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Script Request: Send free SMS Text Messages from XBMC - Printable Version

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Script Request: Send free SMS Text Messages from XBMC - kaisersose - 2005-05-02


im just enquring if anyone knows if it is possible to use python scripts for sites that seem to use jsp's. the sites i am on about are the o2 and vodafone irish(.ie) and uk(.co.uk) sites and their free online txt messages. i just thought id ask here as i think it would be cool to able 2 send txt messages from the xbox when u run out of credit. anyways, if anyone uses them sites and knows about python id appreciate if they'd let me know, and i'll try it if its possible when i get my exams over with.


- kaisersose - 2005-05-02

after a bit of googling i found this python code from egenix.com, they dont mention what free sms sites this can be used for so if anyone knows please reply. i cant check this out as im using xdsl atm, but hopefully its of use 2 someone.


""" sms mailer.

this module allows sending sms messages using one of the available
free sms mailer web-sites.

copyright © 2000, marc-andre lemburg ([email protected]).

all rights reserved.

*** for private use only ! ***

permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
its documentation for any private, non-commercial purpose and
without fee or royalty is hereby granted, provided that the above
copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright
notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
documentation or portions thereof, including modifications, that
you make.

before sending sms messages using this module, you must make sure
that you are in accord and accept the usage conditions and
limitations set forth by the sms message service of your choice.

some message services disallow usage of techniques applied in this
module. if this is the case, you are not allowed to use the module
for sending sms messages via these services. usage of this
software is at your own risk.

the author marc-andre lemburg disclaims all warranties with regard
to this software, including all implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness, in no event shall the author be
liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any
damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits,
whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious
action, arising out of or in connection with the use or
performance of this software !


import urllib, string

# version number
= '0.1'

### changelog
# 0.1 - initial release

# enable debugging output ?
= 0

class smsmailer:

""" base class for sms mailers.

the base class does not provide a usable sms mailer. you have
to subclass this class in order to specify the different


# url which provides the service
url = ''

# form action method to use ('post' or get')
method = 'post'

# static cookie to send
cookie = ''

# if set, .cookie will be set by first querying a cookie from the
# following url
cookieurl = ''

# max. size of a single message
maxsize = 120

# user agent string to send
agent = 'mozilla/4.7 [en] (win98; u)'

def format_params(self, params,


l = []
for k,v in params.items():
k = strip(str(k))
v = str(v)
l.append('%s=%s' % (quote(k), quote(v)))
return join(l, '&')

def get_cookie(self):

if not self.cookieurl:
return self.cookie
wget = urllib.fancyurlopener()
f = wget.open(self.cookieurl)
cookie = f.headers.dict['set-cookie']
except keyerror:
cookie = self.cookie
cookie = string.split(cookie, ';', 1)[0]
return cookie

def encode(self, message, network, phone, idd):

params = {}
params['idd'] = idd
params['network'] = network
params['phone'] = phone
params['message'] = message
return params

def format_message(self, message,


l = []
while message:
message = message[16:]
if not l:
raise valueerror, 'empty message'
if len(l[-1]) < 16:
l[-1] = l[-1] + '.'*(16 - len(l[-1]))
l.append('-' * 16)
text = join(l, '')
if len(text) > self.maxsize:
raise valueerror, \
'message too long: max length = %i' % \
return text

def send(self, message, network, phone, idd='49'):

# check parameters
message = str(message)
phone = str(phone)
network = str(network)
idd = str(idd)
if not phone:
raise valueerror, 'missing phone number'
if not network:
raise valueerror, 'missing network number'
if not message:
raise valueerror, 'empty message'

# format message
message = self.format_message(message)

# get cookie
cookie = self.get_cookie()
if :
print 'using cookie',cookie

# format and send data
params = self.encode(message, network, phone, idd)
data = self.format_params(params)
wget = urllib.fancyurlopener()
#wget = urllib.urlopener()
wget.addheaders = [('user-agent', self.agent)]
wget.addheaders.append(('cookie', cookie))
if self.method == 'post':
connection = wget.open(self.url, data)
connection = wget.open(self.url + '?' + data)
reply = connection.read()

# check reply
return self.check_reply(reply)

def check_reply(self, reply):

return 1

### subclasses for different free mailers

# example for a smsmailer subclass.
# you will have to adapt this class to the free sms message provider
# you intend to use. please read the provider's usage conditions
# carefully -- not all services will allow these techniques to be
# used.

class mysmsmailer(smsmailer):

""" http://www.<my-sms-mailer>.com/

tested. fast and reliable.

limitation: max. 5 sms / day to one phone from one ip address.


