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[Release] VEVO Music Video plugin addon - Printable Version

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Re: [Release] VEVO Music Video plugin addon - nickr - 2014-10-17

Mouse isn't the usual way to communicate with xbmc.

RE: [Release] VEVO Music Video plugin addon - nickshe89 - 2014-10-24

any update or its dead

RE: [Release] VEVO Music Video plugin addon - learningit - 2014-11-20

For those who are interested in 1080 Vevo videos, see the next post.

RE: [Release] VEVO Music Video plugin addon - learningit - 2014-11-21

The HLS changes for 1080 and a fix for "Featured" are now in moneymaker's git which is where the most updated version will be:

or better, if you want updates as well, use moneymaker's repo:

Please let me know if these changes work for you, there are some moving parts that may not work in all parts of the world.

RE: [Release] VEVO Music Video plugin addon - Wanilton - 2014-11-21

learningit, for solve log in vevo with facebook, here code facebook.py

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2010 Facebook
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

"""Python client library for the Facebook Platform.

This client library is designed to support the Graph API and the official
Facebook JavaScript SDK, which is the canonical way to implement
Facebook authentication. Read more about the Graph API at
http://developers.facebook.com/docs/api. You can download the Facebook
JavaScript SDK at http://github.com/facebook/connect-js/.

If your application is using Google AppEngine's webapp framework, your
usage of this module might look like this:

    user = facebook.get_user_from_cookie(self.request.cookies, key, secret)
    if user:
        graph = facebook.GraphAPI(user["access_token"])
        profile = graph.get_object("me")
        friends = graph.get_connections("me", "friends")

from poster.encode import multipart_encode
import poster.streaminghttp
import urllib, urllib2
import sys, re, codecs
from urllib2 import HTTPError
from cgi import parse_qs

import os, xbmc, xbmcaddon
__addon__ = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='script.facebook.media')


# Find a JSON parser
    import json
    _parse_json = lambda s: json.loads(s)
    _dump_json = lambda s: json.dumps(s)
except ImportError:
        import simplejson
        _parse_json = lambda s: simplejson.loads(s)
        _dump_json = lambda s: simplejson.dumps(s)
    except ImportError:
        # For Google AppEngine
        from django.utils import simplejson
        _parse_json = lambda s: simplejson.loads(s)
        _dump_json = lambda s: simplejson.dumps(s)

import locale
loc = locale.getdefaultlocale()
print loc
ENCODING = loc[1] or 'utf-8'

def ENCODE(string):
    return string.encode(ENCODING,'replace')

def LOG(string):
        print 'FACEBOOK MEDIA:facebook.py - %s' % ENCODE(str(string))
        print 'FACEBOOK MEDIA:facebook.py - %s' % repr(string)
        print "FACEBOOK MEDIA:facebook.py - COULDN'T ENCODE FOR LOG - FINAL"

class GraphAPI(object):
    """A client for the Facebook Graph API.

    See http://developers.facebook.com/docs/api for complete documentation
    for the API.

    The Graph API is made up of the objects in Facebook (e.g., people, pages,
    events, photos) and the connections between them (e.g., friends,
    photo tags, and event RSVPs). This client provides access to those
    primitive types in a generic way. For example, given an OAuth access
    token, this will fetch the profile of the active user and the list
    of the user's friends:

       graph = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token)
       user = graph.get_object("me")
       friends = graph.get_connections(user["id"], "friends")

    You can see a list of all of the objects and connections supported
    by the API at http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/.

    You can obtain an access token via OAuth or by using the Facebook
    JavaScript SDK. See http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/
    for details.

    If you are using the JavaScript SDK, you can use the
    get_user_from_cookie() method below to get the OAuth access token
    for the active user from the cookie saved by the SDK.
    def __init__(self, access_token=None):
        self.access_token = access_token

    def get_object(self, ID, **args):
        """Fetchs the given object from the graph."""
        return self.request(ID, args)

    def get_objects(self, ids, **args):
        """Fetchs all of the given object from the graph.

