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Alpha Skype Integration (Windows Only) - Printable Version

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Skype Integration (Windows Only) - olixelle - 2016-02-16

Hello Smile

i'm happy to anounce the first alpha release for my skype addon (for windows platform only).

This first release is an alpha one, meaning that it's not 100% stable and may (does) include some bugs Smile


- Displays the contact list in kodi
- Allow to call a contact or accept a call



1. Install SkypeXmlController (windows based software controlling skype)

- Download the zip file here : SkypeXmlController.zip
- Extract anywhere (let's say in c:\)

2. Test SkypeXmlController

- Make sure that skype is running
- Run SkypeXmlController.exe
- When you launch SkypeXmlController, the skype window should disappear
- A new head skulll icon should appear in the windows notification bar
- go in the c:\var\skype2kodi, there should be a friends.xml file containing all your skype contacts

3. Install SkypeForKodi plugin

- Download the latest release zip from here : https://github.com/olixelle/SkypeKodi/releases
- Install the zip using the kodi install addon from zip file feature
- Configure the plugin : go in kodi > system > addons > skype > configure, and select the "var" directory from SkypeXmlController (c:\var\)
- Launch the plugin in kodi : you should have your friends list Smile

Once again, this is a first alpha version, so do not hesitate to ask if you get some issues

Waiting forward to hear you Smile

RE: Skype Integration (Windows Only) - bnikos83 - 2016-02-29

Hi this seems very interesting!

haven't had the chance to try it yet but i am glad that there is progress in this area.

RE: Skype Integration (Windows Only) - senna99 - 2016-03-01

Hello olixelle

I must to say, this is a great thing for the community.

I'm all done by your instructions, but I have a error when I run SkypeXmlController.vshost.exe
With SkypeXmlController.exe, everything is OK. So my var folder is empty, do you have any advice?

RE: Skype Integration (Windows Only) - jpbelanger79 - 2016-03-03

Hey there, I tried to install, got everything right until not seeing any XML file in skypetokodi folder. Any idea why?

RE: Skype Integration (Windows Only) - bnikos83 - 2016-03-04

Hi everyone, has anyone had any luck with this addon?

Will be visiting my parents this weekend and would like to install it in their setup.

RE: Skype Integration (Windows Only) - Amelsfort - 2016-03-04

I have the same issue: no XML files are created but I believe this is an issue with SkypeXmlController, which is a separate tool, written by someone else. I just noticed it's the same author. Smile

RE: Skype Integration (Windows Only) - sergo - 2016-03-05

create a file friends.xml file and place
and automatically containing all your skype contacts.
After starting SkypeXmlController.exe

Translation Set as using google translator.

RE: Skype Integration (Windows Only) - senna99 - 2016-03-05

(2016-03-05, 15:26)sergo Wrote: create a file friends.xml file and place
and automatically containing all your skype contacts.
After starting SkypeXmlController.exe

Translation Set as using google translator.

I can confirm this works perfect.


Now I have in kodi next error:

In var I have everything.
Any help is welcome.

19:24:01 T:2804 NOTICE: Skype : action __main__
19:24:01 T:2804 NOTICE: Skype : read profile from C:\SkypeXmlController\var\skype2kodi\profile.xml
19:24:01 T:2804 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.IndexError'>
Error Contents: list index out of range
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Box\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\SkypeKodi-master\addon.py", line 240, in <module>
File "C:\Users\Box\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\SkypeKodi-master\addon.py", line 127, in loadProfile
profileName = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue
IndexError: list index out of range
-->End of Python script error report<--

RE: Skype Integration (Windows Only) - sergo - 2016-03-06

We are waiting for a decision from the aftora.
Translation Set as using google translator.

14:33:20 T:5680 NOTICE: Skype : read profile from C:\SkypeXmlController\var\skype2kodi\profile.xml
14:33:20 T:5680 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.IndexError'>
Error Contents: list index out of range
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Kodi\portable_data\addons\SkypeKodi-1.0.0\addon.py", line 240, in <module>
File "C:\Kodi\portable_data\addons\SkypeKodi-1.0.0\addon.py", line 127, in loadProfile
profileName = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue
IndexError: list index out of range
-->End of Python script error report<--

RE: Skype Integration (Windows Only) - bnikos83 - 2016-03-07

(2016-03-06, 13:35)sergo Wrote: We are waiting for a decision from the aftora.
Translation Set as using google translator.

14:33:20 T:5680 NOTICE: Skype : read profile from C:\SkypeXmlController\var\skype2kodi\profile.xml
14:33:20 T:5680 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.IndexError'>
Error Contents: list index out of range
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Kodi\portable_data\addons\SkypeKodi-1.0.0\addon.py", line 240, in <module>
File "C:\Kodi\portable_data\addons\SkypeKodi-1.0.0\addon.py", line 127, in loadProfile
profileName = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue
IndexError: list index out of range
-->End of Python script error report<--

Hi unfrortunately i did not have the chance to try this addon yet but i am really excited about it.
From the post above i cannot understand if the addon worked or not for you guys. Is the basic functionality (receive/make video calls) working ok?

Thanks in advance.

RE: Skype Integration (Windows Only) - Amelsfort - 2016-03-08

Creating an empty ´friends.xml´ will fix the issue indeed!
But I also ran into the same error as mentioned above (list index out of range), but I found the solution: the error says it´s unable to find data in the name field in the profile. When I added my full name in my Skype profile, the addon seems to work. Although I haven´t tried calling someone yet (it´s 23:37 over here, so I don´t think my friends would like it Smile ).

RE: Skype Integration (Windows Only) - senna99 - 2016-03-08

(2016-03-08, 00:38)Amelsfort Wrote: Creating an empty ´friends.xml´ will fix the issue indeed!
But I also ran into the same error as mentioned above (list index out of range), but I found the solution: the error says it´s unable to find data in the name field in the profile. When I added my full name in my Skype profile, the addon seems to work. Although I haven´t tried calling someone yet (it´s 23:37 over here, so I don´t think my friends would like it Smile ).

Hi Amelsfort

I can confirm this what you say, everyone who has trouble in kodi, just need to log on skype and add your name.
I will call my friends later, now is 7:00

RE: Skype Integration (Windows Only) - bnikos83 - 2016-03-09

Hi All! Any news on this? Has there been a succesful video call? Either incoming or outgoing?

RE: Skype Integration (Windows Only) - sergo - 2016-03-20

skype для xbmc [Windows] Skype for Kodi



RE: Skype Integration (Windows Only) - mzup - 2016-05-14

I set this up, but don't see my contact. Does this work? Is there a certain version of skype needed? If contact does not have avatar, would that prevent it from showing on screen? Friends.xml does not list contact anyways.