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Misc Ember Issues - Printable Version

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Misc Ember Issues - McButton - 2016-02-01

Hello all..

**Testing Alpha release & having some issues. I tried on the current release and seem to have some of the same.**

1) Any plans to add the missing episode art to EMM? I know it lists as poster, but the poster filter seems to only have a bearing on the main posters. Seems it only grabs for the show, but I may be wrong.

2) Also, what is causing Posters not to change in TV Shows? If I select a different one, nothing happens to seasons. If I delete it, it vanishes but nothing can be scraped back in. Edit: Rescrape selected season seems to default a pic at least.

3) Huge issue:: If I remove a show from EMM (via something was messed up) and push for a TVSHOW update, it won't return. Likewise, when I add an episode to a show already scraped, it won't show up. If I add a NEW show to the source, it shows fine. I can even add more shows to it. The ONLY way I can get a show that was INITIALLY added with the Source add is to put new episodes in the ROOT folder of the show (NOT tvshow/ tvshow - Season 01). Initially, the Season folder works fine, but upon edit, nothing can be done. If an episode is put in the root, EMM will populate the show and the episode again but ignore all episodes that were previously ok in the Season folder.

4) Last one. What dictates the speed in which EMM scans? Sometimes a TV folder takes a very long time (5-30sec per file) and sometimes very fast (3 every second). Was testing, and it's taken about 5hrs to scan what seemed to take 20min the other day. I have a fast, cleared network, but it seems like it's pendant on whatever EMM is doing. Maybe I'm wrong. - I did notice this at random points in the log "No generic modules defined <Sync_TVSeason>" & "No generic modules defined <OnNFORead_TVShow>"

Any help with the above items would be amazing!


RE: Misc Ember Issues - McButton - 2016-02-02

Update...I think the posters & videos were being locked somewhere with something in my source. I setup a new EMM install. Sourced with 1 or 2 folders. All worked perfect for TV. However, when hitting my whole set of 180 folders...dead again. That may help somewhere.

Talk it out, McButton. You'll figure this out yourself.

RE: Misc Ember Issues - DanCooper - 2016-02-02

Sorry for my late answer, but i'm very busy atm.

1) Yes, it's planned. Atm the missing filter works only whit tv shows, not season or episode content. The reason is that we need a new view to filter all seasons/episodes of all tv shows.

2) In alpha rescraping get always new images based on your preferred settings. You have to enable "Kepp Existing" in settings for each image type if you don't what that an already existing image has been changed while rescraping. Also you have to use the context menu in new Image Select dialog to set another image.

3) Can't confirm that. In theory we have proper triggers directly included in SQL to clean all tables after removing a tv show/season/episode/movie/movieset. It should no longer be possible that a episode path is still "orphaned" in table "files". And this should be the only reason that Ember does not recognize an episode file. You can try to run Tools => Clean Database to cleanup the whole DB.
If that does not work, please delete all log files, run Ember, run DB update, close Ember and upload the latest log (.\EmberMediaManager\Logs\*.cvs) to a file hoster.

4) Alpha do now check and scrape missing artwork and informations while adding a new show to DB, but only if the TVDB ID for tv show is known. Thats the reason why it needs longer time than in older versions. But is should not need 5h to scan your whole library if most artwork is available. I have to check that whit my own library.

The "No generic modules defined ****" is only an information that no module with this function is enabled.

RE: Misc Ember Issues - McButton - 2016-02-02

Thanks for the update! I imagine you're seriously busy.

I'm still testing everything. Everything actually works great and seems more efficient, except for these few things.

The "keep existing" for artwork is still not allowing a save for an item whether I turn it on or off in all instances. Which also may be a direct result of #3. I've cleaned the database and no fix. I'll try deleting the logs. I'm running a 2nd version now of Alpha to test a (post-scraped) version of my database. I think it's on my end and not EMM, but something happened that EMM didn't like from my database. I'll post results in case there's a weird bug. I looked through my folders and found no issues, but when hitting the whole thing, it's corrupts the database and locks it down. [If I do new install, 1 or 2 folders..they work fine. Whole database...broken]

#4, I timed my 180 folders...like 9000 individual files. All had .nfos that needed to be updated. All had all artwork needed for all episodes, however. 5 & half hours to scan. Doing a new scan on a new install...seems kinda quicker. I'm at 30 mins and at "D." It doesn't seem to be sticking now like before. Still, sometimes I get a fast burst of scanned items...then 1 per second. I'd guess maybe 2 hours now to finish? Not sure if that's normal yet.

