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Win Hide Blank Folders - Printable Version

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Hide Blank Folders - msvalina - 2013-03-29

I am running Windows 7 Pro, and Frodo 12.1. I have folders setup in my Videos library in XBMC. Folders such as Movies/TV Shows/etc. In the TV Shows folder, I have subfolders for shows, such as NCIS, 2 1/2 Men, whatever. After I watch a TV show, I delete it (I use Miro to download shows via torrents as I can't get Sickbeard to work, but that's another story). After I've watched the show and mark it as watched in Miro, Miro auto-deletes the show, but the parent folder (such as folder name NCIS) remains. In XBMC, I was wondering if I can hide empty folders, so that I don't think a new show is downloaded, when after I browse to that folder, there are no contents (video files) inside.

If someone can let me know... that would be great.

RE: Hide Blank Folders - Ned Scott - 2013-03-29

Create a plain text file and save it as advancedsettings.xml (wiki) in your userdata (wiki) folder

Copy and paste this into it:


RE: Hide Blank Folders - msvalina - 2013-03-29

I tried this (saw it in another thread) but it's not working. So either I don't have the file in the right location, or something in Frodo doesn't work with this setting? What am I missing?

Location I put the file:


and the file is called


For some reason it isn't working... any help you can offer would be great.

RE: Hide Blank Folders - artrafael - 2013-03-29

Lowercase the file name and make sure there's not a txt file extension hidden from view (e.g., ADVANCEDSETTINGS.XML.txt).

RE: Hide Blank Folders - msvalina - 2013-03-30

Thank you for the tip, but strangely, I already had it as lower case, as instructed. Also I have "showing file extensions" set... so that's not the issue either.

I also put the text above in the gui.xml file I saw in the same folder, under the <myvideos> section, but that didn't work either. Anything else I may have missed?

I'm assuming this is working for others, and just not me?

RE: Hide Blank Folders - artrafael - 2013-03-30

I just tested this and, yes, it worked for me to suppress the display of empty show entries in the video library (i.e., main menu options TV SHOWS or VIDEOS > Library > TV Shows). If you are using the files view instead (VIDEOS > Files), then there's no suppression of the physical folders even though they are empty (think of this view as akin to your operating system's file manager where empty directories are still listed).

RE: Hide Blank Folders - msvalina - 2013-03-30

Thank you for that! Now that makes sense why it wasn't working. Now I tried the TV Shows option (instead of the Folders option as you suggested) and yes, empty folders do not show. However, it does show shows that have long been deleted as still there (it asks me to delete the ones that are no longer present manually). Is there a way to force update the TV Shows section? So that those shows no longer in TV Shows get "cleared out"?

RE: Hide Blank Folders - artrafael - 2013-03-30

If you have orphan database entries for shows/episodes that no longer have their associated physical folders/files (i.e., they were physically deleted/moved), then you can try the following to purge those entries: System/Settings > Video > Library > Clean library...

RE: Hide Blank Folders - msvalina - 2013-03-30

Thanks SO much. You're a great help! Much appreciated for all of your help.