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XBOX InBox (V.0.1) - FEEDBACK IF YOU WILL! - Printable Version

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XBOX InBox (V.0.1) - FEEDBACK IF YOU WILL! - matthuisman - 2007-01-16

What does everyone think?


At the moment, i am finishing off email notification popup’s in XBMC (script runs in background and when new emails received, popup box notifies user)

Let me know,


- blittan - 2007-01-16

First.. No need to include shutil.py and poplib.py with your script since they are already built in to python!

Second.. You need to remove the line.lower thing from writing/reading the settings, since if you for instance have the password "Mypass" it would end up as "mypass" and we have a login failure.. it will also do username "Myuser" as "myuser" and the thing fails again
Feature suggestion: unlimited InBoxes.. eg, instead of making a check mail function for server1 and one for server2 .. do a checkmail(servername)

which reads from config user,pass,pop etc for that servername..

also it builds buttons for the inboxes by counting the servers in the config..


- Nuka1195 - 2007-01-16

suggestion (actually for all scripters). Add a build.bat. The following is what i use and is easily changed for other scripts. I usurped one from the skinning svc project.

@Echo off
:: Create Build folder
Echo ------------------------------
Echo Creating %ScriptName% Build Folder . . .
rmdir BUILD /S /Q
:: Create exclude file
Echo ------------------------------
Echo Creating exclude.txt file . . .
Echo .svn>"BUILD\exclude.txt"
Echo Thumbs.db>>"BUILD\exclude.txt"
Echo Desktop.ini>>"BUILD\exclude.txt"
Echo ------------------------------
Echo Copying required files to \Build\%ScriptName%\ folder . . .
xcopy src "BUILD\%ScriptName%\src" /E /Q /I /Y /EXCLUDE:BUILD\exclude.txt
copy default.* "BUILD\%ScriptName%\"
Echo Build Complete - Scroll Up to check for errors.
Echo Final build is located in the BUILD folder.
Echo copy: \%ScriptName%\ folder in the \BUILD\ folder.
Echo to: /XBMC/scripts/ folder.

1. I would also skin it with guibuilder. This would allow others to write a simple xml file to match their skins. It would also eliminate the need for you to code for different resolutions.
2. Can you incorporate a list control for the mail accounts instead of buttons. Maybe use a different icon for enbabled and disabled accounts.

- matthuisman - 2007-01-16

blittan Wrote:First.. No need to include shutil.py and poplib.py with your script since they are already built in to python!

Second.. You need to remove the line.lower thing from writing/reading the settings, since if you for instance have the password "Mypass" it would end up as "mypass" and we have a login failure.. it will also do username "Myuser" as "myuser" and the thing fails again
Feature suggestion: unlimited InBoxes.. eg, instead of making a check mail function for server1 and one for server2 .. do a checkmail(servername)

which reads from config user,pass,pop etc for that servername..

also it builds buttons for the inboxes by counting the servers in the config..

Umm, it needed to be a newer version of poplib as i use SSL... unless XBMC has updated theres?

Yes, guibuilder etc will be used, again - just geting it functional.
Yes, unlimited inbox's will be used in the future and all could be checked at the same time etc.

- matthuisman - 2007-01-16

blittan Wrote:First.. No need to include shutil.py and poplib.py with your script since they are already built in to python!

Second.. You need to remove the line.lower thing from writing/reading the settings, since if you for instance have the password "Mypass" it would end up as "mypass" and we have a login failure.. it will also do username "Myuser" as "myuser" and the thing fails again
Feature suggestion: unlimited InBoxes.. eg, instead of making a check mail function for server1 and one for server2 .. do a checkmail(servername)

which reads from config user,pass,pop etc for that servername..

also it builds buttons for the inboxes by counting the servers in the config..


oh, i just used code from emulauncher, i had someone point out that there password would always undo caps... couldn't figure it out. Thanks heaps, this was annoying and thought that the "READ" function only could read lower case. :-D, this will help allot with some other things i struggled with.

Is the email system working for everyone? As, checking emails, not downloading emails twice etc??

- Nuka1195 - 2007-01-17

I'm not getting the settings screen on a fresh install. It acts like it's active though as it takes two 'back' presses to exit script. Nothing in the log.

- matthuisman - 2007-01-17

Nuka1195 Wrote:I'm not getting the settings screen on a fresh install. It acts like it's active though as it takes two 'back' presses to exit script. Nothing in the log.

Hmm, i'm not too sure, someone else found this but it works fine for me... i will try as soon as i get home from work, and get an update :-D


- matthuisman - 2007-01-17


Check out the latest SVN, allot of these issues have been fixed:

http://xbmc-scripting.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/XBOX InBOX


- matthuisman - 2007-01-17

oh, try this:


- blittan - 2007-01-17

http://www.norin.dk/build-bat.zip an improved build.bat that also makes a zipfile for uploading to xbmcscripts.com

- Nuka1195 - 2007-01-17

This part automatically names the zip file with date and svn revision number. It also replaces spaces in the script name with underscores.

