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OS X Extra fanart using 'Artwork Downloader plugin'causes Frodo XBMC to close - Printable Version

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Extra fanart using 'Artwork Downloader plugin'causes Frodo XBMC to close - little_legs - 2013-02-13

Dear community,

This is my first thread :o)
I have been wading my way through all sorts of issues but using the XBMC forums and google I have resolved most of my issues.
I am experiencing something strange!

Posted in Artwork support thread and they advised me to post here!

MAC = OSX 10.8.2
Great software guys - big thank you to the developers and community :o)

I set up my movies folder (SMB://username:password@ipaddress/filedestination)
Downloaded the extrafanrt using the plug in artwork downloader
file format is:
hardrive name
..........folder movies
.................movie name folder (example 300)
...............................the movie
...............................extra fanart folder
............................................3lWHhcsmM1dFfMmMmnZlWKsenpO.jpg ?why the weird names??
..................movie name folder (example face-off)

When I select in Skin setting, miscellaneous options, movies - Use extra fan art
and then go into my movies folder to see the fan art "the screen goes black where the fanart should be and xbmc shutsdown and I return to my MAC desktop)

Any ideas please?


I went to download settings and ticked the box to overwrite the existing artwork. Ran through the download again and now it no longer causes the crash??
I think problem is fixed!