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MediaFrontPage - Web interface with widget type architecture to control multiple apps - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: MediaFrontPage - Web interface with widget type architecture to control multiple apps (/showthread.php?tid=83304)

- gugahoi - 2011-05-20

DejaVu Wrote:Hey Gugahoi.

I know it's a WIP and is likely to have a complete overhaul (and I'm planning to learn how it works - hopefully with a few pointers).

The trakt widget has been looking 'ugly' on my screen for a while and had to change the Scroll to Auto.
Minor, but looks a lot better. Smile

Any updates on this lately? Any objections to getting rid of that grayed out scroll bar on the Official Repo?

Also, although Coverflow looks good, it is a little hard to recognise the covers IMO.
would it be worth simplifying it and using something like this instead -
This images are clickable and Add to CP could be added to the links...?

Hey Deja, thanks for the pointer. I've made several versions of the widget but none of them were good enough to me. I quite like that slideshow you showed me. Seems to be pretty simple as well, will give it a try when I have some time.

Also wanted to ask you to have a look at the CrazyLayout branch as I seem to be doing something similar to you with one big difference: the way I implemented doesn't need multiple versions of the same widget to apply them to different pages and it was only a minor change in the code so no overcomplicating anything. Have a look and let me know what you think. To access the different 'workspaces' you call mediafrontpage.php?layout=WORKSPACENAME where the name is layout-WORKSPACENAME.php this way it is pretty easy to extend as many layouts as one may want. Have a look and let me know what you think.

branlr Wrote:Man this project is really awesome...

4. Widget to simply load an entire webpage, and then allow cropping/locking into place. This is a really cool way to grab some content, to me.

Since all of them were already answered I just want to say 4 is a good idea, and I don't think it would be hard to make. Just a simple iFrame of sorts I guess. Will give it a try.

steve1977 Wrote:Thanks. Unfortunately, I cannot find a service called xamppapache or something similar after executing services.msc. Anyone using xampp with an idea how the service is called or what to do?

Are you sure you can't just open XAMPP control panel and in settings you can tell it to start on boot? Or just put it in the startup folder? I think that's how I had it when I was using W7.

castortray Wrote:Hi all,

I just started using MediaFrontPage but I have this error:

Thanks for any tips

Seems to me that you need to enable CURL. Probably in php.ini or something. A quick google search would probably tell you the answer.

- _Mikie_ - 2011-05-20

castortray Wrote:Hi all,

I just started using MediaFrontPage but I have this error:


I'm using wampserver on Windows 7.

XBMC Dharma with MySQL, I've change all settings in config.php.

JSONRPC working properly


Thanks for any tips

Curl a php function is disabled by default in wamp. You need to enable it. Either by removing the ; before the words extension=php_curl.dll in php.ini or by ticking it in the php extentions menu found under wamp manager.

- gugahoi - 2011-05-20

Hey fellas, I've been reworking the config page to get something neater and not so messy.

This is what I've come up with, what do you think?
(some stuff didn't fit the character limit of the post so this is not the entire file)
PHP Code:
/*Programs Section*/
//Titles are self explanatory. Do not include http://                        //
//                                                                            //
//Need to add the option for reverse proxies                                //
//                                                                            //
//$JDOWNLOADER_REMOTEPORT    -> port from RemoteControl Plugin                //
//$JDOWNLOADER_WEBPORT        -> port from Web plugin                            //

/* XBMC Section*/
$XBMC_IP                 '';
$XBMC_PORT                 '';
$XBMC_USERNAME             '';
$XBMC_PASS                 '';

/* SickBeard Section*/
$SICKBEARD_IP             '';
$SICKBEARD_PORT         '';
$SICKBEARD_PASS         '';

/* SABNZBD Section*/
$SABNZBD_IP             '';
$SABNZBD_PORT             '';
$SABNZBD_PASS             '';
$SABNZBD_API            '';

/* CouchPotato Section*/
$COUCHPOTATO_IP         '';

