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HOW-TO stream Live-TV from PC with DVB-S - Printable Version

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- marplar - 2004-06-26

hi strobes

you need to change the line at the top of script to:

url= ''

thats all you need to do in the script

(i assume is the ip of the pc running mytheatre) Smile

- Strobes - 2004-06-26

hey, marplar, thanks for help!
reading i see two scripts: mytheratre and tvguide.03(you published the link to http://dwl.xboxmediacenter.de/)
if you reference the tvguid, that this is how that line looks like in my script now, (the ip is for pc running mt)

# url to download the listing from
list_url = "

given that mt is running, i can use epg on mt pc, i can stream video to xbox, when i start tvguide script i have only black screen with correct date and time on it.
realy do not know what else to check Sad

- Strobes - 2004-06-27

tv.guide.03.py does notwork for me
and checking all cvs's on web including 2004-2-12 and 2004-01-02, the mytheatre.py  script is not included.
what is correct script to change channels from xbox?
if it is mytheatre.py i need a clue where to get it.

- marplar - 2004-06-27

hi strobes,

the script you need to change channel is mytheatre.py

on the upload/download site click 'xbmc python' then 'scripts' (or use the quickjump). this shows all the available downloads including mytheatre.py

- Strobes - 2004-07-05

ok, thanks everyone, streaming for regular programs works ok now
next challenge is to stream hdtv.
using mt and avb i'm getting very heavy pixelazation and freezes.
what can be the problem?

- StanKo - 2004-07-12

where is the pyton script for my theatre?

i don't found it. Confused

- StanKo - 2004-07-14

i've found the python script for myteathre, but since 2 day ago, it worked, but in these days i've changed something (i don't remeber) and the script myteathre.py for switch channel don't work. Sad

this is the log:
-->python initialized<--

traceback (most recent call last):
file "q:\scripts\mytheatre.py", line 246, in ?
mydisplay = myclass()
file "q:\scripts\mytheatre.py", line 93, in
file "q:\scripts\mytheatre.py", line 152, in parselist
string index out of range

:veryangry: Sad

can anyone help me, please...

thanks. sorry for my english.

- StanKo - 2004-07-15

:help: :help: :help:

- Synologic - 2004-10-22

hmm, not sure what im doing wrong, but i cant seem to get it to work with avbroadcaster 0.10 and latest xbmc.

with avbroadcaster 0.12 once i go to the shared folder, it keeps giving "remote channel change" and after about a minute, i get some list with the channels, but none plays.

with 0.10 i get the current channel but it doesnt play ...

any hints ?


- gloup - 2004-10-25

i think xns is not workable in xbmc, try using avbroadcaster 1.2 in 'html' server mod.
you can make a shortcut in xbmc video section and put this in :
"http:\\server.ip:5000\dvbcore.mpg" and save it as .strm
to change chanel, use the great script made by marpal mytheatre
i made an howto from a to z but only in french for the moment. :verysad:
french tutorial
i hope it will help you and if someone can help me for translation.

- Synologic - 2004-10-26

you might want to remove the imaes (or replace them) where yanske shows ;-)

- gloup - 2004-10-26

oh my god, you wrote what i never speak about Shocked
i was so carreful with it ! all my screen capture was made on free channel (fashion/arte) except the first one. if it's shocking or dangerous for us, i'll change it as soon as possible (tonight)??

- Seanster - 2004-11-10

hey is there any way we can use the new builtin vlc udp broadcast/unicast feature of mytheatre 3.2x?

- zcorez - 2004-11-19

i'm thinking about the same too...

- jthunder - 2005-09-23

hey guys, there is a thread here that talks bout the mytv plugin. i was thinking (as my post states) that the best way might be to use tsreader to do dvb stuff...
