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boblight setup - Printable Version

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boblight setup - reaven - 2012-11-14

maybe somebody can throw a little light on this, i have scatter the internet and for every 10 sources, 9 are different so any help please.

i have acquire a RGB 150 led strip with WS2801 IC and an Arduino UNO

so far i have programmed the Arduino and test with Color Swirl in Processing. (I am assuming the code is correct if sombody can share an arduino code is welcome)

my confusion came with the integration in XBMC.

correct me if am wrong at anything.

1) I need linux to run boblightd (theres no other way, OS supported ?) just if this is needed at all !
2) the .conf in boblight service in xbmc dont need any special setting to work, except tunning ?
3) Do I need to configure in the Arduino code which part represent what portion of my TV (LED strip portion) ?

beside that is there any official download for the boblightd the server part.

RE: boblight setup - raptorjr - 2012-11-15

1. I think i've seen someone that compiled boblightd for Windows on the Adafruit Forum http://forums.adafruit.com/ Can't find it now but have a small memory of it being done. But i could be wrong. Since i use Ubuntu i didn't make a big note on it =)

2. I don't think so, but i get completely different colors when using the XBMC addon and the boblight-X11 program that comes with boblight. With the addon the colors is really bad. I've added my config to the addon thread but haven't got any feedback on i it. But since both the addon and boblight-X11 uses the same service, boblightd, i don't really understand how the boblight.conf file could help to get good colors with the addon.

3. As i understand it, it is the configuration you have in boblight.conf that decides where every LED is located on the screen.

RE: boblight setup - Specterx - 2012-11-21

You can get boblightd for windows here... scroll down.


I am using it on my windows xbmc and it works perfectly.

You will need a boblight.conf for your setup and need to run boblightd from a batch file. So you can set parameters for it.

RE: boblight setup - quixand - 2012-11-21

(2012-11-21, 02:07)Specterx Wrote: You can get boblightd for windows here... scroll down.


I am using it on my windows xbmc and it works perfectly.

You will need a boblight.conf for your setup and need to run boblightd from a batch file. So you can set parameters for it.

Specterx could you elaborate on getting this to work in windows? I've been banging my head on this for TOO long! LOL
Maybe just a quick right up? With your conf file?
Pretty please? LMAO

RE: boblight setup - MrMario64 - 2013-01-18

Reaven, I got it working on osx yesterday. Shout if you need that as well.