/* uTorrent Section*/
$uTorrent_IP             '';
$uTorrent_PORT             '';
$uTorrent_USERNAME         '';
$uTorrent_PASS             '';

/* jDownloader Section*/
$JDOWNLOADER_IP         '';

/* Transmission Section*/
$TRANSMISSION_IP         '';

//$NZBSU_API    ->    http://nzb.su/profile                                    //        
//$NZB_DL        ->    http://nzb.su/rss where it says "Add this                // 
//                                                    string to your feed URL //
//                                                    to allow NZB downloads    //
//                                                    without logging in:"    //
//                                                                            //
//NZBMatrix        ->    http://nzbmatrix.com/account.php                        //
//$preferredSearch    ->    Set to 1 for NZBMatrix and 2 for nzb.su                //
//$preferredCategories     ->    Check README for a list of options.             //
//                            Make sure the option is for the appropriate site//
//                                                                            //
//$trakt_api    ->    http://trakt.tv/settings/api                            //
$preferredSearch     '2';
$NZBMATRIX_API        '';
$NZBSU_API             '';
$NZB_DL             '';
$trakt_api             '';

// NavBar Section //
//To open inline on MFP                                                        //
//$navlink["Example"] = "http://example.com/";                                //
//                                                                            //
//To open in a blank page                                                    //
//$navlink_blank["New Page"] = "http://google.com";                            //
//                                                                            //
//To populate the DropDown list                                                //
//$navselect["Title"] = "http://google.com";                                //
//                                                                            //
//                                                                            //
//                            SubMenu                                            //
//To open inline on MFP                                                        //
//$subnavlink["Google"] = "http://google.com";                                //
//                                                                            //
//To open in a blank page                                                    //
//$subnavlink_blank["Google"] = "http://google.com";                        //
//                                                                            //
//                        EXAMPLES                                            //
//$navlink["TV Headend"] = "/tvheadend";                                    //
//$navlink["Transmission"] = "http://localhost:9091/transmission/web/";        //
//$navlink["uTorrent"] = "http://localhost:8081/gui/";                        //
//$navlink["jDownloader"] = "http://localhost:8765/";                        //
$navlink["XBMC"]         = "http://localhost:8080";
$navlink["Sickbeard"]     = "/sickbeard";
$navlink["Couch Potato"]= "/couchpotato";
$navlink["Sabnzbd"]     = "/sabnzbd";

// Control Section//
//Options:                                                                    //
//cmd                                                                         //
//xbmcsend                                                                    //
//json                                                                        //
// Optionally add                                                             //
//'host' => 'localhost',                                                     //
//'port' => 9777 to connect to a different machine.                            //
$shortcut["Shutdown XBMC"]                = array("cmd" => 'shutdown');
$shortcut["Update XBMC Video Library"]     = array("cmd" => 'vidscan');
$shortcut["Clean XBMC Video Library"]     = array("xbmcsend" => 'CleanLibrary(video)'); 
$shortcut["Update XBMC Audio Library"]     = array("json" => '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "AudioLibrary.ScanForContent", "id" : 1 }');
$shortcut["MediaFrontPage Forum"]         = "http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=83304&goto=newpost";

// Hard Drive Section//
//$drive["USB"]     = "/Volumes/USB_NAME";     applies for Mac OS                //
//$drive["Sata 1"]     = "/media/sata1/";        applies for Linux OS            //
//$drive["Sata 2"]     = "/media/sata2/";        applies for Linux OS            //
//$drive["C Drive"] = "C:";                    applies for Windows OS            //
//$drive["D Drive"] = "D:";                    applies for Windows OS            //
$drive["/"] = "/";

