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[SUPPORT] Hulu Video Plugin - Printable Version

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RE: [SUPPORT] Hulu Video Plugin - learningit - 2014-03-17

Does the solution above work only for Hulu Plus or does it also work for a normal account?

RE: [SUPPORT] Hulu Video Plugin - richardk - 2014-03-17

(2014-03-17, 02:31)learningit Wrote: Does the solution above work only for Hulu Plus or does it also work for a normal account?

I'm using it with a normal account.

RE: [SUPPORT] Hulu Video Plugin - Lunatixz - 2014-03-17

(2014-03-17, 00:25)russelldub Wrote: OK. More work and I've got a full stream solution for edgecast. stream_hulu.py pasted in below. Short solution for those that understand these things : swfUrl changed for swfVerification (so turn swfvfy=true back on and use SWFPlayer = 'http://www.hulu.com/site-player/205970/player.swf?cb=205970'). Otherwise locate your stream_hulu.py and replace it with the below code.

stream_hulu.py is in your add-on directory which depends on your OS. Check google.

import xbmc
import xbmcgui
import xbmcplugin

import common
import ads
import subtitles
import sys
import binascii
import base64
import os
import hmac
import operator
import time
import urllib
import re
import md5
from array import array

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulStoneSoup

    from xml.etree import ElementTree
    from elementtree import ElementTree

smildeckeys = [ common.xmldeckeys[9] ]

class Main:
    def __init__( self ):
        if 'http://' in common.args.url:
        admodule = ads.Main()
        common.playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO)
        if common.args.mode.endswith('TV_play'):
            if os.path.isfile(common.ADCACHE):
            self.GUID = common.makeGUID()
            if common.args.mode.startswith('Captions'):
                common.settings['segmentvideos'] = 'false'
            elif common.args.mode.startswith('NoCaptions'):
                common.settings['segmentvideos'] = 'false'
            elif common.args.mode.startswith('Select'):
                common.settings['segmentvideos'] = 'false'
            if ((common.settings['segmentvideos'] == 'true') or
                (common.settings['networkpreroll'] == 'true') or
                (common.settings['prerollads'] > 0) or
                (common.settings['trailads'] > 0)):
            # POST VIEW
            if common.settings['enable_login']=='true' and common.settings['usertoken']:
            if not self.NoResolve:
                if (common.settings['networkpreroll'] == 'true'):
                addcount = admodule.PreRoll(video_id,self.GUID,self.queue)
                if addcount > 0:
                addcount = 0
            if common.settings['segmentvideos'] == 'true':
                segments = self.playSegment(video_id)
                if segments:
                    adbreaks = common.settings['adbreaks']
                    for i in range(1,len(segments)+1):
                        addcount += adbreaks
            if common.settings['queueremove']=='true' and common.settings['enable_login']=='true' and common.settings['usertoken']:
            if httpplay:

        elif common.args.mode == 'SEGMENT_play':
            self.GUID = common.args.guid
        elif common.args.mode == 'AD_play':
            self.GUID = common.args.guid
            pod = int(common.args.pod)
        elif common.args.mode == 'SUBTITLE_play':
    def getIDS4HTTP(self, url):
        common.args.videoid = url.split('watch/')[1].split('/')[0]
        content_id = re.compile('so.addVariable\("content_id", (.*?)\);').findall(pagedata)[0].strip()
        common.args.eid = self.cid2eid(content_id)
        return content_id

    def cid2eid(self, content_id):
        m = md5.new()
        m.update(str(content_id) + "MAZxpK3WwazfARjIpSXKQ9cmg9nPe5wIOOfKuBIfz7bNdat6gQKHj69ZWNWNVB1")
        value = m.digest()
        return base64.encodestring(value).replace("+", "-").replace("/", "_").replace("=", "").replace('\n','')
    def getSMIL(self, video_id,retry=0):
        epoch = int(time.mktime(time.gmtime()))
        parameters = {'video_id'  : video_id,
                      'v'         : '888324234',
                      'ts'        : str(epoch),
                      'np'        : '1',
                      'vp'        : '1',
                      'enable_fa' : '1',
                      'device_id' : self.GUID,
                      'pp'        : 'Desktop',
                      'dp_id'     : 'Hulu',
                      'region'    : 'US',
                      'ep'        : '1',
                      'language'  : 'en'
        if retry > 0:
        if common.settings['enable_login']=='true' and common.settings['enable_plus']=='true' and common.settings['usertoken']:
            parameters['token'] = common.settings['usertoken']
        smilURL = False
        for item1, item2 in parameters.iteritems():
            if not smilURL:
                smilURL = 'http://s.hulu.com/select?'+item1+'='+item2
                smilURL += '&'+item1+'='+item2
        smilURL += '&bcs='+self.content_sig(parameters)
        print 'HULU --> SMILURL: ' + smilURL
        if common.settings['proxy_enable'] == 'true':
        if smilXML:
            print "GOT SMIL"
            if smilXML:
                smilSoup=BeautifulStoneSoup(smilXML, convertEntities=BeautifulStoneSoup.HTML_ENTITIES)
                print smilSoup.prettify()
                return smilSoup
                return False
            return False
    def content_sig(self, parameters):
        hmac_key = 'f6daaa397d51f568dd068709b0ce8e93293e078f7dfc3b40dd8c32d36d2b3ce1'
        sorted_parameters = sorted(parameters.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(0))
        data = ''
        for item1, item2 in sorted_parameters:
            data += item1 + item2
        sig = hmac.new(hmac_key, data)
        return sig.hexdigest()