        We return a map from ID to object. If any of the IDs are invalid,
        we raise an exception.
        args["ids"] = ",".join(ids)
        return self.request("", args)

    def get_connections(self, ID, connection_name, **args):
        """Fetchs the connections for given object."""
        return self.request(ID + "/" + connection_name, args,update_prog=True)

    def put_object(self, parent_object, connection_name, **data):
        """Writes the given object to the graph, connected to the given parent.

        For example,

            graph.put_object("me", "feed", message="Hello, world")

        writes "Hello, world" to the active user's wall. Likewise, this
        will comment on a the first post of the active user's feed:

            feed = graph.get_connections("me", "feed")
            post = feed["data"][0]
            graph.put_object(post["id"], "comments", message="First!")

        See http://developers.facebook.com/docs/api#publishing for all of
        the supported writeable objects.

        Most write operations require extended permissions. For example,
        publishing wall posts requires the "publish_stream" permission. See
        http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/ for details about
        extended permissions.
        assert self.access_token, "Write operations require an access token"
        return self.request(parent_object + "/" + connection_name, post_args=data)

    def put_wall_post(self, message, attachment={}, profile_id="me"):
        """Writes a wall post to the given profile's wall.

        We default to writing to the authenticated user's wall if no
        profile_id is specified.

        attachment adds a structured attachment to the status message being
        posted to the Wall. It should be a dictionary of the form:

            {"name": "Link name"
             "link": "http://www.example.com/",
             "caption": "{*actor*} posted a new review",
             "description": "This is a longer description of the attachment",
             "picture": "http://www.example.com/thumbnail.jpg"}

        return self.put_object(profile_id, "feed", message=message, **attachment)

    def put_comment(self, object_id, message):
        """Writes the given comment on the given post."""
        return self.put_object(object_id, "comments", message=message)

    def put_like(self, object_id):
        """Likes the given post."""
        return self.put_object(object_id, "likes")

    def delete_object(self, ID):
        """Deletes the object with the given ID from the graph."""
        self.request(ID, post_args={"method": "delete"})

    def request(self, path, args=None, post_args=None,update_prog=False):
        """Fetches the given path in the Graph API.

        We translate args to a valid query string. If post_args is given,
        we send a POST request to the given path with the given arguments.
        if not args: args = {}
        headers = None
        post_data = None
        if self.access_token:
            if post_args is None:
                args["access_token"] = self.access_token
                post_data = None
                post_args["access_token"] = self.access_token
                post_data, headers = multipart_encode(post_args)
        pre = "https://graph.facebook.com/"
        args = "?" + urllib.urlencode(args)
        if path.startswith('http'):
            pre = ''
            args = ''
        url = pre + path + args
            if headers:
                request = urllib2.Request(url, post_data, headers)
                fileob = urllib2.urlopen(request)
                fileob = urllib2.urlopen(url,post_data)
        except HTTPError, e:
            if e.code == 400:
                reason = e.headers.get('WWW-Authenticate')
                LOG('\nMessage: %s\nReason: %s' % (e.msg,reason))
                if 'invalid_token' in reason or 'invalid_request' in reason:
                    if 'unsupported get request' in reason.lower():
                        raise GraphAPIError(    'BadGetException',
                                                'Unsupported get request')
                        raise GraphAPIError(    'OAuthException',
                                                'Expired/bad token')
        encoding = fileob.info().get('content-type').split('charset=')[-1]
        fileob = codecs.EncodedFile(fileob, encoding)
        if update_prog: self.updateProgress(30)
            data = ''
                total = int(fileob.info()['content-length'])
                total = 1
                update_prog = False
            chunk = 4096
            sofar = 0
            while True:
                d = fileob.read(chunk)
                if not d: break
                data += d
                if update_prog:
                    sofar += chunk
                    prog = int((sofar * 40) / total)
                    if update_prog and not self.updateProgress(30 + prog): return
            response = _parse_json(data)
        if type(response) == type({}) and response.get("error"):
            raise GraphAPIError(response["error"]["type"],
        return response
    def updateProgress(self,pct):
        return True

