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How to use the Wii Remote with xbmc - Printable Version

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- luggio - 2009-12-13

roberto99 Wrote:Hi all

I am new to xbmc. I installed the last stable version successfully to ubuntu 9.04 and now I am trying to get the wiimote to work. Apparently I have a problem which nobody else has had so far: when I type "xbmc-wiiremote" then press 1+2 on the wiimote and then hit enter in the terminal I read: "xbmc-wiiremote: command not found"

Do you have any idea what that problem is?

Thanks in advance

roberto have you installed xbmc-eventclients-wiiremote?

- roberto99 - 2009-12-13

luggio Wrote:roberto have you installed xbmc-eventclients-wiiremote?

...now I have and it works :-) thanks, happy to explore this project


- renzan - 2010-01-16

I would like to map the A/B buttons on the WiiMote to emulate clicking left/right mouse buttons. Is it possible to modify the button mappings to achieve this? I've been looking through the source for the WiiRemote app and the EventClient source, but I can't figure out how, if even possible, to send left/right/middle mouse clicks.

- dteirney - 2010-01-17

renzan Wrote:I would like to map the A/B buttons on the WiiMote to emulate clicking left/right mouse buttons. Is it possible to modify the button mappings to achieve this? I've been looking through the source for the WiiRemote app and the EventClient source, but I can't figure out how, if even possible, to send left/right/middle mouse clicks.

Pretty sure this isn't possible. Remotes can just trigger different things happening based on the key code.

Why do you want to emulate mouse clicks? What are you trying to do?

- renzan - 2010-01-17

dteirney Wrote:Pretty sure this isn't possible. Remotes can just trigger different things happening based on the key code.

Why do you want to emulate mouse clicks? What are you trying to do?

Its just that the mouse emulation is kind of useless when no buttons map to mouse buttons. Sure, most things are possible, although a bit awkward, but scrolling in lists for instance is neigh impossible.

- dteirney - 2010-01-20

renzan Wrote:Its just that the mouse emulation is kind of useless when no buttons map to mouse buttons. Sure, most things are possible, although a bit awkward, but scrolling in lists for instance is neigh impossible.

I don't think I know what you mean by mouse emulation.

FWIW I've mapped the + and - buttons on the WiiRemote to PageUp and PageDown to make moving through lists a bit faster.

- renzan - 2010-01-21

dteirney Wrote:I don't think I know what you mean by mouse emulation.

FWIW I've mapped the + and - buttons on the WiiRemote to PageUp and PageDown to make moving through lists a bit faster.

Heh, that whole pointing the wiimote at the screen (well, sensor bar, or whatever ir-diodes you've soldered together...) and having the mouse cursor follow it Smile

To be honest, I'm not entirely sure that being able to send mouseclicks would make any difference since the selection follows the cursor pretty well. Its only when you try to combine the two that things get weird. Such as trying to use the buttons to scroll through a long list, whenever I hit a button the selection moves, and then it snaps right back under the cursor.

That PageUp/PageDown mapping was a good tip. I'll try that.

- Nollog - 2010-03-20

Ikarus Wrote:I tried it many times and it's very consistent. I start a program with the Wii remote, disconnect it and the program will stop on its own a few minutes later. If I keep the remote connected, it never does that. I'll see if I can post a debug log later today.

I'm having the same issue, have you resolved it?

I have crashlogs if any developer wants to have them.

Further testing shows it only happens when streaming a video over my wireless network.
Videos play for 40 seconds after shutting off the wiimote.

- olafvs - 2010-05-05

I like the idea of this very much. Using a WiiRemote for navigating xbmc is more convenient in my opinion than using a mouse, keyboard or remote.

So a couple of days ago I connected my WiiRemote. I got it setup now, but I encountered one problem. When I use the WiiRemote as a mouse it works fine until I point at the very side of my screen. I then lose my mouse pointer. I can still use it as a mouse, I see things highlight when I (try to) point the WiRemote, but I don't see the mouse pointer.

Is there someone with the same problem? Or does someone know how I can solve this? Your help is appreciated.

- dteirney - 2010-05-17

@olafvs, I don't know anyone that is using the WiiRemote as a mouse pointer. To me that sounds way more cumbersome than just using the buttons on the remote.

To anyone else that was having a problem with "connect() output sock: Invalid argument" a patch was committed in revision 30251 that should rectify that.

xbmc-wiiremote bug in ubuntu - nickkkk7 - 2010-05-28

Sometimes my internet connection stopped to work. i realized it works if i kill xbmc-wiiremote (i had it in my autostart list).
Does anybody having this bug? How could i debug it?
Thanks, Nicola

- dteirney - 2010-05-29

It's very unlikely that the xbmc-wiiremote process will affect your network. I have seen the process start to gobble up 100% CPU before though. Perhaps use "top" to see if that's the problem.

WiiMote CWIID - karagul - 2011-01-10

I'm using cwiid to have my wiimote perform as mouse on xfce4 and works like a charm.
Although if I use it in xbmc in fullscreen mode the mouse get almost stuck at the borders of my screen (weird!). Doesn't happen in xbmc windowed mode.

Has anyone else experienced this issue?

Alternatively, do you have any good cwiid configuration to suggest for using the wiimote only for buttons in xbmc?

Thank you

- crutzi - 2012-01-08

I know it's an old post, but i just stumbled upon the same problem. The issue with the Wiimote in XBMC fullscreen can be resolved by setting an environment value before starting XBMC:

Simply put it into your /etc/environment, then it works for other apps using sdl, too.

I've also written an article about that issue, maybe it's helpful to some libSDL devs:

- onesojourner - 2012-01-21

running 11.10 and synaptic will not let me install the wii xbmc event client when xbmc is installed. any ideas?