares, mark them properly for content.
- Enjoy 1080p playback on a $200 device Smile

I used this guide - http://www.interworks.com/blogs/rboyles/2010/01/31/hd-playback-xbmc-acer-aspire-revo

Basically yours with a bit more step-by-step instructions. and yes, works great.

Complete Guide for Ubuntu 9.11 + XBMC + Acer REVO - peter10000 - 2010-02-06

after a lot of sleepless nights, reading confusing articles in the web and also in this forum...
...testing aprox. 30 installations...
...reading a lot of waste about nvidia drivers, about sound problems with videos, etc...
...here is the HOW-TO...

I think itś worth a new thread, but I dontś have the rights to post - can somebody do that please to give the other guys also a chance with Ubuntu 9.10 and XBMC!?!

Installating XBMC with Ubuntu 9.10, actual NVIDIA-Drivers, HDMI-sound

Install Ubuntu 9.10

Add Nvidia repository:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nvidia-vdpau/ppa
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys CEC06767

Add XBMC repository:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc
sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 0x6d975c4791e7ee5e

Start and update Synaptic
Install Pulseaudio and appendencies
Install xfce4-mixer and appendencies

Restart System

Start Synaptic:
Install nvidia-glx-195 nvidia-195-modaliases nvidia-195-kernel-source

Restart System

Create Nvidia xconfig:
sudo nvidia-xconfig

Restart System

Start Synaptic:
Install xbmc and appendencies

Start and configure XBMC:
Video Settings => Set Render to - VDPAU
Audio Settings => Audio output (digital) - Digital
Audio Settings => Audio output device - hdmi
Audio Settings => Passthrough output device - hdmi
Audio Settings => Downmix multichannel audio to stereo - ON

Restart XBMC-Software


Sound working perfect, HD, BlueRay... all perfect!

- jelvis - 2010-02-06

I have been trying to get my Revo 3610 to output audio through the SPDIF for a couple of evenings now to no avail.

Can anyone confirm that SPDIF audio works on XBMC Live? I am running Ubuntu 9.11 (Netbook Remix) right now and I have been able to get HDMI audio and Analog audio to work but unfortunately not SPDIF. And I need SPDIF as my 5.1 receiver can't handle HDMI.

So I would like a confirmation before throwing Ubuntu out and going for the Live distro.

- angedelamort - 2010-02-07

I don't know if it's the right thread to ask this question, but since I've got a revo r3610, I'll try here.

I've installed everything and it seems to work fine (audio and video). I did a reboot and I lost the audio. I use HDMI sound. I've tried to change various sound settings but now the last one I've got is this one:

Audio Output: Digital
AC3: on
DTS: on
Audio Output Device: plughw:0,3
Passthrough Output Device: plughw:0,3
Downmix multichannel audio to stereo: off

For me this config totally makes sense and should work. My Acer Revo is plugged in a Yamaha receiver and the TV is a Toshiba. I've tried many different approaches and it seems that none has worked so far. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm using XBMC Live version 9.11 repack.

Thanks in advance.

- angedelamort - 2010-02-07

It's weird. I had another problem: the video wasn't in 1080p 60hz (it was in 1080i 50hz). After many hours I was able to fix it and it seems that it fixed the audio problem at the same time (keeping the same options I've got in my previous post). So, I suppose that there is a close link between the sound and the video when using HDMI? I'm not too sure to understand why the resolution affect the sound thought...

Error: Can't mount cd-rom drive during install... - schoony99 - 2010-02-08

axium Wrote:Thanks, but that's what I've done so far. Plus the additional line "cdrom-detect/try-usb=true" at the end, but it keeps asking me to mount a cd-rom drive after I select the install xbmc to hard drive option.

I am also trying to install from a usb thumb drive. I followed the steps on this post, and I can boot to the installer screen, choose 'Install to Hard Drive', and select my language, but then it detects hardware and comes up with an error saying it can't mount my cd-rom drive. I have searched everywhere and can't seem to find how to get around this. Can someone please help?


- angedelamort - 2010-02-09

schoony99, do you have the latest version of XBMC Live? Because I've reinstalled it today again and it works fine. No cd-rom error. I remember that it was the case with the first release of 9.11 or some previous versions, but now it works flawlessly.

- beerglass - 2010-02-10

Really silly question but where do I SFTP my movie files too ?

I have attached to my newly built Revo with XBMC Live but unsure of what dir to send the video files too?

Many Thanks

- TheSiege - 2010-03-22

Ok so I am having a problem still, AC3 plays at full level with no control from the revo
DTS is muted and PCM plays just fine. I have my revo going to my TV to my receiver

hdmi to the TV optical to the reciever. any ideas?

Easy-Install for everybody? - RevoCenter - 2010-03-22

Hi Everybody!

I finally received my Revo and did lots of reading in several threads here. Thanks for all the good advice you people gathered.

I have been a windows-only user for over a decade now. The install guides appear to leave a lot of questions open for noobs and normal users and I came up with an idea that might help everybody.

The idea:
At least all the people in this thread have the same or almost the same hardware (which is a huge difference from situations where people try installations on various "normal" desktops).

To me, this means that if Forum-Guru "A" is able to do a complete fresh, working install on his Revo 3610, the same setup must work on Linux-Noob "B"'s Revo 3610.

Instead of going through 70 pages of how-to's and spending weekends trying to get Audio over HDMI to work, user "B" could do something way more simple and faster:

Wouldn't it work if User "A" (who has installed to a SD-Card) takes his working installation, copies all the data from the SD-Card to a rar-archive and uploads that to RS.com/megaupload/ftp/torrent. User "B" can download the file (should be between 200-600MB?) and extracts the content to his SD-Card.

Then, all he needs to do is put it in his Revo, turn it on, hit F12 and boot from SD (or change this in BIOS).

It appears to be such a simple concept, but I haven't found anything about it here. Wouldn't this work?

Anybody willing to upload his install? I don't see any legal issues since the installs should only contain free-/shareware...

Thanks for your replies!