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Playercorefactory expanded arguments - Printable Version

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Playercorefactory expanded arguments - Nitroburner77 - 2013-06-15

I would love to see playercorefactory have an argument option for:

replace "whatever the orginal path was" to "whatever I want the path to look like".

Path substitution in advanced settings would be an option if I didn't have Windows, Android, IOS and Linux clients all connecting to a Mariadb database. I'd much prefer the database solution and having my main PC doing the updating rather t having low powered android devices doing it.

This would help with programs that can't parse certain paths and need to pull a local path that is symlilnked or mounted locally. In my example, I use the default player wherever I can, but due to Rockchip's issues, can't use it for some of my handbrake encoded files. Archos player is the only player that works plug'n'play from my trials, but I would like to use others. I can see this being useful for having items other than movies show up in the library and calling a program that just doesn't handle network shares.

RE: Playercorefactory expanded arguments - davilla - 2013-06-15

examples ?

RE: Playercorefactory expanded arguments - Nitroburner77 - 2013-06-16

The non movie/video side is probably a tough idea to warrant any kind of development interest as less than 1% would be crazy enough to use it.
For me though, I have at least 2 of the households that I have a centralized database setup with XBMC clients that ask for:
Comics (CBR, PDF)
Ebooks (mob, pdf, and a crap load of proprietary ones that have to have a particular software program to handle DRM).
Recipes (whatever format, I honestly haven't even looked, but I've been asked to have them launched from XBMC on my mom's tablet)
Mame roms

How to get them in the library is my problem, with custom video nodes, nfo files and artwork (First thought before video nodes was a movie set for each type)

My hopeful plan instead of telling my users they have to use certain programs is to use the centralized database but just mount the share path as a local path and use a substitution in playercorefactory since I'd have to tell it to use a specific program to open a certain "movie" by file type anyway.

On the android side, I can't use most video players to access smb shares, so for RockChip player, I'd want to have something like:

<player name="RockVideoPlayer" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
<!-- Android intent -->
<!-- Hide XBMC -->
<!-- After 2 minutes bump the play count of the item in XBMC -->

I know encouraging playercorefactory at all on the android side curbs interest in development, but every libstagefright version is tested here in my library before upgrading on the others. SMBWrapper tried to fix smb problems on the android side but it doesn't work for me and seems philosophically to just add another piece to the puzzle. If playercorefactory can be edited in such a way, someone smarter than me might write a addon to manipulate it.

RE: Playercorefactory expanded arguments - daviderud - 2021-01-10

Hi all, is there any news for this topic since 2013?

I need to make VLC for android get as input parameter  "smb://user:password@server_name/path_to_movie" instead of the {1} passed by Kodi that is "smb://path_to_movie".

Only way I have in mind is write an android app to make the string substitution and call it from the playercorefactory.xml instead of calling VLC... but seems an overshoot...

Thanks for any help/update