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uTorrent - TheRenamer - AutoUpdate Library - Printable Version

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uTorrent - TheRenamer - AutoUpdate Library - frozenbubbl - 2011-08-19


I wrote a small script today, that calls TheRenamer after downloading Movies or Series, and tells your XBMC to update library. It has a built in function to send you a mail. But to be honest, i didn't check it if it works due to missing mail server that lets me sending emails without smtp-auth first.

  1. Change the definition section to meet your needs.
  2. Set uTorrent to append label to path. (this is that therenamer knows where to pick up either movies or series). This up to you how you set it up.
  3. You need to set up utorrent to execute a script after downloading. The command is simple XBMCUpd.vbs %L
  4. Every torrent you add, you need to give labels. Preconfigured is Movies and Series, but you can change it, as you can see in the script.
  5. it will create a log file to in the same directory

One drawback has the script though:
Once uTorrent runs the script, XBMC is minimized for 3-4 seconds. Any thoughts to get rid of that?

'Runs XBMC & Renamer update job
'Created by frozenbubble
'Email: frozenbubble
'Version: 1.0

On Error resume next

Dim argLabel, StartTime

Const Logfile = "postprocessing.log"
Const Mail = False
Const MailRecipient  = "[email protected]"
Const MailSender = "prock@local"
Const MailServer = "mail.server.com"
Const FetchSeries = "-fetch"
Const FetchMovies = "-fetchmovie"
Const PathToTheRenamer = "C:\Program Files (x86)\theRenamer\theRenamer.exe"
Const LabelSeries = "Series"
Const LabelMovies = "Movies"
Const XBMCHost = ""
Const XBMCUser = "xbmc"
Const XBMCPassword = "xbmc"
Const XBMCPort = "80"

'============End of Definitions========================

StartTime = Date() & " " & Time() & ":"

'Check on passed on arguments
If WScript.Arguments.Count = 1 Then
argLabel = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
createLog("Argument passed on: " & argLabel)
createLog("Usage: XBMCUpd.vbs Label")
createLog("Configure uTorrent to pass on Labels")
createLog("to do postprocessing on your downloads:")
createLog("wscript XBMCUpd.vbs %L")
End If

'Run core function
'==============End Main================

Sub Renamer(strLabel)
  Dim WshShell, oExec
  Dim ExeStatement
  Dim objSvrHTTP
  Dim conUpdString
  'Putting together the right ExeStatement
    If strLabel = LabelSeries Then
        createLog("Executing Series")
        ExeStatement = """" & PathToTheRenamer & """" & " " & FetchSeries
    ElseIf strLabel = LabelMovies Then
        createLog("Executing Movies")
        ExeStatement = """" & PathToTheRenamer & """" & " " & FetchMovies
        createLog("No valid argument passed on")
    End If
    'Run ExeStatement
    'wscript.echo ExeStatement
    createLog("Execute TheRenamer")
    Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    'WshShell.Run "%comspec% /c " & ExeStatement
    WScript.Sleep 30000
    'Run XBMCUpd
    Set objSvrHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
    If strLabel = LabelMovies Then conNotString = "http://" & XBMCUser & ":" & XBMCPassword & "@" & XBMCHost & ":" & XBMCPort & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=ExecBuiltIn(Notification(Update,New movie added,4000))"
    If strLabel = LabelSeries Then conNotString = "http://" & XBMCUser & ":" & XBMCPassword & "@" & XBMCHost & ":" & XBMCPort & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=ExecBuiltIn(Notification(Update,New episode added,4000))"
    'wscript.echo conNotString
    'wscript.echo "send Notification"
    objSvrHTTP.open "GET", conNotString
    WScript.Sleep 7000
    createLog("Sent Notification")
    'Wscript.echo "send update command to xbmc"
    conUpdString = "http://" & XBMCUser & ":" & XBMCPassword & "@" & XBMCHost & ":" & XBMCPort & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=ExecBuiltIn&parameter=XBMC.UpdateLibrary(video)"
    'wscript.echo conUpdString
    objSvrHTTP.open "GET", conUpdString
    'wscript.echo "finished sending http strings"
    createLog("Sent Update command")
    'Send email
    If Mail = True Then
        createLog("Sent Mail")
    End If
End Sub

Sub createLog(strName)
   Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
   Dim fso, f
   Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   'if logfile does not exist create one
   If (fso.FileExists(Logfile)) <> True Then
      'WScript.Echo "Logfile created"
      Set MyFile = fso.CreateTextFile(Logfile, False)
   End If
   Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(Logfile, ForAppending)
   f.Write strName & VbCrLf

End Sub

Sub sendEmail(strUpdateType)
  Dim EmailBody  

'========================= Make changes here ======================  
  EmailBody = strUpdateType &  " downloaded and passed on to TheRenamer." & VbCrLf
  EmailBody = "Script started: " & StartTime & VbCrLf
'========================= No more changes (see function sendEmail)

  Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")

  objEmail.From = MailSender
  objEmail.To = MailRecipient
  objEmail.Subject = "Download complete, files added to library"
  objEmail.Textbody = EmailBody
  'objEmail.AddAttachment "C:\Scripts\Output.txt"
  objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2
  objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = MailServer
  objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25
  createLog("Email sent")
End Sub

- Hybred - 2011-08-27

I like to seed my files so Renaming them really isn't in the ballpark for me. However I would like to run that script when a torrent finishes to update my library. Any chance you could edit out the Renamer parts and just leave me with a refresh script? Smile

Also, I would assume a dry refresh wouldn't need labels... correct?

- frozenbubbl - 2011-08-28

Delete/Comment this part
    If strLabel = LabelSeries Then
        createLog("Executing Series")
        ExeStatement = """" & PathToTheRenamer & """" & " " & FetchSeries
    ElseIf strLabel = LabelMovies Then
        createLog("Executing Movies")
        ExeStatement = """" & PathToTheRenamer & """" & " " & FetchMovies
        createLog("No valid argument passed on")
    End If
    'Run ExeStatement
    'wscript.echo ExeStatement
    createLog("Execute TheRenamer")
    Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    'WshShell.Run "%comspec% /c " & ExeStatement
    WScript.Sleep 30000

- Hybred - 2011-08-30

Thanks. Did you figure out how to stop the minimizing? (Because I did.)

- frozenbubbl - 2011-09-01

Out of curiosity, I wonder what you did to make this work. I might need this later Wink

In the meantime I switched over to EventGhost. Doesn't give me any benefit, that couldn't implemented into the vbscript actually.