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Saving files on an ipad for XBMC - Printable Version

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Saving files on an ipad for XBMC - scrubca - 2011-06-19

Hello All,

I really tried searching for this information in the forums and faqs, but I couldn't find what I was looking for.

I'm trying to save files to the ipad for use with XBMC. Or even better would be to add a video source in XBMC where the files are already on the ipad.

For example. I use Cinexplayer or VLC right now. They allow you to download files to the ipad through itunes. I would like XBMC to use that library as a source.

Unfortunately I don't know enough about the ipad directory structure to point to those directories (I can't find where either Cinexplayer or VLC are storing the files). And I'm not familiar with SSH to move stuff around.

Can anyone help me out please? In the posts I've read, most people are using XBMC to stream video from their personal collections on their own network.

I travel alot so I'd like to be able to download some videos.. and watch them with XBMC when I'm away from home without an internet connection.


- Muttleyuk - 2011-06-19

I use OPlayer HD on iPad and I can add it's Documents folder in XBMC.

In XBMC, add a source -> Home Folder -> Applications -> (insert app folder)
The tricky bit is finding what app relates to what name.

On mine, OPlayer is in a folder called something like 4AFCA4A etc...

When adding, go to the Applications folder and you will see a list of long names. Go tp the first and see if it is correct. i.e. in my case I am looking for a file within that folder called OPlayer.app

If it's not the correct app folder, go back and try the next folder. Rinse and repeat.

With OPlayer, files downloaded are stored in a folder called Downloads. Within that I have created folders called TV and Movies and then followed the same structure as if it was on my NAS for correct scraping.

The only problem with this that I have found is that when you update the app, the unique applications folder name seems to change so don't update it unless you want to search for it again and scrape again. I currently use this method for taking 25GB+ of videos on holiday.

Of course you could copy files to a folder using WinSCP or something similar, but OPlayer's built in iOS friendly 'pull' technique is easier for me.

- Ned Scott - 2011-06-19

The app names are made up of seemingly random characters and will actually change from time to time. It will work, but every so often you'll have to update the source. Hard to say how often. I've had app folders bookmarked (in iFile, for example) before and work for weeks, then one day change.

However, I searched around a bit to see if anyone had a solution to this. Just go to Cydia and install AppLinks, which will then make autoupdating alias folders that you can use in XBMC (it also makes it a LOT easier to find which app you want to use, rather than trying each folder of random characters).

- amet - 2011-06-19

I wanted to move this to offtopic, any objections Ned?

- Ned Scott - 2011-06-19

amet Wrote:I wanted to move this to offtopic, any objections Ned?

No strong objections, I guess, but he is asking how to make local video sources for XBMC on his iPad. I'm not really sure I understand..

- amet - 2011-06-19

I would just check what XBMC sees in a list of sources and copy my movies there

/var/mobile/Media or something would be the first suspect

- Pocalypse - 2011-06-20

I've used the iFile search function to find my CineXplayer directory, then set it as a source in XBMC. AppLinks sounds good though, will have to give it a try.

- floink - 2011-06-20

I've used CyberDuck to SSH files over to my iPad. Have no problem finding the files in Xbmc on the iPad but the exact same files that I normally stream to my ATV2 over SMB for some reason refuse to play on the iPad. Feels like I'm missing something. Anyone have tips? (On my way to work now but I'll post log file when I'm back home.)

- boost2029 - 2011-07-07

can you play the movies stored in the ipad without problems? I installed xbmc two weeks ago and when playing movies the video was like in slow motion and there was no audio, then installed a nightly (a forum member told me current stable version did not use hardware acceleration) and then the video was ok but the audio keeps silenced (in the guide I followed says that can happen).

So you dind't face any of these problems?