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[OLD] HOW-TO watch Live TV in XBMC for Linux with Tvheadend, the easy way! - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: [OLD] HOW-TO watch Live TV in XBMC for Linux with Tvheadend, the easy way! (/showthread.php?tid=51945)

- CrashX - 2010-11-07

dushmaniac Wrote:updated patches on git. I'll post them on the tvheadend trac in a minute.

I still get an error on applying your latest patch.

git apply --check 0002-add-signal-status-in-HTSP.patch
error: patch failed: src/transports.c:1054
error: src/transports.c: patch does not apply
error: patch failed: src/transports.h:100
error: src/transports.h: patch does not apply

Since their are two patches from different tickets, does it matter in the order I applied them in ?

Sorry I am bit confused, Is this https://github.com/opdenkamp/xbmc.git XBMC trunk with PVR changes merged in ?

- opdenkamp - 2010-11-07

CrashX Wrote:Since their are two patches from different tickets, does it matter in the order I applied them in ?
it does, first number 1, then number 2 Smile
that's ticket 299 first, 300 next.

if git keeps complaining, apply the patches with "cat /path/to/file1.patch | patch -p1" from within the tvheadend root directory (not /src).

Quote:Sorry I am bit confused, Is this https://github.com/opdenkamp/xbmc.git XBMC trunk with PVR changes merged in ?
the "master" branch on there is, the "Dharma-pvr" is a backport from that merge to Dharma. It's in the description on github too.

jenkins Wrote:would it be possible for you to add vaapi support in your builds? Nod
new builds with vaapi coming tonight.

- jenkins - 2010-11-07

damn your fast... Big Grin

- RoboSK - 2010-11-07

crashlog - anyone see what is problem ?


git id:c577cc9598cd2f39ecb844ce14f2c854fdb6cbc4


- opdenkamp - 2010-11-07

your server is not sending any (correct) data. it shouldn't crash because of that, but still, that's why it doesn't work.

- RoboSK - 2010-11-07

yes, into /var/log/ i find that Tvheadend crash, sry for false alarm Smile / (i have "watchdog" for Tvheadend...)

ps: need running Tvheadend into gdb Sad

- CrashX - 2010-11-08

dushmaniac Wrote:if git keeps complaining, apply the patches with "cat /path/to/file1.patch | patch -p1" from within the tvheadend root directory (not /src).

~/tvheadend$ ls
00-tvheadend-add-caid-to-channel.patch.patch  cache  tvheadend  zap2xml.pl
b                                             src    xmltv.xml

~/tvheadend$ cat 00-tvheadend-add-caid-to-channel.patch.patch | patch -p1
patching file src/htsp.c
Hunk #1 FAILED at 297.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 323.
2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file src/htsp.c.rej
patching file src/transports.c
Hunk #1 FAILED at 1025.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file src/transports.c.rej
patching file src/transports.h
Hunk #1 FAILED at 98.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file src/transports.h.rej

- opdenkamp - 2010-11-08

grab a clean and updated source. I just tested this and it works perfectly.
mkdir clean-tvheadend
cd clean-tvheadend
svn co svn://svn.lonelycoder.com/hts/trunk/tvheadend
wget http://trac.lonelycoder.com/hts/raw-attachment/ticket/299/00-tvheadend-add-caid-to-channel.patch.patch
wget http://trac.lonelycoder.com/hts/raw-attachment/ticket/300/0002-add-signal-status-in-HTSP.patch
cd tvheadend
cat ../00-tvheadend-add-caid-to-channel.patch.patch | patch -p1
cat ../0002-add-signal-status-in-HTSP.patch | patch -p1
rm ../00-tvheadend-add-caid-to-channel.patch.patch ../0002-add-signal-status-in-HTSP.patch

- jaeyjaey - 2010-11-08

dushmaniac Wrote:it's for any interlaced channels, so (most?) sd streams too.

mine is set to "(VDPAU) Temporal" and the image is fine here. If I don't enable deinterlacing I get distorted images when there is a lot of movement on the screen.

I have a Zotac ZBOX HD-11 Box with Ubuntu 10.10 installed. No problems with the EPG time offset. The tvheadend patches working good. The encryption is not Nagra but thats a other point.

I do not have "(VDPAU) Temporal" in my list, but i have "Temporal". Is it only usable with a "bigger" NVIDIA-Card?

If i watch HD channels (with deinterlacing enabled) i have many drops (10-15) every few minutes (3-5) with stuttering image for 1-2 seconds. With SD channels no problem. I will take a look into the debug log.


- opdenkamp - 2010-11-08

You probably don't have vdpau installed or your nvidia card is too old to support it. Check the xbmc log for hints. You should also google your card model for vdpau support.

- akr884 - 2010-11-08

dushmaniac Wrote:You probably don't have vdpau installed or your nvidia card is too old to support it. Check the xbmc log for hints. You should also google your card model for vdpau support.

The ZBOX is newer than the NVIDIA ION Zotac Mag I have, it's the 2nd generation NVIDIA ION so it's definitely capable of using VDPAU. Are you sure you have the NVIDIA and VDPAU drivers installed on your system (they would be under additional hardware in Ubuntu 10.10 in the corner)? Are you sure you've activated VDPAU in the system > video > playback menu in XBMC? And if I understood correctly, Dushmaniac said that there was a problem earlier with tvheadend not passing on also the necessary video stream info to support VDPAU so you need a newer (svn or from dushmaniac's PPA) version of tvheadend.