// RSS Section //
//Ensure sabnzbd > config > index sites is set.                             //
//Supports cat, pp, script, priority as per the sabnzbd api.                //
$rssfeeds["NZBMatrix - TV Shows (DivX)"]    = array("url" => "http://rss.nzbmatrix.com/rss.php?subcat=6"    "cat" => "tv");
$rssfeeds["NZBMatrix - TV Shows (HD x264)"] = array("url" => "http://rss.nzbmatrix.com/rss.php?subcat=41"    "cat" => "tv");
$rssfeeds["NZBMatrix - Movies (DivX)"]      = array("url" => "http://rss.nzbmatrix.com/rss.php?subcat=2"    "cat" => "movies");
$rssfeeds["NZBMatrix - Movies (HD x264)"]   = array("url" => "http://rss.nzbmatrix.com/rss.php?subcat=42"    "cat" => "movies");
$rssfeeds["NZBMatrix - Music (MP3)"]        = array("url" => "http://rss.nzbmatrix.com/rss.php?subcat=22"    "cat" => "music");
$rssfeeds["NZBMatrix - Music (Lossless)"]   = array("url" => "http://rss.nzbmatrix.com/rss.php?subcat=23"    "cat" => "music");
$rssfeeds["NZBMatrix - Sports"]             = array("url" => "http://rss.nzbmatrix.com/rss.php?subcat=7"    "cat" => "sports");
$rssfeeds["MediaFrontPage on Github"]       = array("url" => "https://github.com/MediaFrontPage/mediafrontpage/commits/master.atom""type" => "atom");

// Custom Stylesheet Section //
//To have MFP use a different CSS use this:                                    //
//                                                                            //
//$customStyleSheet = "css/lighttheme.css";                                    //
//$customStyleSheet = "css/comingepisodes-minimal-banner.css";                //

                            /*Message Section*/
//If there is only one XBMC instace, this can be ignored as the widget will //
//use the same info as the one set on the XBMC Section                        //
//Otherwise add them like this:                                                //
//$xbmcMessages['Title']  = "http://localhost:8080/";                        //
//$xbmcMessages['EXAMPLE'] = "http://USERNAME:PASSWORD@IP:PORT/";            //

// Only set the $mfpsecured variable to true if you have secured            //
// MediaFrontPage with a password via .htaccess or some other method        //
// use at your own risk as this can create a security vulnerability in        //
// the wControl widget.                                                        //
$mfpsecured false;

// Alternativly you can set a unique key here. //
$mfpapikey '';

//Example of XBMC mysql connections//
//$xbmcdbconn = array(                                                                //
//        'video' => array(                                                            //
//            'dns' => 'mysql:host=hostname;dbname=videos',                            //
//            'username' => '',                                                        //
//            'password' => '',                                                        //
//            'options' => array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES utf8")    //
//        ),                                                                            //
//        'music' => array(                                                            //
//            'dns' => 'mysql:host=hostname;dbname=music',                            //
//            'username' => 'username',                                                //
//            'password' => 'password',                                                //
//            'options' => array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES utf8")    //
//        ),                                                                            //
//    );                                                                                //



- castortray - 2011-05-20

_Mikie_ Wrote:Curl a php function is disabled by default in wamp. You need to enable it. Either by removing the ; before the words extension=php_curl.dll in php.ini or by ticking it in the php extentions menu found under wamp manager.

working now Smile


- stolek5 - 2011-05-20

RaNaMaster Wrote:love the Resizable widgets good idea here is pic of my MFP i would really like to see the resizable widget so i can use it with my coming episodes widget


how to get this view ?
it's exactly what I need Smile

- gugahoi - 2011-05-20

stolek5 Wrote:hi,

how to get this view ?
it's exactly what I need Smile

This was the original view, DejaVu and Hernandito made a push for the 4 column layout and it was accepted by most users. We're currently working on ways to try and change the layout on the fly but the modifications are not so hard to be made by yourself and have been explained a few times over in this thread. Have a look a few posts back as I'm sure someone asked not so long ago.

- castortray - 2011-05-20

YodaEXE Wrote:Trying (and failing) to run this off my personal domain, using statically set IPs and such. Running into some problems though. It seems like the software is unable to pull information, despite the fact that I've coded in the right IPs and that if I go to things myself it works. For example, I get this error under both Recent TV and XBMC Library:

Now, if I click the Service link, it works just fine, so I'm not sure what the problem is. I'd really like to run this off my webserver, since I don't have an always-on machine besides my HTPC, and I'd rather not install a webserver onto it. Anyone have any ideas what might be causing this error?

