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Win XBMC UI Screen Flashes on and Off - Printable Version

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XBMC UI Screen Flashes on and Off - seany187 - 2012-10-24

I have searched all over the place and have been unable to find a solution to this.

I have an issue when I am browsing the menu's of XBMC my screen turns black and re-appears, it does this consistently and its very frustrating. The funny thing is, if I start a movie everything is fine, menu's no longer cause an issue everything is great. But as soon as I stop the movie and browse the menu's again my screen goes black for a second or two and returns, it seems to do it more when I am browsing and less when I am sitting there but its pretty sporadic and definitely has a slight relation to me browsing the menus. I also notice it seems to be less annoying when I use the mouse, vs keyboard/remote. I do notice that FPS changes anywhere between 60 and 100 during flickers. I tried playing with every refresh rate setting known to man in the NVIDIA Control panel and in XBMC settings and have had no luck. Windowed Mode has the same issue no change. I have also tried installing a few older Nvidia drivers with no luck. My windows desktop is fine and using third party players such as VLC work fine.

System is:
Acer Aspire Revo r3700
NVIDIA ION Graphics Processor
Windows 7 64 Bit
Nvidia Drivers 306.97

XBMC Versions Tried:
Current Stable 11.0 Eden
Most Recent Nightly (XBMCSetup-20121022-c2037d1-master.exe)

I am using HDMI over ethernet with an HDMI Switch, If I plug it in directly into the TV it works fine, however, this defeats the purpose. Also, that doesn't explain why windows and other apps work fine, only XBMC has this issue.

Please help me OBIXBMC you are my only hope!

RE: XBMC UI Screen Flashes on and Off - kricker - 2012-10-24

There are othe threads here discussing a flashing UI. I don't have the time right now to search it for you. You may want to search for flashing UI threads. The odd thing is your mention of the HDMI switch. I do not know if the resolutions will work for that or not.

RE: XBMC UI Screen Flashes on and Off - seany187 - 2012-10-24

(2012-10-24, 01:52)kricker Wrote: There are othe threads here discussing a flshin UI. I don't have the time right now to search it for you. You may want to search for flashing UI threads. The odd thing is your mention of the HDMI switch. I do not know if the resolutions will work for that or not.

Thanks for the reply, although I spent hours searching the forums already, the closet thing I found was a post with the same issue, but they had an Intel card, I have an Nvidia card and they were able to resolve it by updating the drivers, I have tried updating my drivers with no luck.


RE: XBMC UI Screen Flashes on and Off - kricker - 2012-10-24

There is a setting called vertical blank sync in system\video output. See if toggling that setting has any effect for you.

RE: XBMC UI Screen Flashes on and Off - seany187 - 2012-10-24

(2012-10-24, 02:44)kricker Wrote: There is a setting called vertical blank sync in system\video output. See if toggling that setting has any effect for you.

I have tried this, and I noticed it restricted my FPS to close to 30 consistently but didn't solve my issue :-(

RE: XBMC UI Screen Flashes on and Off - kricker - 2012-10-24

How about using full screen window instead of true fullscreen?

RE: XBMC UI Screen Flashes on and Off - seany187 - 2012-10-24

(2012-10-24, 03:07)kricker Wrote: How about using full screen window instead of true fullscreen?

Tried that to, even in a tiny window I have the same issue, very bizarre!

RE: XBMC UI Screen Flashes on and Off - kricker - 2012-10-24

If It only happens with the HDMI switch, maybe it is time to try a different switch.