:: Creating zip for upload to xbmcscripts.com
ECHO --------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO Creating zip-file for upload to xbmcscripts.com
ECHO Press Enter to skip, otherwise type Y.
Set /P RunZip="Create zip file (y/n) ?: "
If /I "%RunZip%"=="Y" (
) Else (
    Goto SKIPZIP
SET ZipName=%ScriptName: =_%
For /F "Tokens=2-4 Delims=/.- " %%i IN ('DATE /t') DO (
  Set FileDate=%%k.%%i.%%j
Type "%CD%\.svn\entries" | FIND /v /n "&_&_&_&" | FIND "[4]" > "%CD%\revision.txt"
For /F "UseBackQ Tokens=2 Delims=]" %%r IN ("%CD%\revision.txt") DO Set Revision=%%r
Del "%CD%\revision.txt"
Set ZipName=%ZipName%-%FileDate%-Rev%Revision%.zip
..\zip -rq9 ..\RELEASE\%ZipName% *.*
ECHO --------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO ZIP is created as: \RELEASE\%ZipName%
CD ..

- blittan - 2007-01-17

Good approach nuka, will set some more guidelines and this will surely come in handy, tired of always fixing stuff manually Big Grin

- matthuisman - 2007-01-17

Thanks, this will be handy :-D

Xbox inbox - craze7 - 2007-01-17

Whats the story?

i just downloaded this script about 4 times but its still not workin, every time i click on the script it opens up for about a second and then just kicks me back to the scripts menu...

has anybody else got this problem with this script?

21:23:13 M: 51978240  NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
21:23:13 M: 51957760  NOTICE: Starting XBoxMediaCenter.  Built on Jan 17 2007
21:23:13 M: 51957760  NOTICE: Q is mapped to: Harddisk0\Partition1\Apps\XBMC
21:23:13 M: 51957760  NOTICE: Log File is located: Q:\xbmc.log
21:23:13 M: 51957760  NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
21:23:13 M: 51957760  NOTICE: Setup DirectX
21:23:13 M: 51933184  NOTICE: load settings...
21:23:13 M: 51933184  NOTICE: loading T:\guisettings.xml
21:23:13 M: 51798016  NOTICE: Getting hardware information now...
21:23:13 M: 51798016  NOTICE: Checking resolution 10
21:23:13 M: 51798016  NOTICE: Setting autoresolution mode 6
21:23:13 M: 51798016  NOTICE: Per AV pack settings are on
21:23:13 M: 51798016  NOTICE: Standard found : loading T:\avpacksettings.xml
21:23:14 M: 51777536  NOTICE: Getting hardware information now...
21:23:14 M: 51757056  NOTICE: Checking resolution 10
21:23:14 M: 51757056  NOTICE: Setting autoresolution mode 6
21:23:14 M: 51884032  NOTICE: q:\userdata\sources.xml
21:23:14 M: 47452160  NOTICE: Checking the Date!
21:23:14 M: 47452160  NOTICE: start dvd mediatype detection
21:23:14 M: 46927872  NOTICE: initializing playlistplayer
21:23:14 M: 46927872  NOTICE: DONE initializing playlistplayer
21:23:14 M: 46927872  NOTICE: load default skin:[Project Mayhem III]
21:23:15 M: 44810240  NOTICE: use DHCP
21:23:15 M: 44810240   ERROR: Control 901 in window 10113 has been asked to focus, but it can't
21:23:15 M: 44810240  NOTICE: initialize done
21:23:15 M: 44810240  NOTICE: Running the application...
21:23:15 M: 44396544  NOTICE: XBFileZilla: Starting...
21:23:17 M: 31838208  NOTICE: XBFileZilla: Started
21:25:03 M: 30531584   ERROR: Texture manager unable to load file: Q:\skin\Project Mayhem III\media\panel-email.png
21:25:03 M: 30531584   ERROR: Texture manager unable to load file: Q:\skin\Project Mayhem III\media\panel.png
21:25:04 M: 35954688   ERROR: Texture manager unable to load file: Q:\skin\Project Mayhem III\media\panel-email.png
21:25:04 M: 35987456   ERROR: Texture manager unable to load file: Q:\skin\Project Mayhem III\media\panel.png
21:25:04 M: 35938304   ERROR: Scriptresult: Error

InBOX with scandinavians. - realjobe - 2007-01-18

Excelent Job Stanley87! This is goinging to right direction, that I'm glad.

Ok, sorry to be a bummer, but v0.1 has still that character problem. When mail has ÄÖÅ chas init (subject also) they are interpeted quite funny.

I'm sorry, but I don't know about the char-set.Huh