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OS X Problem with SMB protocol after updating to Mac OS Maverick - Printable Version

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RE: Problem with SMB protocol after updating to Mac OS Maverick - stiwi - 2013-11-15

(2013-11-15, 15:33)wgstarks Wrote: The only other option I know would be SMBUp. It has been reported to solve problems with SMB connections. You could also try using NAS as an alternative. I haven't seen any reports of issues with that.

But don't you think that the problem is with XBMC itself? I can view the folders / files through Windows Explorer…

RE: Problem with SMB protocol after updating to Mac OS Maverick - knaapjen - 2013-11-15

I tried everything,... nothing works. Smbup won't install. Any ideas?

RE: Problem with SMB protocol after updating to Mac OS Maverick - stiwi - 2013-11-15

(2013-11-15, 19:08)knaapjen Wrote: I tried everything,... nothing works. Smbup won't install. Any ideas?

So what problem do you have? More details?

RE: Problem with SMB protocol after updating to Mac OS Maverick - wgstarks - 2013-11-15

(2013-11-15, 15:35)stiwi Wrote: But don't you think that the problem is with XBMC itself? I can view the folders / files through Windows Explorer…
I think the problem is that Frodo is not compatible with mavericks and some people update blindly without checking for compatibility issues and waiting for updates to solve any issues that may exist. Just my opinion. I have little doubt that most people could resolve these issues by reverting back to whatever os they were using before they updated.

RE: Problem with SMB protocol after updating to Mac OS Maverick - stiwi - 2013-11-15

(2013-11-15, 19:59)wgstarks Wrote:
(2013-11-15, 15:35)stiwi Wrote: But don't you think that the problem is with XBMC itself? I can view the folders / files through Windows Explorer…
I think the problem is that Frodo is not compatible with mavericks and some people update blindly without checking for compatibility issues and waiting for updates to solve any issues that may exist. Just my opinion. I have little doubt that most people could resolve these issues by reverting back to whatever os they were using before they updated.

I don't update blindly, thats why I updated MBP and left Mac Pro untouched. I would still prefer to get some helpful answers, how sure you are that installing Gotham will help with this issue? I checked Gotham few days ago before I installed 10.9 and there are stability issues on Win 8.1.

RE: Problem with SMB protocol after updating to Mac OS Maverick - wgstarks - 2013-11-15

I personally consider Gotham to be beta currently and wouldn't recommend it unless you enjoy testing and trouble shooting new software. I don't mean to come across sounding like an ass, but I believe the best solution for most people would be to revert to the last stable os's and wait for updates.

RE: Problem with SMB protocol after updating to Mac OS Maverick - stiwi - 2013-11-15

(2013-10-27, 14:44)Kokonutcreme Wrote: Many thanks to all who advised about installing SMBUp.

I upgraded from Snow Leopard to Mavericks over the weekend, running Frodo 12.2 on a Win7 machine streaming from external drives connected to my iMac.

I was eventually able to restore my network connections between Windows and OS X but discovered after adding a couple of new movies to my collection that they weren't being scraped, I could browse to the directories via Windows Explorer and see the files so it wasn't because of the network connection.

After investigating possible causes I noticed a peculiar behaviour in XBMC where I could browse to the drive where I added the movies but there were 0 items in the specific directory. Initially I thought maybe it didn't like spaces between the names of the folders containing the movie files and after an hour of troubleshooting I realised that XBMC connecting to SMB shares hosted on Mavericks couldn't see any more than around 50 titles in a single folder.

As the enormity of this dawned upon me due to the size of my library I was faced with the prospect of either reinstalling Snow Leopard, reorganising my entire collection and rescraping or searching the forums for a possible solution.

I'm so glad I decided upon the latter. Installed SMBUp and samba shares are working perfectly again (in truth better than they were before) and I won't lose hours out of my day with downgrading the OS or rescraping my entire library.

Looks like I found a solution…
- Stop sharing the folder (e.g. Movies)
- Create a new folder (e.g. Test)
- Move all content from the previous folder (e.g. Movies) to the new one (e.g. Test)
- Delete the old folder (e.g. Movies)
- Rename the new one to the old one's name (e.g. rename Test with Movies).
- Re-enable sharing for that folder

It seems Mavericks upgrades overrides some permissions on shared folders. There is perhaps a shortcut if we knew what has changed behind the scene and maybe a simple chmod 777 command would help?

RE: Problem with SMB protocol after updating to Mac OS Maverick - stiwi - 2013-11-16

UPDATE: XBMC Frodo 12.2 on Win 8.1 works well connecting to shared folders on Mavericks 10.9. In fact it works better than before, as there is no need to do any workarounds, such as SMB restart on Mac reboot which was the case for ML 10.8.5.

It jus works... Well, almost.

During the upgrade from OS X 10.8.5 to 10.9, permissions are changed. This is the reason that somehow XBMC cannot see content of the folders if there are more than 50 subfolders, which was mentioned by @Kokonutcreme.

In my case I have XBMC 12.2 on Win 8.1 connecting to Mac Pro shares and there are 2 solutions that are known to me to fix this issue:

Solution 1:
"Ignore ownership on this volume". I have internal disks on Mac Pro that stores media, so this is the simplest way. You have to right-click on the disk, choose "get info", unlock the padlock at the bottom right corner, check "Ignore ownership on this volume", open the settings menu next to the padlock and choose "apply to enclosed items...".