    def decrypt_SMIL(self, encsmil):
        encdata = binascii.unhexlify(encsmil)
        expire_message = 'Your access to play this content has expired.'
        plus_message = 'please close any Hulu Plus videos you may be watching on other devices'
        proxy_message = 'you are trying to access Hulu through an anonymous proxy tool'
        for key in smildeckeys[:]:
            cbc = common.AES_CBC(binascii.unhexlify(key[0]))
            smil = cbc.decrypt(encdata,key[1])
            print smil
            if (smil.find("<smil") == 0):
                #print key
                i = smil.rfind("</smil>")
                smil = smil[0:i+7]
                return smil
            elif expire_message in smil:
                xbmcgui.Dialog().ok('Content Expired',expire_message)
                return False
            elif plus_message in smil:
                xbmcgui.Dialog().ok('Too many sessions','please close any Hulu Plus videos','you may be watching on other devices')
                return False
            elif proxy_message in smil:
                xbmcgui.Dialog().ok('Proxy Detected','Based on your IP address we noticed','you are trying to access Hulu','through an anonymous proxy tool')
                return False
    def queueViewComplete(self):
        u = sys.argv[0]
        u += "?mode='viewcomplete'"
        u += '&videoid="'+urllib.quote_plus(common.args.videoid)+'"'
        item=xbmcgui.ListItem("Remove from Queue")
        common.playlist.add(url=u, listitem=item)

    def queueVideoSegment( self, video_id, segment=False):
        u = sys.argv[0]
        u += '?url="'+urllib.quote_plus(video_id)+'"'
        u += '&mode="'+urllib.quote_plus(mode)+'"'
        u += '&videoid="'+urllib.quote_plus(common.args.videoid)+'"'
        u += '&segment="'+urllib.quote_plus(str(segment))+'"'
        u += '&guid="'+urllib.quote_plus(self.GUID)+'"'
        item.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels=self.infoLabels)
        item.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true')
        common.playlist.add(url=u, listitem=item)

    def time2ms( self, time):
        hour,minute,seconds = time.split(';')[0].split(':')
        frame = int((float(time.split(';')[1])/24)*1000)
        milliseconds = (((int(hour)*60*60)+(int(minute)*60)+int(seconds))*1000)+frame
        return milliseconds

    def NetworkPreroll( self ):
        url = 'http://r.hulu.com/videos?eid='+common.args.eid+'&include=video_assets&include_eos=1&_language=en&_package_group_id=1&_region=US'
        tree=BeautifulStoneSoup(data, convertEntities=BeautifulStoneSoup.HTML_ENTITIES)
        networkPreroll = tree.find('show').find('link-url').string
        if networkPreroll is not None:
            if '.flv' in networkPreroll:
                name = tree.find('channel').string
                infoLabels={ "Title":name }
                item = xbmcgui.ListItem(name+' Intro',path=networkPreroll)
                item.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels=infoLabels)
                if self.queue:
                    item.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true')
                    common.playlist.add(url=networkPreroll, listitem=item)
                    self.queue = True
                    xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(common.handle, True, item)

