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Release [depricated] old YouTube Plugin - XBMC 13.0 Frodo/Gotham only - Printable Version

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- oBMTo - 2011-07-11

TobiasTheCommie Wrote:You can shuffle the playlist made with "queue folder".

I have queued up a bunch of music videos, how do go and shuffle the queue list?

- HenrikDK - 2011-07-11

nanny07 Wrote:I've created an xml for the italian language, put in a folders called "Italian" but when I use the plugin it's always show in english. How can I change the language?
The only solution that I found is to replace the english's xml with mine but I don't like this, not very professional

This should follow the language of your xbmc installation, so changing xbmc settings should doo the trick.

- HenrikDK - 2011-07-11

dave_e Wrote:Just wondering if anyone can help me with my issues. The plugin was working at one time for me, but now everything youtube-related fails. I login fine, but the video just fails to playback. I get a curl error (code 56) saying it didn't get any data from stream. However if I use the listed url either in Firefox, or using curl from the command-line, I retrieve the file just fine. Debug log is as follows (failure of two different videos is at the end of the log.).


Can anybody help me out?

Not really sure what to do about this, the plugin seems to have no trouble getting a hold of youtube, it's only when xbmc's player core needs to fetch the video that it goes wrong. Are you using a proxy, special firewall or some other type of routing?

- HenrikDK - 2011-07-11

oBMTo Wrote:I have queued up a bunch of music videos, how do go and shuffle the queue list?

after queueing a number of videos select "now playing" from the context menu and go into the side bare (on the left if you're using confluence) and choose shuffle

- Beretta92 - 2011-07-12

about the Archlinux bug:

if you take a look at https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/master/xbmc/filesystem/PluginDirectory.cpp#L402 it seems that handle is set to -1 on purpose in the RunScriptWithParams method, right? so it should be -1.

I noticed that the Chaos Computer Club CCCTV addon works like a charm in archlinux, so after comparing .xbmc/addons/plugin.video.ccctv/default.py and .xbmc/addons/plugin.video.youtube/YouTubeNavigation.py I noticed that ccctv doesn't set the totalItems optional param at all.

Youtube addon uses xbmcplugin like this: xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=url, listitem=listitem, isFolder=True, totalItems=size) as you can see from http://code.google.com/p/youtubexbmc/source/browse/trunk/YouTubeNavigation.py#320

Now the size is set to 0 with search and explore. Changing the default to 1 didn't help, so I removed totalItems=size from xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem call completely.

Now I can search and explore youtube, hooray! '%s/, totalItems=size//g' is the quick and dirty fix for this. And it should work with the other broken plugins too.

The real bug may be somewhere in the https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/master/xbmc/interfaces/python/xbmcmodule/xbmcplugin.cpp#L59 maybe the new gcc brings it up, I'm not really a c++ wizard so...

without using totalItems parameter in the xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem call the items added will invoke StartScript (with a new handle) in the future instead of RunScriptWithParams (which has always the handle -1).

- dave_e - 2011-07-12

HenrikDK Wrote:Not really sure what to do about this, the plugin seems to have no trouble getting a hold of youtube, it's only when xbmc's player core needs to fetch the video that it goes wrong. Are you using a proxy, special firewall or some other type of routing?

No proxy, no firewall -- like I said, I can hit that URL via curl from the command line or from within firefox and it works just fine. But I've got two different machines running XBMC, and they both have this same problem. I read through this whole thread again and saw that at least one other person had this same issue, but I didn't see a solution. Anything you can think of that I could try to help troubleshoot the issue? Is this question better directed toward the core XBMC devs rather than you?


- HenrikDK - 2011-07-12

dave_e Wrote:No proxy, no firewall -- like I said, I can hit that URL via curl from the command line or from within firefox and it works just fine. But I've got two different machines running XBMC, and they both have this same problem. I read through this whole thread again and saw that at least one other person had this same issue, but I didn't see a solution. Anything you can think of that I could try to help troubleshoot the issue? Is this question better directed toward the core XBMC devs rather than you?


Not really anything we can do after we first hand over the url, so i would think it's an xbmc issue.

- dave_e - 2011-07-12

HenrikDK Wrote:Not really anything we can do after we first hand over the url, so i would think it's an xbmc issue.

Thanks Henrik -- I'll repost my question in the main Linux/XBMC Live forum.

- Lanznaster - 2011-07-12

Sorry to ask, I just found this page:


Does this addon play those movies?

Sorry if this has been asked before, but I did a quick search and couldn't find any answer

- oBMTo - 2011-07-13

HenrikDK Wrote:after queueing a number of videos select "now playing" from the context menu and go into the side bare (on the left if you're using confluence) and choose shuffle

Thanks that worked perfectly!

- steppedup - 2011-07-13

I have another solution to this queuing issue - link here.

Basically, it's an AutoIT3 script that I developed for this addon that can be tweaked to your heart's content.

Hope it helps someone else until the final built-in code comes out.


- javum - 2011-07-15

Hi! Is there any news about this:
The Advanced Launcher plugin was fixed

- HenrikDK - 2011-07-15

javum Wrote:Hi! Is there any news about this:
The Advanced Launcher plugin was fixed

This problem only exists on 64 bit arch linux, we've been unable to verify it on 64 ubuntu. I consider it a problem with the arch port of XBMC that for some reason behaves differently than the rest of the distributions. As such im not fond of adding what i would essentially consider a bad hack to work around a problem that shouldn't exist.

- HenrikDK - 2011-07-15

Lanznaster Wrote:Sorry to ask, I just found this page:


Does this addon play those movies?

Sorry if this has been asked before, but I did a quick search and couldn't find any answer

Depends, if you're talking the free movies that are available in most of europe then yes (its under explore youtube -> movies) but the pay movies don't work (and probably never will)

- HenrikDK - 2011-07-15

Beretta92 Wrote:about the Archlinux bug:

if you take a look at https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/master/xbmc/filesystem/PluginDirectory.cpp#L402 it seems that handle is set to -1 on purpose in the RunScriptWithParams method, right? so it should be -1.
RunScriptWithParams I believe isn't meant for plugins that return directory listings, but instead is used to run scripts that need to perform some sort of background task, the function that should be calling the plugin is StartScript, if this isnt the case something has probably gone wrong at some earlier point.

Beretta92 Wrote:I noticed that the Chaos Computer Club CCCTV addon works like a charm in archlinux, so after comparing .xbmc/addons/plugin.video.ccctv/default.py and .xbmc/addons/plugin.video.youtube/YouTubeNavigation.py I noticed that ccctv doesn't set the totalItems optional param at all.

Youtube addon uses xbmcplugin like this: xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=url, listitem=listitem, isFolder=True, totalItems=size) as you can see from http://code.google.com/p/youtubexbmc/source/browse/trunk/YouTubeNavigation.py#320

Now the size is set to 0 with search and explore. Changing the default to 1 didn't help, so I removed totalItems=size from xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem call completely.

Now I can search and explore youtube, hooray! '%s/, totalItems=size//g' is the quick and dirty fix for this. And it should work with the other broken plugins too.

The real bug may be somewhere in the https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/master/xbmc/interfaces/python/xbmcmodule/xbmcplugin.cpp#L59 maybe the new gcc brings it up, I'm not really a c++ wizard so...
addDirectoryItem is used for all listing in the plugin and the total items is used to provide a progress bar when listing takes to loong (though this has prooven to be mostly pointless). That being said im still not fond of removing this code as it's the proper way to doo it, the real fix is to find out what is going wrong in xbmc and what's to blame.
