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iXBMC - new unofficial iOS Remote Control for XBMC (iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad) - Printable Version

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- beebit - 2010-10-26

muggsy Wrote:However, the library is not working. The Files mode works fine. My library is using a MYSQL backend... is this likely to be supported in the future?

* opps it is.. *

however I get a few duplicate entries under TV Shows which are not present under the standard web interface..

Hi Muggsy, could you make an example? So I can verify and correct the bug...

- beebit - 2010-10-26

Dullie Wrote:Just bought your app..

Unfortunately it crashes everytime I open it..

My settings are

Name: HT
username: xbmc

It crashes.. never opens at all.. Even after a restart of my iPhone. However, it works perfectly with my iPad. Of course the graphics are all messed up after the 2X..

iPhone4 Version 4.1

Hi Dullie,
Do you have installed 0.9 or 0.91 version of iXBMC?
Try to remove and re-install application, and if your password is null, you can use this settings:

Name: HT

There was a bug for IOS4.1 in 0.9 version, but not in 0.91....

- muggsy - 2010-10-27

beebit Wrote:Hi Muggsy, could you make an example? So I can verify and correct the bug...

Under the standard web interface I see 1 entry for American Dad!, yet under the iXBMC I get 4 entries....

The only thing I can think of that would be causing the problem, is that I have 2 paths for American Dad in the source... One for the HD episodes and one for the SD...

But as stated, it does not seem to have this fault with teh web interface...

Used it a lot more last night.. and I quite like the app.. very useful

- Dullie - 2010-10-27

beebit Wrote:Hi Dullie,
Do you have installed 0.9 or 0.91 version of iXBMC?
Try to remove and re-install application, and if your password is null, you can use this settings:

Name: HT

There was a bug for IOS4.1 in 0.9 version, but not in 0.91....

Working fine now Big Grin

Now you need a bit of polish to the graphics.. Cause honestly it looks like an app from the 90's Wink and I guess you are Italian and I cannot believe thats the best you could do..


- beebit - 2010-10-27

Hi Muggsy,
thanks for this information, I check for it and fix in next release.

Hi Dullie,
90's were beautiful Smile... sure, the graphics is not best, but for a remote control...works fine.
Then perhaps with time, we do a restyling..Wink
thanks to you
Do you have test baby night with iPhone4? Works fine?

- Dullie - 2010-10-28

beebit Wrote:Hi Muggsy,
thanks for this information, I check for it and fix in next release.

Hi Dullie,
90's were beautiful Smile... sure, the graphics is not best, but for a remote control...works fine.
Then perhaps with time, we do a restyling..Wink
thanks to you
Do you have test baby night with iPhone4? Works fine?

Well it works perfect..!

I am sorry didnt have time to test it extensively cause xbmc does not control audio with HDMI/SPDIF passthrough for DTS and DD. I will test with analog and post..

- Dullie - 2010-10-28

Can you add a feature which pauses whatever media I am playing on XBMC when I receive a phone call or make a call?

Also, Jump to letter on the right of the screen like the way it is in contacts.

and Sleep function?

And regarding the graphix of the app I must say that I see it very bad and pixelated because of the retina display.. Sorry about that.. and thanks for a great app..

- beebit - 2010-10-29

Dullie Wrote:Can you add a feature which pauses whatever media I am playing on XBMC when I receive a phone call or make a call?

If you receive a phone call, it's very simple.. if You make a call... mmm I have to think.
The other thing I did not happen.. (sorry for my bad English).

Yes, the graphics is a problem for retina display and ipad 2X, I did not care much this aspect, but one thing I will do.

Now I am focused on usability and stability of iXBMC.

- waltermalter - 2010-11-05


Just bought your App yesterday and have some suggestions/wishes for future releases.

After deleting and rebuilding my user folder (and the database) at my XBMC computer I now have my libraries available at the app. (THX for the tip).

I bought your APP because XBMC Remote has no search function which is very much annoying. Unfortunately your search function did not search recursively and also not full text.

That means that if I am in the "Songs"-List and I am searching for everything with for e.G. the Word "Black" in it I did not get any result. Worse than that, I have to go to the right substructure first. Searching for example "Back in Black" from AC/DC means to first click on the "B" and than search for "Black". This will only show files in the substructure "B" that start with "Black" it will not find "Lady in Black" (Uriah Heep). Same is true for all libraries (Albums, Albums x Artist, etc.) For e:g. I have to click on Uriah Heep to find Lady in Black, if I have forgotten the artist, there is no way to find it with the actual search function.

My prefered "solution" would show me ALL appearing of the searched phrase.

My second wish is that you show the track list at the "now playing screen". Both, iTunes and XBMC Remote have this feature included if one clicks on the album thumb (cover). Maybe you can place it there, too.

Third wish is for thumbs in the list views at all. Nether the Music nor the Video lists have any thumbs (covers). The cover is only visible at the now playing screen.

Last not least I'd like to have some sort of customization. For e.G. I personally have no pictures on my XBMC. Therefore I'd like to hide the Pictures Button.

Guess that's it for the moment.

Thank you for taking care!


- robertvg - 2010-11-06

I agree with previous posts; was eager to test the search funtionality but without resursive searching this is not usefull.

- beebit - 2010-11-06

Hi Waltermalter and Robertvg,
thanks for your suggestions, will consider them for the next release., but...

if you choose "play all album songs" you have track list on playlist (1 click only)

The thumbs in list view, for me, no sense on remote control.
for me a remote control must be fast, functional and useful in order, beauty is still important, but only for sell goods Smile
However, it is possibile that I add this feature in "JSON" release of iXBMC, but sure, disabled of default Smile

For Search, is true, I will try to improve it as soon as possible

- satch - 2010-11-06

I deleted my old library and let xmbc rescan - now my videos do show up in xbmc, but only in source mode. What should I do, delete/rename the whole userdata folder? Thanks!

- beebit - 2010-11-09

satch Wrote:I deleted my old library and let XBMC rescan - now my videos do show up in xbmc, but only in source mode. What should I do, delete/rename the whole userdata folder? Thanks!

I don't uderstand, you can see your video in xbmc but not into iXBMC?
Yes, you can try to rename userdata folder and reconfigure xbmc and rescan library.

- satch - 2010-11-10

Sorry, typo, forgot an i Oo

What I meant to say is this:

now my videos do show up in ixbmc, but only in source mode. What do I have to do to see them in library mode on ixbmc too?

Library mode on xbmc works perfectly.

- beebit - 2010-11-11

satch Wrote:Sorry, typo, forgot an i Oo

What I meant to say is this:

now my videos do show up in ixbmc, but only in source mode. What do I have to do to see them in library mode on ixbmc too?

Library mode on xbmc works perfectly.

OK, in most cases it is a XBMC configuration problems, into XBMC library works fine, but don't send properly through http.
So you can try to rename userdata folder, restart XBMC and reconfigure it (including the rescan).
I could solve these problems using JSON, but lose the compatibility with the current stable version of XBMC.