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Bug Segmentation Fault after video scrap on Cubox i4 Pro - Printable Version

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Segmentation Fault after video scrap on Cubox i4 Pro - ggeeei - 2015-08-08


I searched here for a while before posting this, hope you could help me.

Installation info :
- Cubox-i 4 Pro (armv7) + Archlinux
- package : kodi-imx (15.0-5, on repo alarm http://archlinuxarm.org/packages)

From a fresh install, just run scrap video contents from a folder in a NTFS drive USB connected using the default TMDb addon.
Then get back to home and Kodi is crashing. When I restard it, kodi is always crashing with the same error log.

Kodi crash log (debug lvl2) :

Quote:Aug 08 10:52:39 cubox systemd[1]: Starting Starts an instance of Kodi...
Aug 08 10:52:39 cubox systemd[1]: Started Starts an instance of Kodi.
Aug 08 10:52:43 cubox kodi-standalone[14668]: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
<-- last line repeated many times -->
Aug 08 10:52:43 cubox kodi-standalone[14668]: libpng warning: iCCP: cHRM chunk does not match sRGB
Aug 08 10:52:47 cubox kodi-standalone[14668]: /usr/bin/kodi: line 165: 14673 Segmentation fault (core dumped) "$LIBDIR/${bin_name}/${bin_name}.bi
Aug 08 10:52:49 cubox kodi-standalone[14668]: rm: cannot remove '/core': Permission denied
Aug 08 10:52:49 cubox kodi-standalone[14668]: Crash report available at /var/lib/kodi/kodi_crashlog-20150808_105247.log

RE: Segmentation Fault after video scrap on Cubox i4 Pro - fritsch - 2015-08-08

Totally broken backtrace, no one can help you:
Quote:Backtrace stopped: Cannot access memory at address 0x628bdaec

Ask the arch people.