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Win Frodo, Windows 7 and Addons - Printable Version

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Frodo, Windows 7 and Addons - Timewarrior2001 - 2013-03-15

I upgraded to Frodo last night, now although I can add the addons I wish, nothing actually works.
an example of many.....icefilms cant connect to the server, most of the other addons, including ESPN have the same issue or produce a script error.

Basically all I can do with XBMC is watch stuff already on my hard drive. Even Navi X wont work, it cant find the server. Yet I am able to add the fusion repository and browse the internet outside of XBMC.

I've checked to make sure no Proxy is enabled.
I've been able to add addons, but not actually use them (even download addons via XBMC)
I've had the same problem with Eden, even after using the config wizard

I am running windows 7 starter, 1gb ram (yes its slow)

Other programs that dont work are:
Classic cinema
never got any of the TV programs to work

I've search around for a few hours and cannot find a solution to my problem. It is worth mentioning that I am using a wireless bridge, but again as I have internet connectivity, verified in Frodo system info, I dont understand why it just doesnt work.

(currently at work so cant upload any logs just yet.....and I need to figure out how to do that)

RE: Frodo, Windows 7 and Addons - shaktoo - 2013-03-15

try Unistalling the problematic addons -- rebooting xbmc and re installing the addons for FRODO... ALWAYS check whether your internet is working (within xbmc ) if all else fails reboot your router as well

RE: Frodo, Windows 7 and Addons - Timewarrior2001 - 2013-03-21

Sorry for not responding sooner. I decided to revert back to Windows XP for various reasons. And when I installed XBMC and the addons that didnt work under windows 7, they all now work!

Wonder if ti was to do with windows 7 starter or the fact I was thinking the install was bad. Anyway its sorted now. Smile