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Sick Beard - Automatic TV Show Episode download/sort/rename, nfo/tbn maker & TV Guide - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Sick Beard - Automatic TV Show Episode download/sort/rename, nfo/tbn maker & TV Guide (/showthread.php?tid=63591)

- PiNCH - 2010-07-21

mattressfish Wrote:Create the folder for the show first. Then point SB at that folder.
Not quite following you - I'm pointing it to D:\Top Gear, which is already there... I can't point SB to a folder that doesn't exist Wink

- Flomaster - 2010-07-21

PiNCH Wrote:Not quite following you - I'm pointing it to D:\Top Gear, which is already there... I can't point SB to a folder that doesn't exist Wink

SB is looking in /home/addshows/addshows/topgear which does not exist

as you have it in D:Topgear

make any sense?


- midgetspy - 2010-07-21

Sounds like you updated without restarting maybe?

- mattressfish - 2010-07-21

PiNCH Wrote:Not quite following you - I'm pointing it to D:\Top Gear, which is already there... I can't point SB to a folder that doesn't exist Wink

Sorry, iirc, there was a discussion earlier about wther you should create the folder first or do it via SB. I thought maybe this was the same issue. As is often the case, I'm wrong.

Strange that you're getting a linux path error when you're apparently using Windows.

Sick Beard should never blank path from DB - Pr.Sinister - 2010-07-21

If you start Sick Beard and one of the show folders is missing, Sick Beard will save
a blank path to the DB when you shutdown.

Sick Beard should not do this. It should remember the path where the show was

Sometimes, things can happen when a drive doesn't mount properly or changed
letters by mistake so once everything is back to normal, Sick Beard doesn't need
to be re-configured.

This just happened to me and i had to go and manually change 61 TV Shows to
update the location.

I tried just mass adding the TV Shows again but Sick Beard just said the show
already existed so it was skipping it.

The mass edit asks for a folder prefix but since there is no previous data there,
the prefix becomes the whole path

There is no way of mass-removing shows either so my only choice was to
redo that whole drive one by one.


- midgetspy - 2010-07-21

Ahh I was wondering how people were getting blank show locations... I'll look into that.

- gvnmccld - 2010-07-21

Nevermind, my searches were failing because the backlog was running.

- PiNCH - 2010-07-21

mattressfish Wrote:Strange that you're getting a linux path error when you're apparently using Windows.
I was wondering about that, too...

I have a feeling I'm missing something obvious: the path /home/addShows/ apparently exists since http://localhost:8081/home/addShows/ works fine, but where is it? And why is SB looking there, when I'm pointing it to D:\Top Gear? I feel stupid...

- qubilist - 2010-07-22

Sickbeard is still not finding Big Brother US. I think it needs to be Big.Brother.US.S12Ex. It seems to be searching a different name.

Am I doing it incorrectly?

- darkscout - 2010-07-22

Does it check all the search providers in order? For some reason it seems that it was stopping on the first one.

I have had quite a few back shows missing that never got filled. So for kicks I rearranged my order.

Previously I had:

Now I have:

And all of a sudden it seem like nearly all my missing back episodes for some TV shows are just streaming through. It seems to me that if it failed on one it should still continue to check the others, which doesn't seem like what it was doing. Some times I was missing entire seasons (Season 4 - My Name is Earl | Season 3 - Burn Notice) and it just grabbed and queued everything.

Also, some Anime series don't have "seasons" for example. "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood" just goes by episode number. So when doing a search I think that it fails to find S01Exx because it's just listed on NZBMatrix as "xx".

Not showing episode info - Hirs - 2010-07-22


xbmc is only showing season and episode number, ie: 6x01, (library mode), I have to go to episode info->refresh to get the episode title and info

This only happens with episodes downloaded from sickbeard, it is configured to send nzbs to sabnzb

I have no problems with manual added episodes

Using xbmc 9.11 and sickbeard alpha2 (where can I see the revision?)

Thank you

PD: I can't register in the SB forum, there is a problem with the captcha:

- deltazulu - 2010-07-22

Getting 500 error trying to process Losing It With Jillian

500 Internal Server Error

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/export/home/danny/.sickbeard/cherrypy/_cprequest.py", line 660, in respond
    response.body = self.handler()
  File "/export/home/danny/.sickbeard/cherrypy/lib/encoding.py", line 193, in __call__
    self.body = self.oldhandler(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/export/home/danny/.sickbeard/cherrypy/_cpdispatch.py", line 25, in __call__
    return self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/export/home/danny/.sickbeard/sickbeard/webserve.py", line 908, in processEpisode
    result = processTV.processDir(dir, nzbName)
  File "/export/home/danny/.sickbeard/sickbeard/processTV.py", line 187, in processDir
    result = processFile(curFile, dirName, nzbName)
  File "/export/home/danny/.sickbeard/sickbeard/processTV.py", line 443, in processFile
    newFile = os.path.join(destDir, helpers.sanitizeFileName(rootEp.prettyName())+biggestFileExt)
  File "/export/home/danny/.sickbeard/sickbeard/tv.py", line 1591, in prettyName
    if "Talk Show" in self.show.genre and sickbeard.NAMING_DATES:
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable

Powered by CherryPy 3.2.0rc1

Show is "Losing.It.with.Jillian.S01E08.Alvarez.Family.HDTV.XviD-FQM".
TVDB shows the title of this show as "Losing It with Jillian Michaels!".
Tried renaming folder to "Losing.It.with.Jillian.Michaels.S01E08.Alvarez.Family.HDTV.XviD-FQM" but still get error... I think the "!" in tvdb is causing the error. To avoid having to rename every show, can this be wildcarded or something in the sabToSickBeard.py? I know some exceptions had to be made for Hell's Kitchen since it has the apostrophe inthe name.

- Sinnocence - 2010-07-22

Any python savvy user here capable of writing a small script to just call the http://<server>:<port>/manageShows/manageSearches/forceBacklog URL?

I tried to knock one up but my first foray into Python proved less than successful. The wiki even has an example of loading a URL but it's not triggering the force (and I can't see anything obvious to suggest the script failed).

Any help would be much appreciated.


- mattressfish - 2010-07-22

just use wget. It's available for windows. Then you just need a batch file that says:

wget http://<server>:<port>/manageShows/manageSearches/forceBacklog

- Sinnocence - 2010-07-22

mattressfish Wrote:just use wget. It's available for windows. Then you just need a batch file that says:

wget http://<server>:<port>/manageShows/manageSearches/forceBacklog

XBMC wont directly call it though right? You'd need to get a script to allow you to run .bat files?