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[Napisy24]Does not find any subtitles - Printable Version

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[Napisy24]Does not find any subtitles - pogo1975 - 2013-11-30


Napisy24.pl script does not find subtitles anymore, this happened about week and a half ago, checked on windows, and linux builds.

Does not matter if i search by name, Folder or auto.

Could anyone check it ?

RE: [Napisy24]Does not find any subtitles - kodishu - 2013-12-05

Got the same issue here.
napisy24.pl is the bigest and the best Polish internet service with Polish subtitles for series and movies.
Can somebody fix this please?

RE: [Napisy24]Does not find any subtitles - Gravier - 2013-12-05

Same here. I am pretty sure that subtitle search stopped working after update to version 3.9.15. I tried to revert to 3.9.14, but it didn't help. Maybe something changed in the napisy24 site.

RE: [Napisy24]Does not find any subtitles - dampis - 2013-12-19

Napisy24 changed the HTML code (language flags from png file to base64 code). I wrote simple patch to fix this problem, patch supports languages pl, en, de. Other languages can be supported by change in languages_map dictionary.

You can replace the contents of the service.py file or apply the patch.
After replacing content / applying patch remove the service.pyo from Napisy24pl directory.

content of patched /home/YOUR_XMBC_USER/.xbmc/addons/script.xbmc.subtitles/resources/lib/services/Napisy24pl/service.py file:
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

# Frankenstein Monster v 2.0
# Feel free to improve, change anything.
# Credits to amet, Guilherme Jardim, and many more.
# Big thanks to gaco for adding logging to site.
# mrto

import urllib2, re, string, xbmc, sys, os
from utilities import log, languageTranslate, hashFile
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from cookielib import CookieJar
from urllib import urlencode

_ = sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__language__
__addon__ = sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__addon__

if __addon__.getSetting( "Napisy24_type" ) == "0":
    subtitle_type = "sr"
elif __addon__.getSetting( "Napisy24_type" ) == "1":
    subtitle_type = "tmp"
elif __addon__.getSetting( "Napisy24_type" ) == "2":
    subtitle_type = "mdvd"
elif __addon__.getSetting( "Napisy24_type" ) == "3":
    subtitle_type = "mpl2"

main_url = "http://napisy24.pl/search.php?str="
base_download_url = "http://napisy24.pl/download/"
down_url = "%s%s/" % (base_download_url, subtitle_type)

def getallsubs(content, title, subtitles_list, file_original_path, stack, lang1, lang2, lang3):
    soup = BeautifulSoup(content)
    subs = soup("tr")
    sub_str = str(subs[1:])
    first_row = True
    languages_map = {'Polski': 'pl', 'Angielski': 'en', 'Niemiecki': 'de'}
    for row in subs[1:]:
        sub_number_re = 'a href=\"/download/(\d+)/\"><strong>'
        title_re = '<a href="/download/\d+?/"><strong>(.+?)</strong></a>'
        release_re = '<td>(.+?)<br />|<td.+?>(.+?)<br />'
        rating_re = 'rednia ocena: (\d\,\d\d)<br />'
        lang_re = 'zyk:.+?alt="(.+?)"'
        disc_amount_re = '<td.+?style="text-align: center;">[\r\n\t ]+?(\d)[\r\n\t ]+?</td>'
        video_file_size_re = 'Rozmiar pliku: <strong>(\d+?)</strong>'
        video_file_size_re_multi = 'Rozmiar pliku:<br />- CD1: <strong>(\d+?)</strong>'
        archive_re = '<a href="/download/archiwum/(\d+?)/">'
        row_str = str(row)
        archive = re.findall(archive_re, row_str)
        if len(archive) == 0:
            if first_row == True:
                sub_number = re.findall(sub_number_re, row_str)
                subtitle = re.findall(title_re, row_str)
                release = re.findall(release_re, row_str)
                disc_amount = re.findall(disc_amount_re, row_str)
                first_row = False
                file_size, SubHash = hashFile(file_original_path, False)
                if disc_amount[0] > '1':
                    video_file_size = re.findall(video_file_size_re_multi, row_str)
                    video_file_size = re.findall(video_file_size_re, row_str)
                if len(video_file_size) == 0:
                    sync_value = False
                    video_file_size = unicode(video_file_size[0], "UTF-8")
                    video_file_size = video_file_size.replace(u"\u00A0", "")
                    if file_size == video_file_size:
                        sync_value = True
                        sync_value = False