# url which provides the service
url = 'http://www.<my-sms-mailer>.com/sms/send.php3'

# where to get the cookie from...
cookieurl = ('http://www.<my-sms-mailer>.com/sms/send.php3?'

def encode(self, message, network, phone, idd):

params = {}
params['action'] = 'send'
params['othernetwork'] = 'yes'
params['networkkey'] = ''
while network[0] == '0':
network = network[1:]
while idd[0] == '+':
idd = idd[1:]
params['number'] = '+%s %s %s' % (idd, network, phone)
params['message'] = message
params['send'] = 'send message!'
return params

def check_reply(self, reply):

if string.find(reply, 'successful') >= 0:
return 1
if :
print 'failed to send message:'
print reply
return 0

### testing

if == '':

# create smsmailer instance
sms = mysmsmailer()

# get data
print 'send an sms to'
idd = raw_input( ' access code [+49]: ') or '+49'
network = raw_input(' network number : ')
phone = raw_input( ' phone number : ')
print 'message (one line only):'
message = raw_input()

# send message
if sms.send(message, network, phone, idd):
print 'message sent.'
print 'failed to send message.'

this site has a few links to various programs for sending sms:

and one of them is a perl script for sending txt messages through http://www.o2online.de, i know perl is no use but the o2 german site is probably the same as the uk and irish, so does anyone know if its possible with perl would it be possible with python? heres the code anyways:


# o2-sms.pl, v2.0beta
# copyright © 2002-04 leonhard fellermayr
# all rights reserved.

# -------------- used packages

use strict;
use uri::escape;
use lwp::useragent;
use http::request::common;
use http::cookies;

# --------------- your login data at o2 - please set

my $o2_vorwahl = '0179';
my $o2_nummer = '1234567';
my $o2_kennwort = 'lesssssecret';

# --------------- urls of o2 online interface

my $base_url = 'http://web2sms.o2online.de/';
my $login_url = 'https://login.o2online.de/login/pa/jsp/login.jsp';
my $login_referrer = $login_url .
'?scheme=http&server=web2sms.o2online.de&port=80& \
my $sms_main_url = $base_url . 'web2sms/jsp/default.jsp';
my $sms_post_url = $sms_main_url . '?check=1';
my $sms_main2_url = $base_url . 'web2sms/jsp/result1.jsp';
my $sms_post2_url = $base_url . 'web2sms/jsp/result2.jsp';

my $text_maxlen = 780; # max length when sending to other
my $text_maxlen_wired = 160; # max length when doing "text-to-speech"

# known german cellphone prefixes (everything else is assumed "wired")
my @mobileprefixes = qw
('0179','0176','0160','0162','0163','0170','0171','0172','0173', \

# --------------- fake one of these user agents via rand() call below

my %agents = ( 0 => 'mozilla/4.0 (compatible; msie 6.0; windows nt 5.1)',
1 => 'mozilla/4.0 (compatible; msie 5.0; windows 98;
2 => 'mozilla/5.0 galeon/1.2.5 (x11; linux i686; uWink
3 =>> 'mozilla/4.0 (compatible; msie 5.0; windows 2000)
opera 6.04 [en]',
4 => 'mozilla/4.0 (compatible; msie 5.5; windows 98; win 9x
5 => 'mozilla/5.0 (windows; u; windows nt 5.1; de-de;
rv:1.7b) gecko/20040421',
6 => 'mozilla 4.0 (compatible; msie 5.01; windows nt 5.0)',
7 => 'mozilla/4.0 (compatible; msie 6.0; windows 98)',
8 => 'mozilla/4.0 (compatible; msie 5.5; windows nt 4.0;
9> 'mozilla/4.0 (compatible; msie 5.01; windows nt 5.0)',
10 => 'mozilla/5.0 (x11; u; linux i586; en-us; rv:1.1b)

# --------------- get command line arguments

if ($#argv < 0) {
&syntax ();
exit (0);

my $send_flash = '';
if ($argv[0] =~ /-f/) {
$send_flash = 'on';
shift (@argv);

my $send_prefix = $argv[0];
my $send_number = $argv[1];

shift (@argv); shift (@argv);

my $send_messagetext = join (" ", @argv);

# --------------- check if this message goes to wired network

my $wired = 0;
foreach (@mobileprefixes) {
$wired = 1 if ($_ == $send_prefix);