I've noticed that sometimes channels lose the VDPAU temporal options depending on the transmission, or sometimes, if there's a size or aspect ratio change in a commercial etc. But it is definitely channel/what you're watching dependent, and when it switches off it stays off I think (if auto select for deinterlacing worked right, this wouldn't be much of an issue).

As far as the HD (and SD) channels, I've gotten a ton of stuttering with 2:10.0-dharma+pvr~odk36+maverick and 2:10.0-dharma+pvr~odk32+maverick to the point where the video is unwatchable and I have reconnected my dvb-t cable directly to the TV, but all was well with 2:10.0-dharma+pvr~odk30+maverick as far as playback.

- opdenkamp - 2010-11-08

akr884 Wrote:The ZBOX is newer than the NVIDIA ION Zotac Mag I have, it's the 2nd generation NVIDIA ION so it's definitely capable of using VDPAU. Are you sure you have the NVIDIA and VDPAU drivers installed on your system (they would be under additional hardware in Ubuntu 10.10 in the corner)? Are you sure you've activated VDPAU in the system > video > playback menu in XBMC?
ok didn't know that about the hardware. then it's the drivers or the xbmc settings indeed.
Quote:And if I understood correctly, Dushmaniac said that there was a problem earlier with tvheadend not passing on also the necessary video stream info to support VDPAU so you need a newer (svn or from dushmaniac's PPA) version of tvheadend.
you'll need the sources from my git repos or my ppa builds of xbmc too, because the information wasn't passed through by the tvheadend addon.

Quote:I've noticed that sometimes channels lose the VDPAU temporal options depending on the transmission, or sometimes, if there's a size or aspect ratio change in a commercial etc. But it is definitely channel/what you're watching dependent, and when it switches off it stays off I think (if auto select for deinterlacing worked right, this wouldn't be much of an issue).
personally, I got the default setting on "(VDPAU) temporal" and I manually changed the setting on HD channels to "none". a working autodetection would be nice yeah Smile

Quote:As far as the HD (and SD) channels, I've gotten a ton of stuttering with 2:10.0-dharma+pvr~odk36+maverick and 2:10.0-dharma+pvr~odk32+maverick to the point where the video is unwatchable and I have reconnected my dvb-t cable directly to the TV, but all was well with 2:10.0-dharma+pvr~odk30+maverick as far as playback.
try disabling VAAPI in the video settings and manually put it on VDPAU.

- xoox - 2010-11-08

Any news about timeshift support?
That would be really great Nod

- opdenkamp - 2010-11-08

I first wanted to focus on getting the things that are currently already implemented working 100% (EPG, radio, etc.). Next on my list is fixing the VS project files after the merge of pvr-testing2 with trunk.

After that's finished, I only got 3 things left on my list:
- get the channel order from tvheadend when added channels
- timeshift
- little cosmetic issues (like the EPG info item that reads "music information")

I've talked with andoma on how to implement timeshift, but there are still some issues that need to be resolved first (find a better container than matroska, ...) so don't hold your breath.

- jaeyjaey - 2010-11-08

akr884 Wrote:The ZBOX is newer than the NVIDIA ION Zotac Mag I have, it's the 2nd generation NVIDIA ION so it's definitely capable of using VDPAU. Are you sure you have the NVIDIA and VDPAU drivers installed on your system (they would be under additional hardware in Ubuntu 10.10 in the corner)? Are you sure you've activated VDPAU in the system > video > playback menu in XBMC? And if I understood correctly, Dushmaniac said that there was a problem earlier with tvheadend not passing on also the necessary video stream info to support VDPAU so you need a newer (svn or from dushmaniac's PPA) version of tvheadend.

I've noticed that sometimes channels lose the VDPAU temporal options depending on the transmission, or sometimes, if there's a size or aspect ratio change in a commercial etc. But it is definitely channel/what you're watching dependent, and when it switches off it stays off I think (if auto select for deinterlacing worked right, this wouldn't be much of an issue).

As far as the HD (and SD) channels, I've gotten a ton of stuttering with 2:10.0-dharma+pvr~odk36+maverick and 2:10.0-dharma+pvr~odk32+maverick to the point where the video is unwatchable and I have reconnected my dvb-t cable directly to the TV, but all was well with 2:10.0-dharma+pvr~odk30+maverick as far as playback.

Of course, nvidia-driver are installed in version 260.19 with dharma+pvr~odk36+maverick. VDPAU is enabled in XBMC video-settings. I can play 1080/720p material without any stutterring. I only have this behaviour (drops + stuttering every few minutes) with HD channels (1080i) in live-tv mode or playback from recorded live-streams. So i think this is XBMC or driver related. No stuttering on my Workstation with VLC live stream from tvheadend in 1080i :-).

On most channels the "temporal" (without VDPAU in the name, because i do not have this choice) setting stays. If i switch a channel, the second button i press (set it to blue button on my remote for easier & faster access) is the deinterlace-settings to verify it.

tvheadend (svn version r5613 with your 2 patches for signal, etc.) is installed on a separate server and works great.