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update old live or go for XBMCbuntu? - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: update old live or go for XBMCbuntu? (/showthread.php?tid=126496)

update old live or go for XBMCbuntu? - kees667 - 2012-03-25

The last weeks I updated old XBMC Live Dharma install to beta, RC3, RC2 and now final and final runs great.

Just wondering if I would benefit of doing a full reinstall with XBMCbuntu. I don't need desktop environment but would like this if it would mean better performance or an easier future update path. Can anyone comment on this?

RE: update old live or go for XBMCbuntu? - RDCanuck - 2012-03-25

I am wondering exactly the same thing.


RE: update old live or go for XBMCbuntu? - kees667 - 2012-03-26

small bump

RE: update old live or go for XBMCbuntu? - kees667 - 2012-03-27

Surely more people must wonder the same? update or full reinstall?

RE: update old live or go for XBMCbuntu? - hogfan - 2012-03-27

I am staying with my current Live installation on Oneiric, updated to Eden Final Release until I see a valid reason to go to XBMCbuntu. It is new and and I'm sure there will be a few kinks. Plus, I don't want to configure LIRC again and and fight to compile my xbox dvd dongle driver lirc driver from source. Smile


RE: update old live or go for XBMCbuntu? - salvi - 2012-03-27

Sorry to go a bit off-topic here, I would also like to upgrade my dharma install so as to avoid having to recofigure xbox1 dvd dongle on eden right now.

Could someone kindly point me to how do I go about updating my xbmc install from xbmclive dharma?

update old live or go for XBMCbuntu? - kees667 - 2012-03-27

And why not start your own thread?

RE: update old live or go for XBMCbuntu? - salvi - 2012-03-27

And why not answer the simple question instead of adding a post with no added value?

My question does not seem to be massively off-topic, after all, you need to be able to update to Eden without upgrading the distro in order to be in the position of considering of remaining on the xboxlive distro.

Obviously you have been able to upgrade from Dharma if you are posing the original question.

And to answer your question, which I think it's pretty much already answered, you won't get the new desktop, chronium or the flash plugin, and future updates will have to be done on the terminal, you will not be able to boot into a windowing session. I was wondering if you don't get dirty region rendering , but it seems you do get it with only updating to eden (XBMCubuntu not necessary http://xbmc.org/theuni/2011/06/19/working-with-dirty-regions/).

Also, in the new distro, LIRC needs to be reconfigured for the original xbox1 dvd dongle, which is the main reason I do not want to install XBMCubuntu at this moment.

Thanks for your help anyway.

RE: update old live or go for XBMCbuntu? - .:B:. - 2012-03-27

The only advantage to having a GUI besides Xbmc is if you're either uncomfortable with upgrading through the command line or lack the skills to perform maintenance and troubleshooting that way.

Adding a desktop will not improve or deteriorate performance in any way whatsoever. That desktop is not running when Xbmc is active.

update old live or go for XBMCbuntu? - kees667 - 2012-03-27


Salvi, had multiple pm's asking the same. Hiding answer here in this thread will not bring it up for others searching the same. I used this guide. http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=104301

RE: update old live or go for XBMCbuntu? - hogfan - 2012-03-28

I think the LIRC driver for the Xbox DVDDongle is the main issue here. Starting on anything after Lucid, LIRC changed and now the atiusb driver removed support for the XboxDVDDongle. To get it working on Oneiric you have to compile the driver from source and patch it. The same process will have to be done on on XBMCbuntu to get that hardware working in LIRC. I will eventually upgrade myself, but I will be taking a Clonezilla image of my current working Oneric minimal install first. XBMC with no remote really, really sucks.
