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Linux Kodibuntu: bindfs and automount - Printable Version

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Kodibuntu: bindfs and automount - quizilkend - 2015-08-20

Hey there,

I'm on a Kodibuntu x86_64 14.04 up to date as of 2015-08-20.

I would like to use bindfs to mount USB-HDDs with other permissions. Therefore I followed the instructions here (I tried both, the fstab and the upstart way).
The USB HDDs are mounted by Kodi I guess at every startup and the bindfs commands are executed before the USB HDDs are mounted. Therefore the bindfs directorys are always empty.

I was wondering if there is an upstart script, or something like that, Kodi uses to automount USB storage automatically. Then the bindfs script could wait for it to be executed after Kodi automounted the USB-HDDs.

Sorry for my bad English and thanks for your help,

RE: Kodibuntu: bindfs and automount - quizilkend - 2015-08-20

I solved the issue by executing the bindfs command via cron and add a delay of 180 seconds (@restart sleep 180 ; bindfs ...).