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Bug Windows 10 - Printable Version

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Windows 10 - Daniel M.Q - 2017-03-11

Bom dia!!

Estou com problema com o kodi no windows 10 e preciso de uma ajuda
tudo que eu faço nele dá erro, (verifique o log pra mais informações) a unica
coisa que não deu erro foi o PVR SIMPLE CLIENT que é pra ativar a tv

Se alguem puder me dá essa ajuda desde já eu agradeço!!

RE: Windows 10 - Dangelus - 2017-03-11

This is an English only forum please.

RE: Windows 10 - DarrenHill - 2017-03-11

And to be of any help, we need a copy of that debug log (wiki) uploaded to PasteBin.com and their link supplied here.

RE: Windows 10 - Plantje - 2017-03-11


RE: Windows 10 - skybird1980 - 2017-03-12

Por favor escribe en ingles. Nadie aquí entiende español. (https://translate.google.com)

Translation of first post:
Quote:Good morning !!

I'm having trouble with kodi on windows 10 and need some help
Everything I do in it gives an error, (check the log for more information) the only one
Thing that did not give error was the PVR SIMPLE CLIENT that is to activate the tv

If anyone can give me this help right away I thank you !!

RE: Windows 10 - Dangelus - 2017-03-12

Good translation considering the OP actually posted in Portuguese Smile

RE: Windows 10 - skybird1980 - 2017-03-13

hum, i choosed espaniol Big Grin