    def playSegment( self, video_id, segment=0):
            if segments > 0: smilSoup = self.getSMIL(video_id,retry=1)
            else: smilSoup = self.getSMIL(video_id)
        except: smilSoup = self.getSMIL(video_id,retry=1)
        if smilSoup:
            finalUrl = self.selectStream(smilSoup)
            self.displayname, self.infoLabels, segments  = self.getMeta(smilSoup)
            segmentUrl = finalUrl
            if segments:
                segmentUrl = finalUrl
                if segment > 0:
                    startseconds = self.time2ms(segments[segment-1])
                    segmentUrl += " start="+str(startseconds)
                if len(segments) > segment:
                    stopseconds = self.time2ms(segments[segment])
                    segmentUrl += " stop="+str(stopseconds)
            item = xbmcgui.ListItem(self.displayname,path=segmentUrl)
            item.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels=self.infoLabels)
            if self.queue:
                item.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true')
                common.playlist.add(url=segmentUrl, listitem=item)
                self.queue = True
                xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(common.handle, True, item)
            return segments

    def play( self, video_id):
        if (common.settings['enable_captions'] == 'true'):
        try: smilSoup = self.getSMIL(video_id)
        except: smilSoup = self.getSMIL(video_id,retry=1)
        if smilSoup:
            finalUrl = self.selectStream(smilSoup)
            displayname, infoLabels, segments = self.getMeta(smilSoup)
            item = xbmcgui.ListItem(displayname,path=finalUrl)
            item.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels=infoLabels)
            if self.queue:
                item.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true')
                common.playlist.add(url=finalUrl, listitem=item)
                self.queue = True
                if self.NoResolve:
                    xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(common.handle, True, item)
                if (common.settings['enable_captions'] == 'true'):
            return segments

    def getMeta( self, smilSoup ):
        refs = smilSoup.findAll('ref')
        ref = refs[1]
        title = ref['title']
        series_title = ref['tp:series_title']
        plot = ref['abstract']
        try:season = int(ref['tp:season_number'])
        except:season = -1
        try:episode = int(ref['tp:episode_number'])
        except:episode = -1
        displayname = series_title+' - '+str(season)+'x'+str(episode)+' - '+title
            playlist = refs[0]['src']
        except: mpaa=''
        infoLabels={ "Title":title,
            segments = ref['tp:segments']
            if segments <> '':
                segments = False
        except:segments = False
        return displayname, infoLabels, segments
    def selectStream( self, smilSoup ):        
        if video is None or len(video) == 0:
            xbmcgui.Dialog().ok('No Video Streams','SMIL did not contain video links','Geo-Blocked')
        selectedStream = None
        cdn = None
        qtypes=['ask', 'p011', 'p010', 'p009', 'p008', 'H264 Medium', 'H264 650K', 'H264 400K', 'VP6 400K']        
        qt = int(common.settings['quality'])
        if qt < 0 or qt > 8: qt = 0
        while qt < 8:
            qtext = qtypes[qt]
            for vid in video:
                if qtext in vid['profile']:
                    if vid['cdn'] == common.settings['defaultcdn']:
                        selectedStream = [vid['server'],vid['stream'],vid['token']]
                        print selectedStream
                        cdn = vid['cdn']

            if qt == 0 or selectedStream != None: break
            qt += 1
        if qt == 0 or selectedStream == None:
            if selectedStream == None:
                #ask user for quality level
                quality=xbmcgui.Dialog().select('Please select a quality level:', [stream[0]+' ('+stream[1]+')' for stream in streams])
                print quality
                if quality!=-1:
                    selectedStream = [streams[quality][2], streams[quality][3], streams[quality][4]]
                    cdn = streams[quality][1]
                    print "stream url"
                    print selectedStream
        if selectedStream != None:
            server = selectedStream[0]
            stream = selectedStream[1]
            token = selectedStream[2]

            protocolSplit = server.split("://")
            pathSplit = protocolSplit[1].split("/")
            hostname = pathSplit[0]
            appName = protocolSplit[1].split(hostname + "/")[1]

            if "level3" in cdn:
                appName += "?sessionid=sessionId&" + token
                stream = stream[0:len(stream)-4]
                finalUrl = server + "?sessionid=sessionId&" + token + " app=" + appName

            elif "limelight" in cdn:
                appName += '?sessionid=sessionId&' + token
                stream = stream[0:len(stream)-4]
                finalUrl = server + "?sessionid=sessionId&" + token + " app=" + appName
            elif "akamai" in cdn:
                appName += '?sessionid=sessionId&' + token
                finalUrl = server + "?sessionid=sessionId&" + token + " app=" + appName

            elif "edgecast" in cdn:
                appName += '?' + token
                finalUrl = server + "?" + token + " app=" + appName
                xbmcgui.Dialog().ok('Unsupported Content Delivery Network',cdn+' is unsupported at this time')
                return ""

            print "item url -- > " + finalUrl
            print "app name -- > " + appName
            print "playPath -- > " + stream

