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Linux Black screen when starting Kodi when TV is off - Printable Version

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Black screen when starting Kodi when TV is off - bunter fisch - 2017-03-07


i've the same problem that i had on ubuntu 14.04 a year ago: when i start my htpc when the tv is off i have a black screen. when i power on the tv first all is ok. on ubuntu 14.04 i could fix that problem with this how to http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=174854&pid=1824527#pid1824527. now i want to install a fresh lubuntu 16.04 and i've the problem again. unfortunately the how to doesn't work anymore. is there something changed in grub in the meanwhile? i couldn't find a solution in the net. it seems nobody has this problem or nobody doesn't use ubuntu 16.04 for that.

bunter fisch

RE: Black screen when starting Kodi when TV is off - fritsch - 2017-03-07

I use it and the solution is always the same: Fixate the EDID, use drm_kms_helper to force on the output

RE: Black screen when starting Kodi when TV is off - bunter fisch - 2017-03-08

if done this again and it doesn't work. i don't have a black screen, i see the error "invalid format" on my tv.

is there any way to check whats wrong?

this is my grub:

GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_osi='!Windows 2012' drm_kms_helper.edid_firmware=HDMI-A-1:edid/edid.bin video=HDMI-A-1:D"

the output of 'for f in /sys/class/drm/card*; do echo $f && cat $f/enabled; done' is


without 'video=HDMI-A-1Big Grin' the error is 'no signal' instead of 'invalid signal'.

in the script for initramfs there is this line:

manual_add_modules [b][u]i915 radeon[/u][/b]

do i need to edit this part depending on my graphic card? i have a sempron 3850 with integrated grahic chipset?

RE: Black screen when starting Kodi when TV is off - fritsch - 2017-03-08

Please post dmesg |pastebinit

RE: Black screen when starting Kodi when TV is off - bunter fisch - 2017-03-08

OK, here is the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/24139820/

RE: Black screen when starting Kodi when TV is off - thezencowsaysmu - 2017-03-09

which desktop are you using? This is a known bug with XFCE, for which a fix hasn't yet migrated downstream to ubuntu. If you're using that, switch to LDXE, or load kodi in stand-alone mode, and the problem should (hopefully) go away.

RE: Black screen when starting Kodi when TV is off - bunter fisch - 2017-03-11

@ fitsch

could you find anything whats wrong in the log?

@ thezencowsaysmu

i use lubuntu (ldxe) and i start kodi in stand-alone mode.

RE: Black screen when starting Kodi when TV is off - fritsch - 2017-03-11

No - don't have time anyways these times. From a very short look: Try a newer kernel 4.8+

RE: Black screen when starting Kodi when TV is off - bunter fisch - 2017-03-13

I've installed lubuntu 16.04.2 again with kernel 4.8 and tried this again. doesn't work. invalid format again.

RE: Black screen when starting Kodi when TV is off - bunter fisch - 2017-03-15

i made some tests. it never works with kernel 4.4 (lubuntu 16.04 and lubuntu 14.04) and kernel 4.8 (lubuntu 16.04.2), but it works with kernel 3.16 (lubuntu 14.04.2). after kernel update to 4.4 it doesn't work.

is this a problem with the kernel or my hardware?

RE: Black screen when starting Kodi when TV is off - alfton - 2017-03-17

is there any possibility in you bios to force hdmi as primary?
(i can clearly remeber having simular problem, and I had to do some tweaking in the bios to make thing work as expected)

you could try a bios update to se if the behavior can change..

RE: Black screen when starting Kodi when TV is off - bunter fisch - 2017-03-19

i changed the primary graphic from pcie to onboard, but this doesn't change anything. efi is up to date.

i tried a dvi cable instead of the hdmi cable a it worked with linux mint 18 (i've tried several os from ubuntu 14.04.x to 16.04.x and mint 18). i'll try it with lubuntu 16.04 again.

RE: Black screen when starting Kodi when TV is off - bunter fisch - 2017-03-19

dvi doesn't work. but it works with my other small tv. so i made a factory reset on my big tv but it changed nothing.

RE: Black screen when starting Kodi when TV is off - bunter fisch - 2017-03-19

there is something i forgot to post, maybe its important. the output of 'for f in /sys/class/drm/card*; do echo $f && cat $f/enabled; done' is
cat: /sys/class/drm/card0/enabled: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden

are lien 1 and 2 normal?

RE: Black screen when starting Kodi when TV is off - alfton - 2017-03-20

hmm, sorry I could not help out there, for me this sounds like that there is some problem that when tv is off, the card does not detect any screen here, and geting confused what frecuence or picture size it should select, and the card put out a signal that your TV cant handle??. (bug?, not sure), sins the messages is 'invalid signal'.

another stupid question from me, have you try forced in xorg.conf a resolution, and frecuence the card should use under startup?

then i think about important setting like what HorizSync and Vertrefresh you tv can handle, and put those setting in the xorg.conf