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Mysql - Printable Version

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Mysql - BULLIT - 2011-11-10

Hey Guys,

Trying to set up MySQL db on my apple TV 2g. I noticed in Workbench that the tables are not coming in. So I took a look at the XBMC.log file and I'm getting this ERROR alot,

19:06:11 T:82640896 ERROR: Unable to open database: adult_video57 [2003](Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61))

I'm running,

Nightly xbmc-20111108-b499c47-master-atv2.deb

Here is my log,


I know this is probably a MySQL issue and not a XBMC on apple tv issue. Just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction. Thanks.

- muggi - 2011-11-10

BULLIT Wrote:Hey Guys,

Trying to set up MySQL db on my apple TV 2g. I noticed in Workbench that the tables are not coming in. So I took a look at the XBMC.log file and I'm getting this ERROR alot,

19:06:11 T:82640896 ERROR: Unable to open database: adult_video57 [2003](Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61))

I'm running,

Nightly xbmc-20111108-b499c47-master-atv2.deb

Here is my log,


I know this is probably a MySQL issue and not a XBMC on apple tv issue. Just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction. Thanks.


have you a user "xbmc" with all access on your mysql server?
is your database correct?

- BULLIT - 2011-11-10

muggi Wrote:hi

have you a user "xbmc" with all access on your mysql server?
is your database correct?

Thanks for the reply,

Actually I am using the name "adult". I followed the lifehacker.com guide and replaced every "xbmc" with "adult". My advancedsettings.xml in my log file has the correct settings. I also did the SHOW DATABASE; command and the names are correct.

I am thinking maybe port 3306 is not open, Anyone know how to check if it is open in Ubuntu?

- Memphiz - 2011-11-10

nmap -sS -P0 -p3306

- BULLIT - 2011-11-10

Memphiz Wrote:
nmap -sS -P0 -p3306

Port is closed, Ha. Thanks, now how do I open it?

Starting Nmap 5.21 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2011-11-10 12:57 MST
Nmap scan report for PC Name (
Host is up (0.000077s latency).
3306/tcp closed mysql

- BULLIT - 2011-11-11

Alright, Got the port part out of the way. I had to change the bind address in my mysql my.cnf file. For anyone else who may run into this prob, it is located in Ubuntu,


Change the bind address from to the Servers IP.

Got this after I did that,

krypton@krypton-MS-7623:~$ sudo nmap -sS -P0 -p3306

Starting Nmap 5.21 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2011-11-10 19:36 MST
Nmap scan report for krypton-MS-7623 (
Host is up (0.000082s latency).
3306/tcp open  mysql

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.19 seconds

Now, restarted XBMC and this ERROR is in the logs now,

18:39:39 T:87044096   DEBUG: Connecting to mysql:
18:39:39 T:87044096   ERROR: Unable to open database: adult_video57 [1040](Too many connections)

Any more help would be great. Thanks.

EDIT: Forgot log, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/734886/

- BULLIT - 2011-11-11

Alright, Did some fiddling around with MySQL some more and dropped the users and databases and redid the whole thing. I'm now getting this,

20:43:14 T:97677312   DEBUG: Connecting to mysql:
20:43:14 T:97677312   ERROR: Unable to open database: adult_video57 [1049](Unknown database 'adult_video57')

And This,

20:43:16 T:97677312   DEBUG: Connecting to mysql:
20:43:16 T:97677312  NOTICE: Old database found - updating from version 0 to 57
20:43:16 T:97677312   ERROR: SQL: The source database was unexpectedly empty.

Any ThoughtsHuh?

- BULLIT - 2011-11-11

Alright. Got it. Found a buried post that says let XBMC create the DB's in MySQL. So I dropped the DB's and reran XBMC, Created the DB's just fine.

Well, Thanks for the help guys, and letting me rattle off......

One last thing, Should I remove,


From the advancesettings?

- muggi - 2011-11-11

BULLIT Wrote:Alright. Got it. Found a buried post that says let XBMC create the DB's in MySQL. So I dropped the DB's and reran XBMC, Created the DB's just fine.

Well, Thanks for the help guys, and letting me rattle off......

One last thing, Should I remove,


From the advancesettings?


if you delete the db name, xbmc search for the defaultname + dbVersion.
For exapmple db name: MyVideos57

- Rumik - 2011-11-15


I could really use some help with this. Took me all night to get my SQL server running on my NAS, and finally got XBMC to connect to the database. The problem is, if I create the databases myself then I get the "Unexpectedly Empty" error, and if I drop them and load up XBMC, it doesn't do anything. What's worse is, if I leave my Databases folder intact, XBMC will just use that instead of SQL.

No errors now in the log, no mention of SQL at all besides what's in the advancedsettings.xml file.

EDIT: Actually, I just realised that XBMC is creating a music db (xbmc_music18) but not a video database.

Anyone have any ideas?

Many thanks

- Rumik - 2011-11-15

Ah, it was the too many connections error. I updated my max_connection setting to 100 and it's fine now Smile

- BULLIT - 2011-11-15

Rumik Wrote:Ah, it was the too many connections error. I updated my max_connection setting to 100 and it's fine now Smile

Can you explain how you upped your connections?

Would like to do this as well.

- Rumik - 2011-11-15

Sure Smile I just edited the my.cnf file... there's a line there that says "max_connection".

- BULLIT - 2011-11-15

Rumik Wrote:Sure Smile I just edited the my.cnf file... there's a line there that says "max_connection".

Thanks, Thought it was a command. Easy enough.

- flipped cracker - 2011-12-09

BULLIT Wrote:Alright. Got it. Found a buried post that says let XBMC create the DB's in MySQL. So I dropped the DB's and reran XBMC, Created the DB's just fine.

Well, Thanks for the help guys.

Thanks so much. I spent all day trying to fix this and your posted helped.