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Movie Info Plus - Manage Icons, Posters, FanArt, .NFO's & more for Movies & TV Shows - Printable Version

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- parena - 2009-01-25

Quick note about the wine version: I was saying that the characters seem to be shown slowly in the download dialog. Well, it's now a while later and it was still running, characters now showing up every 1 to 2 seconds. Slowed to a crawl, I'd say. It had 534 things to download in total. This was with tv shows, by the way.

- digitalhigh - 2009-01-25

hal2100 Wrote:Hello,

first of all, I tried this app and it is really great.
There are still some issues with speed, but this may be my local network. I access my Linux server over Samba and use MIP to generate all the info.

I noticed that MIP creates the
<episodeguideurl />
tag, but it doesn't fill in the url. Is this planned for the future? Because there are some troubles with new episodes if there is no corresponding nfo.

Is it possible that your scraper has problems with Episodes which have numbers in the title?
Lexx-S04xE13-769 doesn't get recognized even when I modify the custom regex to match. All other Episodes (with same name pattern but without 769) are recognized.

-------------- Done episode processing of single item, movie to next or end --------------
parser for : Y:\1_Filme\TV shows2\Lexx\Season 4\Lexx-S04xE13-769.avi : Result was : Lexx-S04xE13-769.avi
Regex1 season resulted in :13
check to see if it's a multipart episode
Regex1 episode resulted in :13:769
-------------- Regex Completed --------------
Multipart Episode Found
get espisode data
error pulling episode from array theshows
get espisode data
error pulling episode from array theshows
Writing .nfo file: Y:\1_Filme\TV shows2\Lexx\Season 4\Lexx-S04xE13-769.nfo
-------------- Done episode processing of single item, movie to next or end --------------

I know it's not the solution you're looking for, but may I humbly suggest this program:


It looks like it will work perfectly for your shows...all it needs is the season/epnumber and show name in the filename, and it will look everything up, match them to IMDB, then rename them accordingly.

Personally, I found it to be much easier than worrying about the way one particular show was formatted. I have over 3,800 episodes total, and I have renamed every single one of them using this program.

Regexes are nice, but I find it's much nicer to just name everything properly...

- hal2100 - 2009-01-25

digitalhigh Wrote:I know it's not the solution you're looking for, but may I humbly suggest this program:


It looks like it will work perfectly for your shows...all it needs is the season/epnumber and show name in the filename, and it will look everything up, match them to IMDB, then rename them accordingly.

Personally, I found it to be much easier than worrying about the way one particular show was formatted. I have over 3,800 episodes total, and I have renamed every single one of them using this program.

Regexes are nice, but I find it's much nicer to just name everything properly...

The problem here that the name _is_ correct, if you accept Name of the show - Season+Episode - Name of the episode.
769 is the name of the episode.
edit: The problem is within the build in regex expression, not my custom.

Possible Bug
Version: rev. 2437
Sometimes there is an error, but the Errorbox doesn't get the focus, because the wget process seems to do something. If you kill the wget process the error dialog comes up. Maybe more a timeout issue than a focus issue.

- digitalhigh - 2009-01-25

hal2100 Wrote:The problem here that the name _is_ correct, if you accept Name of the show - Season+Episode - Name of the episode.
769 is the name of the episode.
edit: The problem is within the build in regex expression, not my custom.

Possible Bug
Version: rev. 2437
Sometimes there is an error, but the Errorbox doesn't get the focus, because the wget process seems to do something. If you kill the wget process the error dialog comes up. Maybe more a timeout issue than a focus issue.

Ahaha. I get it. What happens if you change the separator between episode and episodename?

- hal2100 - 2009-01-25

digitalhigh Wrote:Ahaha. I get it. What happens if you change the separator between episode and episodename?

Exchanged - with _ --> Lexx-S04xE13_769

Still doesn't recognize the correct season/episode numer.

- digitalhigh - 2009-01-25

Naming the file Lexx.S04E03.769 works with no problems. This is the renaming format that TheRenamer uses. I also tried renaming the format you had with TheRenamer, and the program recognizes it.

However, I too have the problem with the status window not grabbing focus...

- hal2100 - 2009-01-25

digitalhigh Wrote:Naming the file Lexx.S04E03.769 works with no problems. This is the renaming format that TheRenamer uses. I also tried renaming the format you had with TheRenamer, and the program recognizes it.

However, I too have the problem with the status window not grabbing focus...

The problem is not theRenamer, never tried the program, but the builtin regex which is used in MIP. I tried your suggested filename, MIP ignored the file.

- digitalhigh - 2009-01-25

hal2100 Wrote:The problem is not theRenamer, never tried the program, but the builtin regex which is used in MIP. I tried your suggested filename, MIP ignored the file.
odd. i just ran that filename and it worked w no regex.

- hal2100 - 2009-01-25

digitalhigh Wrote:odd. i just ran that filename and it worked w no regex.

You are correct, it works with your filename. First time i tried it I kept the "x" between season and episode.

- fekker - 2009-01-26

antalm Wrote:1/ Autopilot function deletes my own existing folder.jpg when no poster is found.
That's a bug, i'll look into it

Quote:2/ I have some issues with movie.tbn:
- Selecting a movie creates movie.nfo, folder.jpg, fanart.jpg, but never movie.tbn. To create this file, I have to manually select a poster.
- Same for the auto pilot function
- Adding manually my own folder.jpg does not movie.tbn
I'll look into that, should be auto-matically created with the option set.