class GraphAPIError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, type_, message):
        Exception.__init__(self, message)
        self.type = type_

class GraphWrapAuthError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, type_, message):
        Exception.__init__(self, message)
        self.type = type_
        self.message = message

class Connections(list):
    def __init__(self,graph,connections=None,first=True,progress=True):
        self.first = first
        self.graph = graph
        self.progress = progress
        self.previous = ''
        self.next = ''
        self.count = 0
        if connections:
            self.count = connections.get('count',0)
        if connections: self.processConnections(connections)
    def processConnections(self,connections):
        cons = []
        for c in connections['data']:
            if hasattr(c,'get'):
        if self.progress: self.graph.updateProgress(100)
    def _getPaging(self,obj,count):
        paging = obj.get('paging')
        if not paging: return
        next_ = paging.get('next','')
        prev = paging.get('previous','')
        limit = self._areTheSame(next_, prev, count)
        if limit:
            self.previous = self._checkForContent(prev)
            if not self.previous and count < limit and self.first: return
            self.next = self._checkForContent(next_)
    def _checkForContent(self,url):
        if not url: return ''
        connections = self.graph.request(url)
        if not 'data' in connections: return ''
        if not len(connections['data']): return ''
        return url
    def _areTheSame(self,next_,prev,count):
            limit = int(parse_qs(next_.split('?')[-1])['limit'][0])
            limit = count
            next_ut = int(parse_qs(next_.split('?')[-1])['until'][0])
            prev_ut = int(parse_qs(prev.split('?')[-1])['since'][0])
            if prev_ut == next_ut: return 0
            return limit
            return limit
import UserDict
class UTF8DictWrap(UserDict.UserDict):
    def get(self,key,failobj=None):
        val = UserDict.UserDict.get(self, key, failobj)
        if hasattr(val,'encode'): return unicode(val.encode('utf-8'),'utf-8')
        return val
class GraphObject:
    def __init__(self,ID=None,graph=None,data=None,**args):
        if (not ID) and data:
            if 'id' in data: ID = data['id']
        self.id = ID
        self.args = args
        self.graph = graph
        self._cache = {}
        self._data = data
        self.connections = GraphConnections(self)
        if ID == 'me':
            self._data = self._getObjectData(ID,**args)
            self.id = self._data.get('id') or 'me'
    def updateData(self):
        self._data = self._getObjectData(self.id,**self.args)
        return self
    def toJSON(self):
        return self._toJSON(self._data)
    def get(self,key,default=None,as_json=False):
        return self._getData(key,default,as_json)
    def hasProperty(self,prop):
        return prop in self._data
    def comment(self,comment):
    def like(self):
    def __getattr__(self, prop):
        if prop.startswith('_'): return object.__getattr__(self,prop)
        if prop.endswith('_'): prop = prop[:-1]
        if prop in self._cache:
            return self._cache[prop]
        if not self._data:
            self._data = self._getObjectData(self.id,**self.args)
            if self.id == 'me': self.id = self._data.get('id') or 'me'
        def handler(default=None,as_json=False):
            return self._getData(prop,default,as_json)
        handler.method = prop
        self._cache[prop] = handler
        return handler
    def _getData(self,prop,default,as_json):
        val = self._data.get(prop)
        if not val: return default
        if type(val) == type({}):
            if 'data' in val:
                if as_json:
                    return self._toJSON(val)
                elif isinstance(val['data'],list):
                    return Connections(self.graph,val,progress=False)
                    val = val['data']
            return UTF8DictWrap(val)
        if hasattr(val,'encode'): return unicode(val.encode('utf-8'),'utf-8')
        return val
    def _getObjectData(self,ID,**args):
        fail = False
            return self.graph.get_object(ID,**args)
        except GraphAPIError,e:
            if not e.type == 'OAuthException': raise
            fail = True
        if fail:
            if not self.graph.getNewToken():
                if self.graph.access_token: raise GraphWrapAuthError('RENEW_TOKEN_FAILURE','Failed to get new token')
                else: return None
            return self.graph.get_object(ID,**args)
    def _toJSON(self,data_obj):
        return _dump_json(data_obj)
class GraphData:
    def __init__(self,graphObject,data=None):
        self.graphObject = graphObject
        self.graph = self.graphObject.graph
    def __getattr__(self, prop):
        if prop.startswith('_'): return object.__getattr__(self,prop)
        if prop in self._cache:
            return self._cache[prop]
        if not self._data: self._data = self._getObjectData(self.graphObject.id)
        def handler(default=None):
            val = self._data.get(prop,default)