            #define item
            #SWFPlayer = 'http://download.hulu.com/huludesktop.swf'
            SWFPlayer = 'http://www.hulu.com/site-player/205970/player.swf?cb=205970'
            finalUrl += " playpath=" + stream + " swfurl=" + SWFPlayer + " pageurl=" + SWFPlayer
            finalUrl += " swfvfy=true"
            #if (common.settings['swfverify'] == 'true'):
#                finalUrl += " swfvfy=true"
            return finalUrl

################# OLD FUNCTIONS
# might be useful        
    def decrypt_cid(self, p):
        cidkey = '48555bbbe9f41981df49895f44c83993a09334d02d17e7a76b237d04c084e342'
        v3 = binascii.unhexlify(p)
        ecb = common.AES(binascii.unhexlify(cidkey))
        return ecb.decrypt(v3).split("~")[0]

    def cid2eidOLD(self, p):
        import md5
        dec_cid = int(p.lstrip('m'), 36)
        xor_cid = dec_cid ^ 3735928559 # 0xDEADBEEF
        m = md5.new()
        m.update(str(xor_cid) + "MAZxpK3WwazfARjIpSXKQ9cmg9nPe5wIOOfKuBIfz7bNdat6gQKHj69ZWNWNVB1")
        value = m.digest()
        return base64.encodestring(value).replace("+", "-").replace("/", "_").replace("=", "").replace('/n','')

    def decrypt_pid(self, p):
        import re
        cp_strings = [

        v3 = p.split("~")
        v3a = binascii.unhexlify(v3[0])
        v3b = binascii.unhexlify(v3[1])

        ecb = common.AES(v3b)
        tmp = ecb.decrypt(v3a)

        for v1 in cp_strings[:]:
            ecb = common.AES(binascii.unhexlify(v1))
            v2 = ecb.decrypt(tmp)
            if (re.match("[0-9A-Za-z_-]{32}", v2)):
                return v2

    def pid_auth(self, pid):
        import md5
        m.update(str(pid) + "yumUsWUfrAPraRaNe2ru2exAXEfaP6Nugubepreb68REt7daS79fase9haqar9sa")
        return m.hexdigest()

Thanks!! works great!!

BTW for some newer readers, if you want to avoid selecting hulu feeds; follow the instructions below Smile

RE: [SUPPORT] Hulu Video Plugin - TamaraKama - 2014-03-17

My reply here got lost or removed... I was saying that it seems to be working for me but only for SD programming.. not HD right now. I tried the new stream_huly.py and the other modifications mentioned above.

My current log is here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28944/xbmc.log

RE: [SUPPORT] Hulu Video Plugin - learningit - 2014-03-17

Can anyone confirm that the new swf works with HD?

RE: [SUPPORT] Hulu Video Plugin - mattmartinolc - 2014-03-17

I applied the code mentioned above on the raspberry pi - I got HD with Hulu Plus. When the stream choice popup comes up when I play something, I just choose the very bottom option. Seems to work for me. THANK YOU!!!

RE: [SUPPORT] Hulu Video Plugin - locomot1f - 2014-03-17

(2014-03-17, 00:25)russelldub Wrote: OK. More work and I've got a full stream solution for edgecast. stream_hulu.py pasted in below. Short solution for those that understand these things : swfUrl changed for swfVerification (so turn swfvfy=true back on and use SWFPlayer = 'http://www.hulu.com/site-player/205970/player.swf?cb=205970'). Otherwise locate your stream_hulu.py and replace it with the below code.

stream_hulu.py is in your add-on directory which depends on your OS. Check google.

amazing!!! Smile
works for me... Hulu +

RE: [SUPPORT] Hulu Video Plugin - TamaraKama - 2014-03-17

I tried reinstalling the Hulu (Beta) addon and then copying all the code for the modified hulu_stream.py and replacing the text in the stock .py file with it and it doesn't work for me. So I tried to access HD videos using my Hulu+ account.

I tried it without the other modifications that are supposed to help with the source choosing and just choosing the choice at the bottom of the list like someone else mentioned here but no dice.

What could I be doing wrong? Can someone upload their working hulu_stream.py file?

RE: [SUPPORT] Hulu Video Plugin - bohdans - 2014-03-17

Hi Guys,
Long time reader, first time poster.
Here is what you need to do to get hulu-beta plugin working + no stream prompt.

I assume you are in the plugin directory for the paths.

