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[LINUX] HOW-TO launch applications from XBMC Live (e.g. Firefox) - Printable Version

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- mandrake - 2010-11-14

I have installed firefox..and it works pretty well..albeit, the firefox shows up a bit big..but,,,the main problem is, running flash videos, like abc.com etc

Is it a common problem that it is slow? My internet connection is top notch, the sound runs perfectly too, but the picture is kinda stuttering..I have downloaded flash plugin in the command line too

Im running on a Acer Aspire Revo 1600 with doubled memory, its an xbmc live setup

Any help/tips to this? And, is it even possible to have perfect streaming on this kind of setup? (I.E is there any point in continuing to tweak this?)

Any help is appreciated

- vikjon0 - 2010-11-14

I think there is no HW acceleration for flash on linux yet. This will make HD flash a problem. You tube is working ok on my asrock ion 330. Not sure if the Reve have a single core? That could be a problem.

- z0mbi3 - 2010-11-14

Hey vikjon0,

I've gone through the whole process, and I have firefox open but I can't control it using the keyboard or mouse (cursor just sits in the middle). Keyboard and mouse works fine in xbmc.

Before going through the steps to get rid of the fluxbox error message I could control firefox ok, although when closing it it wasn't returning me to xbmc, and I needed to restart to get back to normal.

Any tips?

- vikjon0 - 2010-11-14

Quote:Any tips?
No idea. Since it worked for a while it must be something small..

- z0mbi3 - 2010-11-14

ok just found something else, if i open firefox then keep moving the mouse then it works ok, but if i open firefox and let go of the mouse then by the time it's open the mouse and keyboard will no longer work.

When I did have it working closing firefox just gave me a black screen rather than going to back to xbmc.

This is with the latest version of dharma.


Hangon it seems to be a problem with the firefox 4 beta I was using. Gone back to 3 and it works fine.

That said when I exit, it isn't tasking me back to xbmc, only a blank screen.

edit: Spoke to soon. A restart later and it's not working again.

- FishOil - 2010-11-14

I use a similar method as described here to run Huludesktop. I dont use a launcher but do it with a button on the remote.

- z0mbi3 - 2010-11-14

Right firefox works properly now, think a restart cured it. Anyway, the mouse and keyboard work but how am I meant to return to xbmc after closing firefox? At the moment I get a xbmc window on fluxbox but it's just blank.

edit: crap, and again spoke to soon. Back to silly buggers with the keyboard and mouse again Sad

- vikjon0 - 2010-11-14

Quote:At the moment I get a xbmc window on fluxbox but it's just blank.
If fluxbox is still running after ff is closed you are not doing it right. The script will kill fluxbox.

- z0mbi3 - 2010-11-14

hmm, well it isn't. I've copied and pasted the script from your op.

edit: ok forget that, it is. But it's not re-opening xbmc, just sitting at a blank screen.

I've just restarted now, this is what I'm experiencing.

After a restart, going to executor and launching firefox brings up ff ok, but keyboard and mouse do not work. If I kill off firefox and and flux and do a a service stop/start on xbmc and then launch it again via exectuor then keyboard and mouse work fine.

- vikjon0 - 2010-11-14

killall -9 fluxbox

this will kill it. Not sure why it does not work for you. I have tested it myself with Dharma beta / executor. I will test again when the final dharma is out. Until then you can try to run that command over ssh and see if it is killed or not.

- z0mbi3 - 2010-11-14

yeah so it is killing it but it isn't bringing back xbmc.

Also, mouse control isn't working properly. It's like it needs running once and killing before it'll work.

- sdsnyr94 - 2010-11-14

Just to throw in my 2 cents......

I am not using your script, or running firefox. I am using my own script to run an app called Squeezeplay so I can sync my music with my Squeezebox.

On Camelot on up to Dharma Beta 3 my script worked fine, and when exiting Squeezeplay it would go right back into XBMC. After updating to Beta 4, I get the black screen that z0mbi3 is talking about. The only way to recover is to stop/start xbmc-live or reboot the unit.

z0mbi3 - have you tried going back to an earlier Beta to see if it resolves your black screen issues?

- z0mbi3 - 2010-11-14

I haven't yet, but it does sound like something that's been introduced in the latest beta. Good to know that I'm not alone.

I suppose that could account for the keyboard and mouse issues?

- vikjon0 - 2010-11-14

OK, thats interesting. I will just wait for next version.

- z0mbi3 - 2010-11-16

Update, turned out my issues were brought on by my usb tv dongle. Unplugging that has solved the issue I was having.