            if hasattr(val,'encode'): return unicode(val.encode('utf-8'),'utf-8')
            return val
        handler.method = prop
        self._cache[prop] = handler
        return handler
    def _getObjectData(self,ID,**args):
        fail = False
            return self.graph.get_object(ID,**args)
        except GraphAPIError,e:
            if not e.type == 'OAuthException': raise
            fail = True
        if fail:
            if not self.graph.getNewToken():
                if self.graph.access_token: raise GraphWrapAuthError('RENEW_TOKEN_FAILURE','Failed to get new token')
                else: return None
            return self.graph.get_object(ID,**args)
class GraphConnections:
    def __init__(self,graphObject):
        self.graphObject = graphObject
        self.graph = self.graphObject.graph
        self.cache = {}
    def __getattr__(self, method):
        if method.startswith('_'): return object.__getattr__(self,method)
        if method in self.cache:
            return self.cache[method]
        def handler(**args):
            fail = False
                return self._getConnections(method,**args)
            except GraphAPIError,e:
                if not e.type == 'OAuthException': raise
                fail = True
            if fail:
                if not self.graph.getNewToken():
                    if self.graph.access_token: raise GraphWrapAuthError('RENEW_TOKEN_FAILURE','Failed to get new token')
                    else: return None
                return self._getConnections(method,**args)
        handler.method = method
        self.cache[method] = handler
        return handler
    def _getConnections(self,method,**args):
        connections = self.graph.get_connections(self.graphObject.id, method.replace('__','/'), **args)
        return Connections(self.graph,connections)
    def _processConnections(self,connections,paging):
        return self.graph._processConnections(connections,paging)
class GraphWrap(GraphAPI):
    def __init__(self,token,new_token_callback=None,version='8.0'):
        self.uid = None
        self._newTokenCallback = new_token_callback
        self._progCallback = None
        self._progModifier = 1
        self._progTotal = 100
        self._progMessage = ''
        self.uid = None
        self.cookieJar = None
        self.version = version
    def withProgress(self,callback,modifier=1,total=100,message=''):
        poster.streaminghttp.PROGRESS_CALLBACK = callback
        self._progCallback = callback
        self._progModifier = modifier
        self._progTotal = total
        self._progMessage = message
        return self
    def updateProgress(self,level):
        if self._progCallback:
            level *= self._progModifier
            return self._progCallback(int(level),self._progTotal,self._progMessage)
        return True
    def fromJSON(self,json_string):
        if not json_string: return None
        data_obj = _parse_json(json_string)
        if type(data_obj) == type({}):
            if 'data' in data_obj:
                return Connections(self,data_obj,progress=False)
            elif 'id' in data_obj:
                return GraphObject(graph=self,data=data_obj)
        return data_obj
    def putWallPost(self,message, attachment={}, profile_id="me"):
        fail = False
            return self.put_wall_post(message, attachment, profile_id)
        except GraphAPIError,e:
            if not e.type == 'OAuthException': raise
            fail = True
        if fail:
            if not self.getNewToken():
                if self.access_token: raise GraphWrapAuthError('RENEW_TOKEN_FAILURE','Failed to get new token')
                else: return None
            return self.put_wall_post(message, attachment, profile_id)
    def putObject(self,parent_object, connection_name, **data):
        fail = False
            return self.put_object(parent_object, connection_name, **data)
        except GraphAPIError,e:
            if not e.type == 'OAuthException': raise
            fail = True
        if fail:
            if not self.getNewToken():
                if self.access_token: raise GraphWrapAuthError('RENEW_TOKEN_FAILURE','Failed to get new token')
                else: return None
            return self.put_object(parent_object, connection_name, **data)
    def getObject(self,ID,**args):
        return GraphObject(ID,self,**args)
    def getObjects(self,ids=[]):
        data = self.get_objects(ids)
        objects = {}
        for ID in data:
            objects[ID] = GraphObject(ID,self,data[ID])
        return objects
    def urlRequest(self,url):
        connections = self.request(url)
        return Connections(self,connections,first=False)
    def setLogin(self,email,passw,uid=None,token=None):
        self.uid = uid or self.uid
        self.login_email = email
        self.login_pass = passw
        if token: self.access_token = token
    def setAppData(self,aid,redirect='https://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html',scope=None):
        self.client_id = aid
        self.redirect = redirect
        self.scope = scope
    def checkHasPermission(self,permission):
        url = 'https://api.facebook.com/method/users.hasAppPermission?format=json&ext_perm='+permission+'&access_token='+self.access_token