1700 movies add in about 3-5 minutes.

I'll keep posted about my progress. I'm sure I'm not the only one that's had issues. Hoping I can find a database error and stop future issues for everyone.

RE: Misc Ember Issues - DanCooper - 2016-02-02

Please try it whit the latest alpha version 5 (PM).

Also disable the Notification module, that one is still broken and slow down the scanning process if it's enabled.

"Keep existing" should be working. We no longer use "Don't overwrite existing", that means the images will be overwrite ANY time you save something to DB. "Keep existing" does only use existing images instead of get a new preferred one while scraping, but it will be rewrite!

RE: Misc Ember Issues - McButton - 2016-02-02

Will test it and report. Here is a log from my broken DB. I removed All but 1 source with 1 folder. Once the damage is done, the source will scrape just fine...remove the folder form Ember, reload...nothing. It actually seems like it's not even trying to update anymore. Like something isn't connected...but only on rescrape of source addons.


--I noticed the "keep existing." Much easier to determine what's happening.

RE: Misc Ember Issues - DanCooper - 2016-02-02

(2016-02-02, 12:19)McButton Wrote: Will test it and report. Here is a log from my broken DB. I removed All but 1 source with 1 folder. Once the damage is done, the source will scrape just fine...remove the folder form Ember, reload...nothing. It actually seems like it's not even trying to update anymore. Like something isn't connected...but only on rescrape of source addons.


--I noticed the "keep existing." Much easier to determine what's happening.

Can you also upload your latest database (MyVideos**.emm) so i can check if there some triggers are missing?

RE: Misc Ember Issues - McButton - 2016-02-02

So far...5 is scanning very quickly. I left everything default, kept all pictures, removed episode placement setting, turned off notifications (as always), and that's about it.

Super fast scan of about 500 files...stuck on one for 30 sec....another...back to fast...stuck on another for a few seconds....Not sure what it's looking for on the stuck ones. All the info is EMM verified and updated yesterday.

It's almost like it's slowing down on the same shows. 5 version and previous Alpha. Current .7 as well.
Clarence (2014) about 20sec per episode...already scraped , Dragonball Z.
**EDIT...I suppose it's not the shows. A-B scraped very fast..about 500 eps..then it stuck at the end of B...and continued the slowness through D. Not a huge deal. Once it's in, I don't care. Just odd that it starts with a sprint then finishes with a crawl. I figured wifi network issues, but it's the same if I plug directly in to the network. Perhaps I'll try with an external drive as well to see if there is a speed difference.

I didn't change the scrape priorities either. I left those default.

**I'll let it load into the DB a while and mess with it. Try to break and fix whatever I see.

RE: Misc Ember Issues - McButton - 2016-02-02

This is from my bad source. It matches the 1st file. This is the Alpha, not 5.

RE: Misc Ember Issues - DanCooper - 2016-02-02

(2016-02-02, 12:39)McButton Wrote: MyVideos33.emm
This is from my bad source. It matches the 1st file. This is the Alpha, not 5.

Looks good, all triggers are available and the table "files" is empty.
I will add more log entries for next alpha, mayby we can find the issue in this way.

RE: Misc Ember Issues - McButton - 2016-02-02

Thanks for the assists. Everything looks good and stable in 5. I tried to break it, and no issues. I can't replicate any of my problems.
I reloaded my info into the old version, and the same thing. There had to be something in my files that was broken. Many of them were EMM scrapes from 2-3 years ago. Recently, something in the TVSHOWS was resetting Kodi upon loading in. I've checked all over forums and posted logs to no avail. Then this became an issue.

I thought maybe they were my custom, non-tvdb shows...but those weren't it either.

All are newly scraped now, and this version seems to have remedied whatever was freaking it out. Good work!
Other feedback I noticed in this version:
+Movies scrape at about 3-5 per second. No issues.
+Movie Set pick list layout is fixed. Looks good.
-ScraperPreview for Movies is cool. Doesn't quite fit my screen. 13' laptop doesn't allow for a scroll down to hit move past. I can just ...hit enter on my keyboard though.
-Upon Scrape of existing movie to change the poster, I like the (right click to +select image). May want to put a reminder somewhere on that page? I had a tough time figuring it out. I assumed I just click or double click and hit ok, but it won't stick. The "+" function works nice though.
-On refresh TVSHOW library, EMM auto grabs new .nfo & fanart, but it seems to always miss new Season posters. This has always been a thing. Not a big deal to me, but I've noticed it.