# --------------- perform some checks on given data

if (($wired) && (length($send_messagetext)) > $text_maxlen_wired) {
raiseerr (1, 'message goes as message-to-speech to wired network -
message text \
only can have up to ' . $text_maxlen_wired . ' chars.');
elsif (length ($send_messagetext) > $text_maxlen) {
raiseerr (2, 'message text is too long - can have up to ' .
$text_maxlen . ' chars.');
elsif ($send_prefix =~ /^[^0]/) {
raiseerr (3, 'prefix must start with 0.');
elsif ($send_prefix =~ /^\d0/) {
raiseerr (4, 'only can send nationally.');
elsif ((length($send_prefix) < 3) || (length($send_prefix) > 5)) {
raiseerr (5, 'please enter a prefix between 3 and 5 digits.');
elsif ((length($send_number) < 4) || (length($send_number) > 12)) {
raiseerr (6, 'please enter a number between 4 and 12 digits.'),
elsif ($send_prefix =~ /[^0-9]/) {
raiseerr (7, 'prefix may contain only digits.');
elsif ($send_number =~ /[^0-9]/) {
raiseerr (8, 'number may contain only digits.');

# --------------- set up a new user agent object

my $ua = new lwp::useragent;
my $response;

# --------------- fake a real user agent

my $max = -1;
$max++ foreach (keys %agents);
$ua->agent ($agents{int (rand ($max))});

# --------------- enable cookie transport

my $cookies = new http::cookies;
$ua->cookie_jar ($cookies);

# --------------- 1. get base url

$response = $ua->request (get $base_url);

# --------------- 2. post login data

$response = $ua->post (
'vorwahl' => $o2_vorwahl,
'pin_fld_login' => $o2_nummer,
'pin_fld_passwd_clear' => $o2_kennwort,
'appl' => 'web2sms.o2online.de',
'login' => 'login',
'hid' => '07'

# --------------- 3. go to sms main page (meta redir)

$response = $ua->request (get $sms_main_url);

# --------------- 4. post sms data

my $response = $ua->post (
'prefix' => $send_prefix,
'msisdn' => $send_number,
'messagetext' => $send_messagetext,
'anzahl' => length ($send_messagetext),
'flash' => $send_flash,
'phonebook' => '',
'friendlyname' => ''

# --------------- 5. get agb confirmation page

$response = $ua->request (get $sms_main2_url);

# --------------- 6. post confirmation

$response = $ua->post ($sms_post2_url);


sub syntax ()

syntax: o2-sms.pl [-f] <prefix> <number> <message text>

this script is intended for customers of o2 germany that have an account at
http://www.o2online.de. these are able to send sms via the www gateway at less
cost. o2-sms.pl brings this service down to your unix shell.

use -f option to send flash sms (will pop up on the recipient's display

message text can have up to 780 chars. note: sms to wired recipients are
limited to 160 chars, as they are being sent as "text-to-speech".


sub raiseerr ($$Wink
my $exitno = shift;
my $errtext = shift;

&syntax ();
print "error: $errtext\n\n";
exit ($exitno);

and finally this site has a few things as well:

- kaisersose - 2005-05-02

a few other programs for sending sms:


- robsta - 2005-05-04

this actually very easy to achieve using the curl program. i have successfully achieved this in php & perl with the correct bindings to curllib. there are python bindings available as well.

curl homepage

Script Request: Send free SMS Text Messages from XBMC - bladeuk - 2007-09-09

I've just bought (Not installed myself) an XBMC and wow it is much better than I could ever have dreamed of!

A big thank you to everyone developing all the great scripts out there.

I was wondering if it was possible for some to write a script that lets you send free SMS Text messages using the website Cardboad Fish (http://www.cbfsms.com/)?

Thanks in advance!

Sending free sms messages from XBMC - Bigfoot87 - 2007-09-20

Wouldn't it be nice it be nice to create a script that allows you to send sms messages using Callwave or another program or website? Big Grin

- dafunks - 2007-09-21

This is a great idea. Hope something comes from it

- dan_f14 - 2007-09-22

I completely agree. It would be an awesome script. Could I add as a further idea the ability to create user profiles. All that would be needed is two fields, the name eg Dan, and the number eg 079xxxxxxxx. Then that could be added to the end of the message like a signature is added to the end of an email before it is sent. That way the recipients of the message will know who it is from and can reply to the individuals phone instead of replying to the free message and it being put on some server or whatever.

- aronsmit - 2010-08-11

Simple and easy for modification, PHP script for SMS sending through HTTP