        fobj = urllib2.urlopen(url)
            response = _parse_json(fobj.read())
        return (response == 1)
    def browserRead(self,readable,post=''):
        html = readable.read()
        if False:
            htmlFile = os.path.join(xbmc.translatePath(__addon__.getAddonInfo('profile')),'cache','DEBUG_HTML%s.html' % post)
            with open(htmlFile,'w') as f:
        return html
    def checkIsAppUser(self):
        url = 'https://api.facebook.com/method/users.isAppUser?format=json&access_token='+self.access_token
        fobj = urllib2.urlopen(url)
            response = _parse_json(fobj.read())
        return response
    def getNewToken(self):
        import mechanize #@UnresolvedImport
        br = mechanize.Browser()
        __addon__ = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='script.facebook.media')
        cookiesPath = os.path.join(xbmc.translatePath(__addon__.getAddonInfo('profile')),'cache','cookies')
        LOG('Cookies will be saved to: ' + cookiesPath)
        cookies = mechanize.LWPCookieJar(cookiesPath)
        if os.path.exists(cookiesPath): cookies.load()
        self.cookieJar = cookies
        opener = mechanize.build_opener(mechanize.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookies))
        agent = 'XBMC/{0} Facebook-Media/{1}'.format(xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.BuildVersion'),self.version)
        LOG('Setting User Agent: {0}'.format(agent))
        br.addheaders = [('User-agent',agent)]
        scope = ''
        if self.scope: scope = '&scope=' + self.scope
        url =     'https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id='+self.client_id+\
            res = br.open(url)
            html = res.read()
        script = False
            #check for login form
            script = True
        if script:
            #no form, maybe we're logged in and the token is in javascript on the page
            url = res.geturl()
            token = self.extractTokenFromURL(url)
            if not token: token = self.parseTokenFromScript(html)
                #fill out the form and submit
                br['email'] = self.login_email
                br['pass'] = self.login_pass
                res = br.submit()
                url = res.geturl()
                LOG("FORM ERROR")
            script = False
            token = self.extractTokenFromURL(url)
            html = self.browserRead(res,'-noscript')
            if not token:
                #if 'class="checkpoint"' in html:
                token = self.handleLoginNotificationCrap(br)
            if not token: script = True
            if script:
                LOG("SCRIPT TOKEN")
                #no token in the url, let's try to parse it from javascript on the page
                    __addon__ = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='script.facebook.media')
                    htmlFile = os.path.join(xbmc.translatePath(__addon__.getAddonInfo('profile')),'cache','DEBUG_HTML.html')
                    LOG('html output written to: ' + htmlFile)
                token = self.parseTokenFromScript(html)
                token = urllib.unquote(token.decode('unicode-escape'))
        if not self.tokenIsValid(token):
            #if script: LOG("HTML:" + html)
            return False
        LOG("\n|--------------------\n|TOKEN: %s\n|--------------------"  % token)
        if self.cookieJar is not None:
        return token
    def handleLoginNotificationCrap(self,br):
        LOG('Handling Login Notification Crap')
        res = br.submit()
        #if not 'Media XBMC' in html: return None
        url = res.geturl()
        LOG('LN First URL: ' + url)
        if 'login.php' in url:
            raise GraphWrapAuthError('BAD_USERPASS','Failed: Probable bad user/pass')
        if 'access_token' in url: return self.extractTokenFromURL(url)
            res = br.submit(name='submit[Continue]')
            res = br.submit()
        url = res.geturl()
        LOG('LN Second URL: ' + url)
        if 'access_token' in url: return self.extractTokenFromURL(url)
        self.isolateSubmitButton(br, 'save_device')
        res = br.submit()
        html = res.read()
        url = res.geturl()
        LOG('LN Third URL: ' + url)
        if 'access_token' in url: return self.extractTokenFromURL(url)
        if 'name="submit[Continue]"' in html:
            LOG("Found 'Continue' page: submitting")
            res = br.submit()
            url = res.geturl()
            if 'access_token' in url:
                return self.extractTokenFromURL(url)
                LOG("No Token In URL: {0}".format(url))
        return None
    def isolateSubmitButton(self,br,value):
        submit_buttons = self.find_controls(br,ctype="submit")
        for button in submit_buttons[:]:
            if button.value != value: br.form.controls.remove(button)
    def find_controls(self, br,name=None, ctype=None, kind=None, cid=None, predicate=None, label=None):
        i = 0
        results = []
        try :
                results.append(br.find_control(name, ctype, kind, cid, predicate, label, nr=i))
                i += 1
        except Exception as e: #Exception tossed if control not found @UnusedVariable
        return results

