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Idling With Video Playing > FullScreen - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Idling With Video Playing > FullScreen (/showthread.php?tid=20866)

- SleepyP - 2006-07-07

i have noticed that if you have music playing, after a certain period of idle time the system will auto-switch to the music full screen visualization window.
i believe this behavior is caused by the system going to "screensaver" mode and then because i have the "use visualization" option turned on, it is switching to fullscreen music vis instead of running a screensaver.

my fr is a similair function only with video playing (i.e. if video is playing, use that for screensaver).
just seems like it would make things slightly more intuitive since the system would act in the same way for both instances of media playback...

- Freddo - 2006-07-15

Also, on the homescreen, if you have music playing and you idle then parts of the interface move off screen to show you more of the visualisation, but the same thing doesnt happen with video.

- SleepyP - 2006-07-16

yeah but that is part of the skin itself and not a system-level thing.

- kraqh3d - 2006-07-16

@sleepy, to clarify, are you saying that if video is playing "in gui" and the user goes idle, to just auto switch to back to full screen?

@Freddo, thats the skin doing that. i believe its the visible tags on the controls in home.xml which does that. to make it work with video as well, i think you need to change it to this: (Player.HasAudio | Player.HasVideo)

- Freddo - 2006-07-17

kraqh3d, I tried changing home.xml like you said, and it works, sort of, the settings, files, shutdown buttons etc do go away, but the My Music/My Video/My Programs/My Pictures buttons dont, they seem to have their visibility defined elsewhere, but I cant work out where.

Can anyone shed some light on this situation?



- Freddo - 2006-07-17

aaaah, includes.xml, that explains that then, fixed it Big Grin

I'll post my edited home.xml and includes.xml here, maybe this can be considered for cvs? it's only a small thing but it makes music/video playback more consistant with each other.


here it is in action


- SleepyP - 2006-07-17

yeah if you look in the Appearance Settings, there's an option to "Use Visualization for Screensaver If Music Is Playing". all i am requesting is that this option be very slightly expanded to include video playback as well.
as it stands presently, after the allotted screensaver timer runs out, if music is playing & the option is enabled, XBMC switches from the current window to the Music Vizualization window. the video fork would simply switch to fullscreen video in the same manner.

- Freddo - 2006-07-17

makes sense, sorry to hijack your thread there.

just figured what I was doing was related so I'd pitch in, your idea makes perfect sense and its to do with my current buzzword "consistancy" so I'm all for it myself.

- kraqh3d - 2006-07-17

yeah it would make sense for consistency but there is a bit a difference here though. videos already immediately autoswitch to full screen on playback. music remains in the gui. how often do you really switch back to the gui when a video is playing?

but because of this difference, i've always thought that the "use visualization as screeensaver" option should really be a "autoswitch to visualization on idle" in the music -> visualizations configuration section. why keep the screensaver timeout really low when all you really want is for the visualization to kick in faster when you play some music?

- Freddo - 2006-07-17

maybe music should (optionally perhaps) automaticly start the visualisation when you start playing it.

- kraqh3d - 2006-07-17

the reason that doesnt exist is because users are typically queuing up lots of files when playing music. autoswitching to visualization as soon as the first song starts would be rather annoying. the current implementation of allowing the visualization to act as the screensaver was just a quick way to get the vis to start on idle. and with very little code, this hack could also force video into full screen using the same idle timeout.

ripping them out into seperate options as we're now talkign about may just be alot of unnecessary work as the current implementation works well for the majority of users.

- Freddo - 2006-07-17

Yeah I was just playing devils advocate really, as you say the simplest solution would be to just extend the current visualisation starting to encompass video and leave it at that, its simple, it needs little or no explanation to users, its transparent, I say go for it.