Solution 2:
In OS X sharing settings, share direct path instead of volume. For example, if you have volume called "media" where you have "movies", "serials", "documents" etc. Previously you shared "media" and XBMC could easily see / access subfolders content which is now unable to do so. A workaround is to share specific folder, e.g. Media/Movies and XBMC will be able to see the content.

Both solutions worked for me. I am sure there has to be simpler way around, as it seems that only permission settings are messed up. I am sure that someone tech savvy can come up with one single line to be applied from terminal, such as chmod 777 and all will be back to normal.

EDIT: Just to clarify, I have NOT applied "smb_neg=smb1_only" solution mentioned here, so my guess is that everything works fine with SMB2.

RE: Problem with SMB protocol after updating to Mac OS Maverick - Ned Scott - 2013-11-16

XBMC on Windows is different than other platforms, because it taps into the native Windows SMB client. Still, thanks for the good info, especially on the permissions change.

RE: Problem with SMB protocol after updating to Mac OS Maverick - stiwi - 2013-11-17

I spoke too soon. I am able to see the folders in XBMC but not all... This is getting crazy.
I have tried XBMC Gotham 9 Alpha on Win 8.1 - same, it won't see all folders on OS X 10.9 SMB share.
I tried SMBUP but it is mega slow and buffers on my gigabit wired network, no way to stream 30-40GB blurays.


RE: Problem with SMB protocol after updating to Mac OS Maverick - stiwi - 2013-11-17

Ok, problem solved! Ditch SMB, use NFS:

Things to note if you decide to follow the guide above:
- I used Textwrangler to edit com.apple.nfsd.plist , but if it doesn't work for you, make sure to download it from the website and NOT from Mac App Store as it won't allow you to do this.
- make sure to run the following in OS X terminal (separate lines) - it will stop (1st command) and relaunch NFS (2nd command):
sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.nfsd.plist && \
sudo launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.nfsd.plist

- in XBMC add NFS manually: add network location / choose NFS and type IP of the share location.

Works like a charm for XBMC Win 8.1 accessing NFS shares from OSX 10.9.

RE: Problem with SMB protocol after updating to Mac OS Maverick - wgstarks - 2013-11-17

(2013-11-17, 14:39)stiwi Wrote: Ok, problem solved! Ditch SMB, use NFS:

Things to note if you decide to follow the guide above:
- I used Textwrangler to edit com.apple.nfsd.plist , but if it doesn't work for you, make sure to download it from the website and NOT from Mac App Store as it won't allow you to do this.
- make sure to run the following in OS X terminal (separate lines) - it will stop (1st command) and relaunch NFS (2nd command):
sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.nfsd.plist && \
sudo launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.nfsd.plist

- in XBMC add NFS manually: add network location / choose NFS and type IP of the share location.

Works like a charm for XBMC Win 8.1 accessing NFS shares from OSX 10.9.

You may want to check out NFS Manager as well. It appears there are also some problems using NFS with Mavericks. They are detailed there.

RE: Problem with SMB protocol after updating to Mac OS Maverick - stiwi - 2013-11-17

(2013-11-17, 15:37)wgstarks Wrote: You may want to check out NFS Manager as well. It appears there are also some problems using NFS with Mavericks. They are detailed there.

I have used NFS Manager for the easier NFS setup. I may be wrong, but the issues described on NFS Manager website are related to acting as a Client and not as a Server. In the latter case I can say everything works great.

RE: Problem with SMB protocol after updating to Mac OS Maverick - VonMagnum - 2013-11-18

There's a simple solution to this problem (actually there's more than one). I was using SMBUp to install Samba3 and that works fine for the most part, although XBMC does tend to time-out a lot before my media drive can wake from sleep, but clicking on the file again then works. This has the down-side of replacing the more efficient (as far as I know anyway) SMB2 that Apple has licensed from Microsoft. Sadly, XBMC (Eden, at least, that I have on my Gen1 AppleTVs still due to not wanting to boot off memory sticks or lose my Apple GUI) does not like Apple's SMB2 at all so if you want SMB in XBMC you have to choose. And as mentioned, AFP support in XBMC is buggy as hell and will lock your player system up sooner or later in my experience.

A BETTER solution is to switch to NFS on the OSX server machine. Not only does it perform better than Samba3 (e.g. I NEVER get a time-out error while my hard drive wakes up anymore), but I am then free to go back to using SMB2 to talk to other newer Macs and Windows machines. Unfortunately, NFS doesn't have a graphical interface to set it up in OSX and sadly also NFS Manager (3rd party app) also failed to get it working (I think I have since read I had to disable some privileged port option, but even the website says it has issues with Mavericks NFS, plus it whines about DNS servers which is off-putting since following their instructions for adding my router to the DNS list did nothing to eliminate the error.

In any case, it turns out NFS is actually very easy to set up manually.

EDIT: I did post 3 easy steps to make it work as quickly and as simple as possible, but I've been informed by an XBMC developer that he wants people pointed to the Wiki instead. I suggest you read it carefully: http://wiki.xbmc.org/?title=NFS#NFS_sharing_from_OS_X

RE: Problem with SMB protocol after updating to Mac OS Maverick - stiwi - 2013-11-18

Yes, NFS is the way to go. I tried SMBUP but it is painfully slow, forget about streaming of 30-40GB blurays.