    def extractTokenFromURL(self,url):
            #we submitted the form, check the result url for the access token
            import urlparse
            token = parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(url.replace('#','?',1).replace('??','?'))[4])['access_token'][0]
            LOG("URL TOKEN: %s" % token)
            return token
            LOG("TOKEN URL: %s" % url)
            return None
    def tokenIsValid(self,token):
        if not token: return False
        if 'login_form' in token and 'standard_explanation' in token:
            reason = re.findall('id="standard_explanation">(?:<p>)?([^<]*)<',token)
            if reason: LOG(reason[0])
            LOG("TOKEN: " + token)
            raise GraphWrapAuthError('LOGIN_FAILURE',reason)
            return False
        if 'html' in token or 'script' in token or len(token) > 250:
            LOG("TOKEN: " + token)
            raise GraphWrapAuthError('RENEW_TOKEN_FAILURE','Failed to get new token')
            return False
        if 'login notifications' in token:
            LOG("TOKEN: " + token)
            raise GraphWrapAuthError('RENEW_TOKEN_FAILURE','Disable login notifications, then retry')
            return False
        if 'temporarily locked' in token:
            LOG("TOKEN: " + token)
            raise GraphWrapAuthError('RENEW_TOKEN_FAILURE','Facebook account is locked')
            return False
        #Because you enabled login notifications, your account is temporarily locked.
        return True
    def genericError(self):
        LOG('ERROR: %s::%s (%d) - %s' % (self.__class__.__name__
                                   , sys.exc_info()[2].tb_frame.f_code.co_name, sys.exc_info()[2].tb_lineno, sys.exc_info()[1]))
    def parseTokenFromScript(self,html):
        return urllib.unquote_plus(html.split("#access_token=")[-1].split("&expires")[0])
    def saveToken(self,token=None):
        if token:
            self.access_token = token
            if self._newTokenCallback: self._newTokenCallback(token)

