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WIP Half working "currently playing script" for Xchat - Printable Version

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Half working "currently playing script" for Xchat - Horscht - 2012-11-03

Hello There,

a few years ago I created a perl script (with the help of a friend) that allowed me to use the HTTP API to grab the currently playing item from xbmc and output the results to Xchat2. Unfortunatelly with the HTTP API being deprecated now I can no longer use it. I decided to put it here, maybe someone can modify it so it uses the JSON API.

# get_xbmc.pl
# by StarG (c) 2007
# licenced under gplv3
# see www.gnu.org/copyleft for details

use LWP::UserAgent;
use Data::Dumper;
use strict;
use Encode;

require 5.6.0;      # minimum for utf8 support

# enter here the url to the xmbc webserver including get playlist command

my $xbmc_url = "http://xbmc:[email protected]:8080/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=getcurrentlyplaying";
my $xbmc_delay  = 15;
my $xbmc_active = 0;
my $xmbc_version = 0.1;
my $bullet = "\x{2022}";


sub collectData {
#       my $doc = get($xbmc_url);
        my $doc;

        my %data;
        my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();

        my $request = HTTP::Request->new('GET', $xbmc_url);
        my $response = $ua->request($request);

        #if ( length($doc) > 0 )
        if ( !$response->is_error() )
                $doc = $response->content();

                while ( $doc =~ /<li>(.+?):([^<]+?)$/mig )
                        my $key = $1;
                        my $value = $2;

                        # cut trailing backslashes
                        chomp( $value );
                        chomp( $value );

                        # convert possible utf8 content to ascii
                        $value = decode( "utf8", $value );

                        $data{$key} = $value;
                $data{'error'} = 1;

#       print Dumper( \%data );
        return \%data;

sub initXBMC {
        Xchat::register( "xbmc song paster", $xmbc_version, "...", sub { } );
        Xchat::hook_command( "gog", \&pasteStatusXBMC );

sub pasteStatusXBMC {
        my $dataref = collectData();
        my %data = %{$dataref} if $dataref =~ /HASH/;
        my $msg;
    my $prc = "unknown";
    my $valuein = "";
    my $filenew = "";

if ( defined $data{'Percentage'} )
        if ( $data{'Percentage'} <= 10 )
            $prc = "[ _________]";
        elsif ($data{'Percentage'} <= 20 )
            $prc = "[_ ________]";
        elsif ($data{'Percentage'} <= 30 )
            $prc = "[__ _______]";
        elsif ($data{'Percentage'} <= 40 )
            $prc = "[___ ______]";
        elsif ($data{'Percentage'} <= 50 )
            $prc = "[____ _____]";
        elsif ($data{'Percentage'} <= 60 )
            $prc = "[_____ ____]";
        elsif ($data{'Percentage'} <= 70 )
            $prc = "[______ ___]";
        elsif ($data{'Percentage'} <= 80 )
            $prc = "[_______ __]";
        elsif ($data{'Percentage'} <= 90 )
            $prc = "[________ _]";
        elsif ($data{'Percentage'} <= 100 )
            $prc = "[_________ ]";
        if ( $data{'error'} ne 1 )
                if ( defined $data{'Type'} )    
                        if ( $data{'Type'} eq "Video" )
                if ( $data{'Show Title'} ne "")
                                    $msg = "[XBMC Playing] $bullet TV-Show $bullet [ $data{'Show Title'} - Season:$data{'Season'} Episode:$data{'Episode'} - $data{'Title'} ] $bullet $prc $bullet [ $data{'Percentage'}% ]";
                elsif ($data{'Title'} ne "")
                                    $msg = "[XBMC Playing] $bullet Video $bullet [ $data{'Title'} ] $bullet $prc $bullet [ $data{'Percentage'}% ]";
                    $valuein = rindex($data{'Filename'},"/") + 1;
                    $filenew = substr($data{'Filename'},$valuein);
                    $msg = "[XBMC Playing] $bullet Video $bullet [ $filenew ] $bullet $prc $bullet [ $data{'Percentage'}% ]";
                        elsif ( $data{'Type'} eq "Audio" )
                $msg = "is listening to \"$data{'Title'}\" by \"$data{'Artist'}\" from the Album \"$data{'Album'}\"";
                        elsif ( $data{'Type'} eq "Picture" )
                                $msg = "[XBMC Playing] $bullet Picture $bullet [ $data{'Filename'} $bullet Width:$data{'Width'} $bullet Height:$data{'Height'} ]";
                                $msg = "unknown state";
                        $msg = "XBMC not playing anything!";
                $msg = "XBMC offline"
        if ( $data{'Type'} eq "Video" || $data{'Type'} eq "Audio" || $data{'Type'} eq "Picture")
                Xchat::command("me $msg" )
                Xchat::command("echo $msg" )
sub handleXMBC {
        if ( $xbmc_active eq 0 )
                $xbmc_active = 1;
                Xchat::print( "[XBMC] showing songs!");
                $xbmc_active = 0;
                Xchat::print( "[XBMC] stopped!");


RE: Half working "currently playing script" for Xchat - baspt - 2012-11-21

This script should work: https://github.com/baspt/xbmc-hexchat

RE: Half working "currently playing script" for Xchat - khaoohs - 2012-11-24

(2012-11-21, 16:42)baspt Wrote: This script should work: https://github.com/baspt/xbmc-hexchat

Thank you.

RE: Half working "currently playing script" for Xchat - Horscht - 2012-11-24

Thank you, I will try to get it working on my system later. I tried it just now and Xchat froze. I'm gonna look into that Smile