                rating = re.findall(rating_re, row_str)
                language = re.findall(lang_re, row_str)

                if language[0] in languages_map:
                    language = [languages_map[language[0]]]
                    language = []

                if len(language) > 0:
                    first_row = True
                    link = "%s%s/" % (down_url, sub_number[0])
                    log( __name__ ,"Subtitles found: %s %s (link=%s)" % (subtitle[0], release, link))

                    flag_pic = "flags/%s.gif" % (language[0])
                    lang = languageTranslate(language[0],2,0)

                    if lang == lang1 or lang == lang2 or lang == lang3:
                        for rel in re.findall("\'(.*?)\'", str(release)):

                            rel = rel.replace(",",":").replace(" ","")

                            if len(rel) > 1:
                                rel_semicolon = "%s;" % (rel)
                                for rel_sync in re.findall('(.+?);', rel_semicolon):
                                    if rel_sync.upper() in file_original_path.upper():
                                        sync_value = True

                        filename_release = "%s - %s" % (subtitle[0], rel_semicolon)

                        rating_dot = rating[0].replace(",",".")
                        if rating_dot == '0.00':
                            sub_rating = '0'
                            sub_rating = int(round(float(rating_dot) * 1.666,0))

                        if stack == False:
                            if disc_amount[0] > '1':
                                log( __name__ ,"Nonstacked video file - stacked subs")
                                subtitles_list.append({'filename': filename_release, 'sync': sync_value, 'link': link, 'language_flag': flag_pic, 'language_name': lang,'rating': '%s' % (sub_rating)})
                            if disc_amount[0] > '1':
                                subtitles_list.append({'filename': filename_release, 'sync': sync_value, 'link': link, 'language_flag': flag_pic, 'language_name': lang,'rating': '%s' % (sub_rating)})
                                log( __name__ ,"Stacked video file - nonstacked subs")

def search_subtitles( file_original_path, title, tvshow, year, season, episode, set_temp, rar, lang1, lang2, lang3, stack ): #standard input
    subtitles_list = []
    msg = ""
    if len(tvshow) > 0:
      for year in re.finditer(' \(\d\d\d\d\)', tvshow):
          year = year.group()
          if len(year) > 0:
              tvshow = tvshow.replace(year, "")
      tvshow_plus = tvshow.replace(" ","+")
      if len(season) < 2:
        season_full = '0%s' % (season)
        season_full = season
      if len(episode) < 2:
        episode_full = '0%s' % (episode)
        episode_full = episode
      url = '%s%s+%sx%s' % (main_url, tvshow_plus, season_full, episode_full)
      original_title = xbmc.getInfoLabel("VideoPlayer.OriginalTitle")
      if len(original_title) == 0:
        log( __name__ ,"Original title not set")
        movie_title_plus = title.replace(" ","+")
        url = '%s%s' % (main_url, movie_title_plus)
        log( __name__ ,"Original title: [%s]" % (original_title))
        movie_title_plus = original_title.replace(" ","+")
        url = '%s%s' % (main_url, movie_title_plus)
    log( __name__ , "Fetching from [ %s ]" % (url))
    response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
    content = response.read()
    re_pages_string = 'postAction%3DszukajZaawansowane">(\d)</a>'
    page_nr = re.findall(re_pages_string, content)
    getallsubs(content, title, subtitles_list, file_original_path, stack, lang1, lang2, lang3)
    for i in page_nr:
        main_url_pages = 'http://napisy24.pl/szukaj/&stronaArch=1&strona='
        rest_url = '%26postAction%3DszukajZaawansowane'
        url_2 = '%s%s&szukajNapis=%s%s' % (main_url_pages, i, title, rest_url)
        response = urllib2.urlopen(url_2)
        content = response.read()    
        getallsubs(content, title, subtitles_list, file_original_path, stack, lang1, lang2, lang3)
    return subtitles_list, "", "" #standard output