for validate log via facebook in Kodi, I use script Facebook Media by ruuk

RE: [Release] VEVO Music Video plugin addon - learningit - 2014-11-21

Sorry, I don't see anything different in your version of facebook.py and the one in the git. Did you modify it in anyway?

RE: [Release] VEVO Music Video plugin addon - Wanilton - 2014-11-21

This is the same used by ruuk, and work perfect, with actual in git have error when try log.

RE: [Release] VEVO Music Video plugin addon - learningit - 2014-11-21

Ok, thanks now I understand.. I will look into it further and make the corrections to fix facebook login. I will sometime (after Thanksgiving) add in bitrate selection and staff picks to fix those problems, as well as some updates to the website. I have them coded, just need to test. thanks

RE: [Release] VEVO Music Video plugin addon - Arse4life - 2014-11-21

(2014-11-21, 15:35)learningit Wrote: The HLS changes for 1080 and a fix for "Featured" are now in moneymaker's git which is where the most updated version will be:

or better, if you want updates as well, use moneymaker's repo:

Please let me know if these changes work for you, there are some moving parts that may not work in all parts of the world.

I have repository.xbmcplus.xbmc-plugins-1.3.zip. Is it the same as the master zip you posted? Thanks.

RE: [Release] VEVO Music Video plugin addon - learningit - 2014-11-21

(2014-11-21, 19:22)Arse4life Wrote: I have repository.xbmcplus.xbmc-plugins-1.3.zip. Is it the same as the master zip you posted? Thanks.

I think so. You will probably need to do a force refresh or update on either the repo or the VEVO addon to get the latest version.

RE: [Release] VEVO Music Video plugin addon - moneymaker - 2014-11-21

(2014-11-21, 19:22)Arse4life Wrote:
(2014-11-21, 15:35)learningit Wrote: The HLS changes for 1080 and a fix for "Featured" are now in moneymaker's git which is where the most updated version will be:

or better, if you want updates as well, use moneymaker's repo:

Please let me know if these changes work for you, there are some moving parts that may not work in all parts of the world.

I have repository.xbmcplus.xbmc-plugins-1.3.zip. Is it the same as the master zip you posted? Thanks.
Yes, it is. Wait or do a force refresh like learningit git mentioned.

RE: [Release] VEVO Music Video plugin addon - Arse4life - 2014-11-21

I was stuck on available update for some reason. I have moneymakers repo installed. I tried a force refresh and check for updates. The vevo update is available but it goes from downloading 0% to update available again. However, after waiting some time the update kicked in on its own.

Thanks for the time and effort that goes into this addon. Much appreciated!

RE: [Release] VEVO Music Video plugin addon - Zyma - 2014-11-22

I can not get this addon working. When I go to Featured I get a HTTP Error 500: Internal server error. If I go to Artist and try to play a video I get a playback failed error. Debug log: http://pastebin.com/dUV3WDdk

RE: [Release] VEVO Music Video plugin addon - learningit - 2014-11-22

(2014-11-22, 13:09)Zyma Wrote: I can not get this addon working. When I go to Featured I get a HTTP Error 500: Internal server error. If I go to Artist and try to play a video I get a playback failed error. Debug log: http://pastebin.com/dUV3WDdk

Firstly, thanks for not giving up on the addon when you got some errors. I see two things when I look into your log: 1) a definite bug because the video version numbering is different than what the addon expects in your locale; and 2) a bunch of what look like http timeouts and http 500 internal server errors.

The bug in 1 should still play a video, it will just play it in low res because that is the first video in the version it would select. I can fix this once I look into the version sequencing a bit in your locale.

Bug 2 could be a number of things, I'd like to see some more debug details.

For item #2, I need 2 things: 1) turn on verbose debugging under settings->system->debugging and enable CURL library debug. 2) re-run the sequence you did - Artists - Electronic/Dance - Most Viewed and select the video you did previously - let me know the name of your choice, whatever you chose previously I don't see in my locale. Send me the debug log and the artist you chose.

If you are ok with it, let me know what country you're in - you can PM me if you don't want it in the forum.

And just to be sure, what version of the addon are you running?

RE: [Release] VEVO Music Video plugin addon - Zyma - 2014-11-22

Thank you for your answer. I am in Sweden. Now I choose Artist -> Electronic/Dance -> Most Viewed -> Most viewed today -> Calvin Harris -> Summer. Debug with curl: http://pastebin.com/rruUBtJX

Edit: I Think it was the same video I choose first time.
Edit2: Version is 0.7.8