My other problem is that absolutely nothing appears under SABnzbd or Coming Episodes. I've taken a screenshot so you can see what I'm talking about. You can see it here: http://imgs.nickkuras.com/mfp.png

If I can't run this off my domain for some reason, that's fine, though I'd much prefer to. I can't really see why it wouldn't work though. Anyone have any ideas?

I have very similar issue.
My Recent TV working without any problem but Recent Movies not Sad


XBMC's JSON API did not respond.

Check your configuration (config.php) and that the JSON service variable is configured correctly and that the Service is running.

{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetRecentlyAddedMovies", "params" : { "start" : 0 , "end" : 50 , "fields": [ "genre", "director", "trailer", "tagline", "plot", "plotoutline",

After click to Service link I can see that JSONRPC working properly


Pls help

- DejaVu - 2011-05-20

Thats a strange one. Either your settings are not correct in the config.php or the call to the JSONRPC has failed for some reason.

I thought Recent TV and Recent Movies where called from the same place. Someone else is needed to verify that error. It maybe something to do with SleepyP's new update - I'll re clone and see if I get the same result.

- RaNaMaster - 2011-05-20

stolek5 Wrote:hi,

how to get this view ?
it's exactly what I need Smile

this is what i go by https://github.com/gugahoi/my_original_MFP

- SleepyP - 2011-05-21

DejaVu Wrote:Thats a strange one. Either your settings are not correct in the config.php or the call to the JSONRPC has failed for some reason.

I thought Recent TV and Recent Movies where called from the same place. Someone else is needed to verify that error. It maybe something to do with SleepyP's new update - I'll re clone and see if I get the same result.

You're right, they are essentially the same widget just making a slightly different request to XBMC. That is REALLY weird! I definitely recommend testing out the new version I put up on the repo, see if you can reproduce. I have two instances of XBMC over here which I tested against, works without a hitch.

I haven't gotten much work done today thanks to being under the weather and LA Noire, but I started work on the 'XBMC is offline' stuff. I'm thinking about sticking the code that generates the offline page into its own php file for easy re-use across widgets. The other main computer I run XBMC on had the HDD die recently, so I will probably need to fix that before I can test the Wake-On-LAN stuff properly. Should be able to do that tomorrow though.

- Nick8888 - 2011-05-21

SleepyP Wrote:You're right, they are essentially the same widget just making a slightly different request to XBMC. That is REALLY weird! I definitely recommend testing out the new version I put up on the repo, see if you can reproduce. I have two instances of XBMC over here which I tested against, works without a hitch.

This is a strange one which I've never been able to track down. I believe it is a timing problem. The database branch experiences it to a larger extent due to being less efficient. I've found in the past that rearranging the three xbmc widgets has different effects.

- steve1977 - 2011-05-21

steve1977 Wrote:For me, the trakt-widget doesn't work at all right now. Not only do I get an error message, but it doesn't display anything.

Still facing this issue despite having downloaded most recent version. Using xampp on win7. Any chance to get this fixed?

steve1977 Wrote:I have no idea about coding at all, but what I would find ideal would be to have a widget visually looking exactly the same as the "coming episodes ones" in poster view (i.e., title, poster, some basic information, nice scrolling bar) and within this widget display latest (upcoming) movies. Info could be pulled from the "weekly most watched" in trakt (as it usually is in line with the latest and greatest). Button to add to CP would be great.

Anyone with coding skills know whether this would be feasible? Instead trakt.tv, sharethe.tv may be an alternative source for the "weekly most watched" movies.


- RaNaMaster - 2011-05-21

gugahoi Wrote:Hey fellas, I've been reworking the config page to get something neater and not so messy.