def download_subtitles (subtitles_list, pos, zip_subs, tmp_sub_dir, sub_folder, session_id): #standard input
    cj = CookieJar()
    headers = {
          'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
          'Accept-Charset': 'UTF-8,*;q=0.5',
          'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip,deflate,sdch',
          'Accept-Language': 'pl,pl-PL;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4',
          'Connection': 'keep-alive',
          'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.83 Safari/537.1',
          'Referer': 'http://napisy24.pl/'
    values = { 'form_logowanieMail' : __addon__.getSetting( "n24user" ), 'form_logowanieHaslo' :  __addon__.getSetting( "n24pass" ), 'postAction' : 'sendLogowanie' }
    data = urlencode(values)
    opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
    request = urllib2.Request("http://napisy24.pl/logowanie/", data, headers)
    response = opener.open(request)
    request = urllib2.Request(subtitles_list[pos][ "link" ], "", headers)
    f = opener.open(request)
    local_tmp_file = os.path.join(tmp_sub_dir, "zipsubs.zip")
    log( __name__ ,"Saving subtitles to '%s'" % (local_tmp_file))
    local_file = open(zip_subs, "w" + "b")
    language = subtitles_list[pos][ "language_name" ]
    return True, language, "" #standard output

diff patch:
--- service.py    2013-12-18 22:38:28.397277903 +0100
+++ service.py    2013-12-18 22:24:19.739498622 +0100
@@ -33,12 +33,13 @@
     subs = soup("tr")
     sub_str = str(subs[1:])
     first_row = True
+    languages_map = {'Polski': 'pl', 'Angielski': 'en', 'Niemiecki': 'de'}
     for row in subs[1:]:
         sub_number_re = 'a href=\"/download/(\d+)/\"><strong>'
         title_re = '<a href="/download/\d+?/"><strong>(.+?)</strong></a>'
         release_re = '<td>(.+?)<br />|<td.+?>(.+?)<br />'
         rating_re = 'rednia ocena: (\d\,\d\d)<br />'
-        lang_re = '<img src="images/ico_flag_(..)_2.png" alt="'
+        lang_re = 'zyk:.+?alt="(.+?)"'
         disc_amount_re = '<td.+?style="text-align: center;">[\r\n\t ]+?(\d)[\r\n\t ]+?</td>'
         video_file_size_re = 'Rozmiar pliku: <strong>(\d+?)</strong>'
         video_file_size_re_multi = 'Rozmiar pliku:<br />- CD1: <strong>(\d+?)</strong>'
@@ -72,7 +73,12 @@

                 rating = re.findall(rating_re, row_str)
                 language = re.findall(lang_re, row_str)
+                if language[0] in languages_map:
+                    language = [languages_map[language[0]]]
+                else:
+                    language = []
                 if len(language) > 0:
                     first_row = True
                     link = "%s%s/" % (down_url, sub_number[0])

RE: [Napisy24]Does not find any subtitles - Gravier - 2013-12-19


Thank you very much. I replaced the code in service.py as applying the patch probably require some python knowledge Smile

Searching and downloading subtitles works again for napisy24.pl

RE: [Napisy24]Does not find any subtitles - pogo1975 - 2013-12-21

Thanks. Patch is working. Could you send it to amet or add it ro git repository?

RE: [Napisy24]Does not find any subtitles - loyd - 2014-01-17

Thankx for the fix. Changing full content of the service.py file was not working for me, but applying the patch was successful. Now script is finding the subtitles!
For those people that will look for a long time the way to install a patch (like for me it tooks a while Sad) here is a command:
patch -p1 < filename_with_the_patch
Once more thank you. Great Job!!

RE: [Napisy24]Does not find any subtitles - mihauz - 2014-01-31

I replaced service.py on my raspbian and now I see results but when I want to use subtitles I have error: Error when unpacking subtiltes.
Any ideas ?

RE: [Napisy24]Does not find any subtitles - TheFridge - 2014-10-12

Hi can anyone point me in the correct direction

Do I need a napisy24 account ?
Every time i try login it tells me the account is not activated ( I have actives through the email link)

I have some polish family over atm and cannot seem to get subtitles to work any way i have tried Sad

Any help appreciated

[Napisy24]Does not download - error - ponciak - 2016-07-20


The problem with the plugin, it doesn't work properly: searching OK, downloading - error.

Any ideas ?