Edit resources/lib/stream_hulu.py
elif "akamai" in cdn:
                appName += '?sessionid=sessionId&' + token
                finalUrl = server + "?sessionid=sessionId&" + token + " app=" + appName

elif "edgecast" in cdn:
                appName += '?' + token
                finalUrl = server + "?" + token + " app=" + appName

Then find
SWFPlayer = 'http://download.hulu.com/huludesktop.swf
and REPLACE it with:
if "edgecast" in cdn:
               SWFPlayer = 'http://www.hulu.com/site-player/205970/player.swf?cb=205970'
               SWFPlayer = 'http://download.hulu.com/huludesktop.swf'

Edit resources/lib/common.py
cdns = ['level3','limelight','amakia']
cdns = ['level3','limelight','darwin-edgecast']

Edit resources/language/English/strings.xml
<string id="30023">....</string>
<string id="30023">16x9 24fps H264 Medium</string>
<string id="30030">....</string>
<string id="30030">darwin-edgecast</string>

Thats the hard work done! Now go to the plugin and configure the settings to use Quality "16x9 24fps H264 Medium" and Default CDN "darwin-edgecast"

I have been watching shows for last 2 hours no issues!

EDIT: Code tags to make it readable

RE: [SUPPORT] Hulu Video Plugin - TamaraKama - 2014-03-17

Two things... I had forgotten to disable ads and that was preventing the fixes for working for me.. also 24fps p009 seems work as well as my default setting. I looked in the list and hooked up the various choices into the xml file and chose 24fps p009 as my default.

Until the next time Hulu breaks it.

Re: RE: [SUPPORT] Hulu Video Plugin - frieten - 2014-03-17

(2014-03-17, 09:31)bohdans Wrote: Hi Guys,
Long time reader, first time poster.
Here is what you need to do to get hulu-beta plugin working + no stream prompt.

I assume you are in the plugin directory for the paths.

Edit resources/lib/stream_hulu.py
elif "akamai" in cdn:
                appName += '?sessionid=sessionId&' + token
                finalUrl = server + "?sessionid=sessionId&" + token + " app=" + appName

elif "edgecast" in cdn:
                appName += '?' + token
                finalUrl = server + "?" + token + " app=" + appName

Then find
SWFPlayer = 'http://download.hulu.com/huludesktop.swf
and REPLACE it with:
if "edgecast" in cdn:
               SWFPlayer = 'http://www.hulu.com/site-player/205970/player.swf?cb=205970'
               SWFPlayer = 'http://download.hulu.com/huludesktop.swf'

Edit resources/lib/common.py
cdns = ['level3','limelight','amakia']
cdns = ['level3','limelight','darwin-edgecast']

Edit resources/language/English/strings.xml
<string id="30023">....</string>
<string id="30023">16x9 24fps H264 Medium</string>
<string id="30030">....</string>
<string id="30030">darwin-edgecast</string>

Thats the hard work done! Now go to the plugin and configure the settings to use Quality "16x9 24fps H264 Medium" and Default CDN "darwin-edgecast"

I have been watching shows for last 2 hours no issues!

EDIT: Code tags to make it readable

Thanks for this, would be even more awesome sauce if you could just provide edited py files to replace straight over Smile

RE: [SUPPORT] Hulu Video Plugin - hfudge - 2014-03-17

Is this starting to feel like whack-a-mole to anyone else?

RE: [SUPPORT] Hulu Video Plugin - elmerohueso - 2014-03-17

(2014-03-17, 00:25)russelldub Wrote: OK. More work and I've got a full stream solution for edgecast. stream_hulu.py pasted in below. Short solution for those that understand these things : swfUrl changed for swfVerification (so turn swfvfy=true back on and use SWFPlayer = 'http://www.hulu.com/site-player/205970/player.swf?cb=205970'). Otherwise locate your stream_hulu.py and replace it with the below code.

stream_hulu.py is in your add-on directory which depends on your OS. Check google.
This was working for me last night, but now it's back to only playing the first few seconds of any video.

RE: [SUPPORT] Hulu Video Plugin - bramwell - 2014-03-17

I have tried copying and pasting this several times, and when I start the hulu addon, I get a script error. I have noticed that when I copy and paste it, after the first lines, it seems all lines are indented one space. Not sure if that makes a difference or not. Can't see any other reason that it wouldn't work. Any ideas would be appreciated. I am using XBMC with windows 8.1. I have tried using both notepad and notepad++ to copy and paste this code.


RE: [SUPPORT] Hulu Video Plugin - lewis.donofrio - 2014-03-17

Hu working *perfectly* for me......please ensure you have followed all instructions...