This is what I've come up with, what do you think?
(some stuff didn't fit the character limit of the post so this is not the entire file)
PHP Code:
/*Programs Section*/
//Titles are self explanatory. Do not include http://                        //
//                                                                            //
//Need to add the option for reverse proxies                                //
//                                                                            //
//$JDOWNLOADER_REMOTEPORT    -> port from RemoteControl Plugin                //
//$JDOWNLOADER_WEBPORT        -> port from Web plugin                            //

/* XBMC Section*/
$XBMC_IP                 '';
$XBMC_PORT                 '';
$XBMC_USERNAME             '';
$XBMC_PASS                 '';

/* SickBeard Section*/
$SICKBEARD_IP             '';
$SICKBEARD_PORT         '';
$SICKBEARD_PASS         '';

/* SABNZBD Section*/
$SABNZBD_IP             '';
$SABNZBD_PORT             '';
$SABNZBD_PASS             '';
$SABNZBD_API            '';

/* CouchPotato Section*/
$COUCHPOTATO_IP         '';

/* uTorrent Section*/
$uTorrent_IP             '';
$uTorrent_PORT             '';
$uTorrent_USERNAME         '';
$uTorrent_PASS             '';

/* jDownloader Section*/
$JDOWNLOADER_IP         '';

/* Transmission Section*/
$TRANSMISSION_IP         '';

//$NZBSU_API    ->    http://nzb.su/profile                                    //        
//$NZB_DL        ->    http://nzb.su/rss where it says "Add this                // 
//                                                    string to your feed URL //
//                                                    to allow NZB downloads    //
//                                                    without logging in:"    //
//                                                                            //
//NZBMatrix        ->    http://nzbmatrix.com/account.php                        //
//$preferredSearch    ->    Set to 1 for NZBMatrix and 2 for nzb.su                //
//$preferredCategories     ->    Check README for a list of options.             //
//                            Make sure the option is for the appropriate site//
//                                                                            //
//$trakt_api    ->    http://trakt.tv/settings/api                            //
$preferredSearch     '2';
$NZBMATRIX_API        '';
$NZBSU_API             '';
$NZB_DL             '';
$trakt_api             '';

// NavBar Section //
//To open inline on MFP                                                        //
//$navlink["Example"] = "http://example.com/";                                //
//                                                                            //
//To open in a blank page                                                    //
//$navlink_blank["New Page"] = "http://google.com";                            //
//                                                                            //
//To populate the DropDown list                                                //
//$navselect["Title"] = "http://google.com";                                //
//                                                                            //
//                                                                            //
//                            SubMenu                                            //
//To open inline on MFP                                                        //
//$subnavlink["Google"] = "http://google.com";                                //
//                                                                            //
//To open in a blank page                                                    //
//$subnavlink_blank["Google"] = "http://google.com";                        //
//                                                                            //
//                        EXAMPLES                                            //
//$navlink["TV Headend"] = "/tvheadend";                                    //
//$navlink["Transmission"] = "http://localhost:9091/transmission/web/";        //
//$navlink["uTorrent"] = "http://localhost:8081/gui/";                        //
//$navlink["jDownloader"] = "http://localhost:8765/";                        //
$navlink["XBMC"]         = "http://localhost:8080";
$navlink["Sickbeard"]     = "/sickbeard";
$navlink["Couch Potato"]= "/couchpotato";
$navlink["Sabnzbd"]     = "/sabnzbd";

// Control Section//
//Options:                                                                    //
//cmd                                                                         //
//xbmcsend                                                                    //
//json                                                                        //
// Optionally add                                                             //
//'host' => 'localhost',                                                     //
//'port' => 9777 to connect to a different machine.                            //
$shortcut["Shutdown XBMC"]                = array("cmd" => 'shutdown');
$shortcut["Update XBMC Video Library"]     = array("cmd" => 'vidscan');
$shortcut["Clean XBMC Video Library"]     = array("xbmcsend" => 'CleanLibrary(video)'); 
$shortcut["Update XBMC Audio Library"]     = array("json" => '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "AudioLibrary.ScanForContent", "id" : 1 }');
$shortcut["MediaFrontPage Forum"]         = "http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=83304&goto=newpost";

