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Open Standard for opening URLs in XBMC - Printable Version

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Open Standard for opening URLs in XBMC - brotbuexe - 2011-10-18


I'd like to suggest the following feature:

Make a open standard for sending URLs to XBMC and let XBMC decide which plugin could open/play this URL.

We have a lot of devices these days. Smart phones or Tablets are used to scroll through twitter feeds for example. Someone send a URL to a vimeo video, or to youtube, or to any other Video site, or to photo sites like Flickr... The display is often too small to play this content, or the device is unable to do so (no Flash for example).

Why not have the ability to send any URL to XBMC?

The current problem is that XBMC don't know what to do if I send for example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0 to it.
It is possible to make a JSON with XBMC.Play and "plugin://plugin.video.youtube/?action=play_video&videoid=" to call a special plugin and send the ID of the video.

Thats a great start, but every Developer that makes a app for a phone or tablet have to add all the plugins and URLs and parsing himself, and there is no way he can keep up with changes (if for example the URL changes).

The idea is to let XBMC do the magic. The App on the phone or tablet sends any URL the user wants to play to XBMC.

My idea how to do it:

1. Every Video Addon that wants to support playing URLs should somehow register these URLs. Like they do with the Scripts on http://www.userscripts.org.
2. The XBMC now knows what addon can deal with what url.
3. The XBMC receives a URL, then start a special function like open_url in the plugin (like we already do with the JSON).
4. The Addon parses the URL it received and play the video, or show the picture, or call the cops... Smile

There are a lot of Addons that play content from websites. They all could possible use their existing code to support this feature. The Users can browse the web pages or RSS feeds on their tablets and can send urls through Bookmarklets or simple addons (like XBMC Remote on Android and Share feature). I think that would really extend the useability for xbmc.

Hope someone like this idea and can make this happen.
And I hope some addon developer read this and support this or a similar idea.

p.s. sorry for my bad englisch.

My own use would be, to send urls I get through RSS feeds from media centers from german television networks to XBMC to watch the shows or documentations on big screen instead of the small tablet. Second use, browse trailer sites like hd-trailers or apple and open them in XBMC.


- Robotica - 2011-10-18

You definitely are right from user-perspective. But from legal perspective, integrating online services is a pain. Most EULA's of those services don't accept the way XBMC can integrate with them.

team-xbmc opininion about integrating online services? Don't know. All I know is that they removed services like this from the core and people made those available via addons. This way, legal troubles related to distributing the XBMC software are circumvented. This way, deals like with Sigma, Boxee and others are more realistic.

From user-perspective the removal of those services from the core sometimes can feel like a step back since addons are not as easy to integrate with the library and GUI. Not to mention the fact that all addons that integrates with online services have lots of duplicate code.

So I agree with you feature request but I doubt something like this will come in.... My personal opinioin is that XBMC should have more features to integrate online sources.