Can you send me a copy of your config.xml file (or put it up on pastebin).. this will be located in the install directory

Quote:I noticed that MIP creates the
<episodeguideurl />
tag, but it doesn't fill in the url. Is this planned for the future? Because there are some troubles with new episodes if there is no corresponding nfo.
Missed that, I'll add it in.

Quote:Episodes with additional numbers in the name
Episodes with additional numbers in the name mess up the default regex and cause it to think it's a multipart episode, this happens in both MIP and in XBMC. I'll try some different options on the regex, any changes to the regex will be required for the regex (via advanced options in xbmc) .. I'll see what I can do with that.. renaming the episode name to not include any additional numbers works. ... ie. ShowName.s02e15_seven_sixty_nine.avi or using the . (dot) seperator as that's not part of the regex that detects a multipart episode.

Quote:Possible Bug
Version: rev. 2437
Sometimes there is an error, but the Errorbox doesn't get the focus, because the wget process seems to do something. If you kill the wget process the error dialog comes up. Maybe more a timeout issue than a focus issue.
Can you send the details of that error so I can adjust the message to come to the front of the screen on error (if it's a valid error) or hide those details (if it's a part of debug messages I put it)

For any dialogs that are up and hidden behind another, please post what that dialog says in it so I can track it down.


I tested the wine build versus the windows build last night (under wine) .. the windows version works much better, the wine specific one slows down and continues to get slower as things progress.

There also seems to be an issue with icons and box shots counter not being reset between shows, i'll have to isolate that and fix it.

For combining the posters into one tab, this is possible, I do have an issue with any changes to posters break them under wine, makes no sense, but happens every time (something in wine).. I'll see what can be done with a branch after I get the above issues sorted out.

I'm hoping the next wine version will support some more of the items that I'm using, so instead of an error it will process it normal and speed things up.

- dbone1026 - 2009-01-26

Don't know if this was mentioned, for rev 2437 (with Windows patch), if you select to add your own folder.jpg, when you select it clears out all the fanart, posters, etc for that movie.

- fekker - 2009-01-26

dbone1026 Wrote:Don't know if this was mentioned, for rev 2437 (with Windows patch), if you select to add your own folder.jpg, when you select it clears out all the fanart, posters, etc for that movie.

Ok, I see what you mean now.. it's not removing content in the movie data, just what you can select in the gui.. i'll fix that

- fekker - 2009-01-26

Changes coming
Autopilot will now attempt to get any image in that folder as a valid movie image, just like clicking on a movie does. If overwrite is not set, it should not overwrite the image.
Note: for this to work, Automatically Set folder.jpg .. Automatically Set movie.tbn.. and .. Automatically Set <moviename>.tbn .. need to be enabled in the settings.

Autocreation still checks the other settings to see if these are the images that you wanted.

In other words, Automatically Set does not create, it just set's it up. Create folder.jpg would create it.

The names are hard to understand, i'll try to come up with better terms.. in short, leave the Automatically Set XXXXX on, uncheck the "Create XXXXX" to stop them from being generated.

I've fixed the episode guide URL based on what I found on xbmc's wiki, including the xbmc api code as that would be where that data is used.

I'm looking into the other reported items as well, after those are sorted, I'll post the patch and a note in this thread.

Manual Patch Posted
rev 2439 - for all versions, wine and windows.. fixed missing episode guide url in tvshow.nfo file .. fixed movie.tbn was not being created, fixed manual addition of movie image was not being added correctly, fixed autopilot not creating movie.tbn file.. changed autopilot to use the same image process as standard movie processing, it'll look in the folder for any image and use that if it exists, this should fix the item being deleted when it should not have been. fixed poster and fanart selection vanishing from available options when manually adding movie image

In addition
I've renamed 3 options in settings
Automatically Set folder.jpg .. Automatically Set movie.tbn.. and .. Automatically Set <moviename>.tbn
Now are
Automatically Scan for folder.jpg .. Automatically Scan for movie.tbn.. and .. Automatically Scan for <moviename>.tbn
Leave these options on, to disable creation of a specific type, turn off that type.. i.e. to disable creation of folder.jpg, uncheck create folder.jpg.. etc.

Additional Data required for the following errors
dialog pops up behind an active dialog

What's on the table to be fixed next
Adding VIDEO_TS support next as it currently misses the .nfo file when being scanned into xbmc
still looking into regex for tv show multi-episode detection error

Feature requests that are pending haven't been forgotten, just hammering out bug fixes first.. Please ensure those are up on sourceforge so i don't foget them.

Rev 2439 Feedback - JiveTalker - 2009-01-26

fekker Wrote:Manual Patch Posted
rev 2439 - for all versions, wine and windows.. f

I've installed the patch but have some problems with it in Windows:

1. When trying to "Load TV Shows| the following error occurs:
System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'dlgDownloadingFile'.

This happens regardless of whether fanart and posters are selected for download so I can't use tv shows at all.

2. The splash screen has now shrunk to postage stamp size.

3. Color scheme has never saved the selected setting.

4. When clicking on "Movies with Problems" the movie title has (what looks to be) the Movie Folder check items displayed beside it.

The last 3 are fairly trivial but possibly easily fixed?


- dbone1026 - 2009-01-26

Just thought I would mention, I had posted earlier that I was having issues with XBMC picking up the nfo, thumbs, etc being generated by MIP. It turns out the cause was the build of XBMC I was using (I was using the original build posted on xbmc.org). I just downloaded and installed the latest Jester build and all is working now.

One question though, how can you ensure that XBMC is using the info being generated by MIP and not through its own internal scraper? I noticed on a few movies XBMC was displaying different thumbs than what I had generated with MIP.