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XBMCbuntu Hardware Acceleration - Printable Version

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XBMCbuntu Hardware Acceleration - jonandtice - 2015-06-08

I think this happened after rebooting my HTPC after an
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
I was experiencing screen tearing and HD movies were studdering with the audio lagging so far behind it was unwatchable. My first thought was that hardware acceleration wasn't working anymore but the settings seemed fine. I have an AMD E-350 APU (Radeon HD 6310) and thought maybe the upgrade updated the kernel with bad OSS drivers. After looking at lsmod I saw that fglrx was loaded. I have no idea why fglrx got installed but it must have happened when I did the dist-upgrade. So I did
apt-get remove fglrx*
and after rebooting everything runs as before.

Except for NetfliXBMC (which uses Chrome for playback). After several seconds of a video starting, it starts to studder and eventually just freezes. It is just the video playback that freezes, not Chrome.
Is anyone else experiencing problems with playing Netflix on XBMCbuntu?

RE: XBMCbuntu Hardware Acceleration - Saner - 2015-06-11

go to


override software rendering to yes (or true / enable i forget) see if that shakes it