// Hard Drive Section//
//$drive["USB"]     = "/Volumes/USB_NAME";     applies for Mac OS                //
//$drive["Sata 1"]     = "/media/sata1/";        applies for Linux OS            //
//$drive["Sata 2"]     = "/media/sata2/";        applies for Linux OS            //
//$drive["C Drive"] = "C:";                    applies for Windows OS            //
//$drive["D Drive"] = "D:";                    applies for Windows OS            //
$drive["/"] = "/";

// RSS Section //
//Ensure sabnzbd > config > index sites is set.                             //
//Supports cat, pp, script, priority as per the sabnzbd api.                //
$rssfeeds["NZBMatrix - TV Shows (DivX)"]    = array("url" => "http://rss.nzbmatrix.com/rss.php?subcat=6"    "cat" => "tv");
$rssfeeds["NZBMatrix - TV Shows (HD x264)"] = array("url" => "http://rss.nzbmatrix.com/rss.php?subcat=41"    "cat" => "tv");
$rssfeeds["NZBMatrix - Movies (DivX)"]      = array("url" => "http://rss.nzbmatrix.com/rss.php?subcat=2"    "cat" => "movies");
$rssfeeds["NZBMatrix - Movies (HD x264)"]   = array("url" => "http://rss.nzbmatrix.com/rss.php?subcat=42"    "cat" => "movies");
$rssfeeds["NZBMatrix - Music (MP3)"]        = array("url" => "http://rss.nzbmatrix.com/rss.php?subcat=22"    "cat" => "music");
$rssfeeds["NZBMatrix - Music (Lossless)"]   = array("url" => "http://rss.nzbmatrix.com/rss.php?subcat=23"    "cat" => "music");
$rssfeeds["NZBMatrix - Sports"]             = array("url" => "http://rss.nzbmatrix.com/rss.php?subcat=7"    "cat" => "sports");
$rssfeeds["MediaFrontPage on Github"]       = array("url" => "https://github.com/MediaFrontPage/mediafrontpage/commits/master.atom""type" => "atom");

// Custom Stylesheet Section //
//To have MFP use a different CSS use this:                                    //
//                                                                            //
//$customStyleSheet = "css/lighttheme.css";                                    //
//$customStyleSheet = "css/comingepisodes-minimal-banner.css";                //

                            /*Message Section*/
//If there is only one XBMC instace, this can be ignored as the widget will //
//use the same info as the one set on the XBMC Section                        //
//Otherwise add them like this:                                                //
//$xbmcMessages['Title']  = "http://localhost:8080/";                        //
//$xbmcMessages['EXAMPLE'] = "http://USERNAME:PASSWORD@IP:PORT/";            //

// Only set the $mfpsecured variable to true if you have secured            //
// MediaFrontPage with a password via .htaccess or some other method        //
// use at your own risk as this can create a security vulnerability in        //
// the wControl widget.                                                        //
$mfpsecured false;

// Alternativly you can set a unique key here. //
$mfpapikey '';

//Example of XBMC mysql connections//
//$xbmcdbconn = array(                                                                //
//        'video' => array(                                                            //
//            'dns' => 'mysql:host=hostname;dbname=videos',                            //
//            'username' => '',                                                        //
//            'password' => '',                                                        //
//            'options' => array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES utf8")    //
//        ),                                                                            //
//        'music' => array(                                                            //
//            'dns' => 'mysql:host=hostname;dbname=music',                            //
//            'username' => 'username',                                                //
//            'password' => 'password',                                                //
//            'options' => array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES utf8")    //
//        ),                                                                            //
//    );                                                                                //



i like this new config

- DejaVu - 2011-05-21

Just round a pals place loading up his HTPC with all the gubbings and MFP.

How come it will load in Firefox correctly, but when opening it up in Google Chrome is downloads a file called 'download' and wont open?

- mfaine - 2011-05-21

SN33KY Wrote:Anny one got this working on a synology NAS?

It has a build in webserver.. and how to install it on the synology?

Yes. It works fine on my 411+. Just setup web services in the control panel and enable the appropriate php extensions in the PHP Settings tab.