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Problems going to windowed mode - Printable Version

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- jangeador - 2008-11-07

DesG Wrote:Unfortunately, there is a reason I don't have it, I don't want it :/ But thanks for the help!

I'll just wait until the devs get around to sorting it in xbmc. Its not a killer problem, for me, just nice to have.

Cheers, Des.

Sorry I misunderstood your "no?" May I ask the reason why you don't want to install .net? Just curiosity on my part.

- DesG - 2008-11-07

jangeador Wrote:Sorry I misunderstood your "no?"

Well, I hadn't seen any requirements to have .net installed in the thread, so when someone asks if you have X installed, it could be that you either need it, or it interferes. Smile Hence the ? after the no.

jangeador Wrote:May I ask the reason why you don't want to install .net? Just curiosity on my part.

Mainly just stubborn Smile Don't get me started on programs written in Java either Wink (No Java runtime on my systems!)

If a program needs .net, or jre or vb dll's I just look for an alternative, maybe every one else is different Smile

And again, no offence to Frotsen! Just because it doesn't suit me, is my problem, not his Smile

Cheers, Des.

- frotsen - 2008-11-17

With the release of Atlantis i noticed a horrible bug in my code. So i made a new version. Hopefully this will help others who have had trouble


PS. if you run Vista and have UAC enabled, you should run this program as Admin


- frotsen - 2008-11-17

I just noticed that launching xbmc in window mode in any non tv resolution in Atlantis is broken. So this program will only work if you choose 720p, 480p etc.

- Panda_N_Shark - 2008-11-17

frotsen Wrote:I just noticed that launching xbmc in window mode in any non tv resolution in Atlantis is broken. So this program will only work if you choose 720p, 480p etc.

hy there, can you please add the 1360*768 resolution ?

I can put the xbmc in my tv but can't afford none resolution so xbmc stay at full screen.


- xbs08 - 2008-11-17

new prog doesnt work 4 me (i'm using 720p) with this in the shortcut C:\Program Files\XBMC\XBMC.exe,2.

- frotsen - 2008-11-17


I just uploaded a new version that will fix your problem

- SliM3 - 2008-11-18

I solved my 1360*768 needs by manually editing:
C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Application Data\XBMC\userdata\guisettings.xml

<description>1680 x 1050</description>


Since my primary monitor runs 1650*1050 - I had to edit this part of guisettings.xml.

Thanks to frotsen for updating xbmclaunch - xbmc wouldn't have been the same without it!

- xbs08 - 2008-11-18

frotsen Wrote:xbs08

I just uploaded a new version that will fix your problem

Thank you frotsen, works great now.

- Panda_N_Shark - 2008-11-18

SliM3 Wrote:I solved my 1360*768 needs by manually editing:
C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Application Data\XBMC\userdata\guisettings.xml

<description>1680 x 1050</description>


Since my primary monitor runs 1650*1050 - I had to edit this part of guisettings.xml.

Thanks to frotsen for updating xbmclaunch - xbmc wouldn't have been the same without it!

Done that, but still don't work :S

- CapnBry - 2008-11-18

frotsen Wrote:I just noticed that launching xbmc in window mode in any non tv resolution in Atlantis is broken. So this program will only work if you choose 720p, 480p etc.
It is not broken, it is by design I believe as in the code explicitly forbids windowed "custom" resolutions. Custom resolutions are any non-TV resolutions detected at startup (the previous startup but that's another issue). I changed (#5256) that but it was too close to Atlantis release date so it was pushed to the next milestone. It went into SVN r16218 today though, but it still needs a lot of checking out and probably some tweaks.

Anyway, my eventual goal is to have it launch to any monitor, any resolution and be able to toggle fullscreen/windowed but we're babystepping it in piece by piece to make sure nothing else breaks.

- WiSo - 2008-11-18

Sounds good and I'm waiting for the next patches. Of course as less it interferes with existing code (where possible) as earlier it is in svn Nod

- ALcALoIDe - 2008-11-18

Yes, that would be an awesome implementation. We are eagerly waiting for that. Keep up the great work, ok? Really appreciate your efforts.

Best regards

- DesG - 2008-11-18

CapnBry Wrote:It is not broken, it is by design I believe as in the code explicitly forbids windowed "custom" resolutions. Custom resolutions are any non-TV resolutions detected at startup (the previous startup but that's another issue). I changed (#5256) that but it was too close to Atlantis release date so it was pushed to the next milestone. It went into SVN r16218 today though, but it still needs a lot of checking out and probably some tweaks.

Anyway, my eventual goal is to have it launch to any monitor, any resolution and be able to toggle fullscreen/windowed but we're babystepping it in piece by piece to make sure nothing else breaks.

Thats great news!

My primary monitor is 1680x1050 and my secondary monitor is 1280x1024, I would love to have XBMC automatically running fullscreen on my secondary monitor at startup.

Don't forget about releasing the mouse to the other monitor, thats critical too Wink

Cheers, Des.

- xbs08 - 2008-11-18

Des: Don't forget about releasing the mouse to the other monitor, thats critical too.

Disable the mouse in xbmc.