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Thumbnail Overlay Generator - makeshift HD video flagging script - Printable Version

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- midgetspy - 2008-12-10

Rocky5: Try this file and paste the debug output: http://nic.wolfeden.ca/tog/0.3.3-BETA2/tog.py

- Rocky5 - 2008-12-10

Ok got it all working that new tog.py file works wonders now ffmpeg can read my files.

this is how i got it working on XP

python version 2.6 ( 3.0 final doesn't work )
the new tog.py file above.
and my batch file to do it all for me. ( as i have different kinds of files ) will post this when done for us windows users.

- midgetspy - 2008-12-10

Please post the errors you get when using Python 3.0, I'll see if it's easy to fix.

- Rocky5 - 2008-12-10

midgetspy Wrote:Please post the errors you get when using Python 3.0, I'll see if it's easy to fix.

I get no error log.

i don't have it installed any more but the error i got said it couldn't find ffmepg and that the syntax is incorrect for these and " and '

also would it be possible for you to add in the option for size of the overlay images please as i use the xbox and there quite small down there at the bottom.
i have a hd 32 inch tv but sitting back from the screen there still a little hard to view. i wear glasses

also there slightly off.

Image Image

- cptplanet - 2008-12-10

midgetspy Wrote:Well I have no idea what 5:1\r means in the ffmpeg output, I guess just another special case that I haven't run into. There was stereo\r too? I'll add them into 0.3.3 which I'll release soon. (was it 5:1\r or 5:1/r ? You have both in your post)

hereĀ“s the (working) code:

    elif channels =="5:1\r":
                return "5.1"
        elif channels =="stereo\r":
                return "stereo"

this "\r" only returned at *.mkv files.

- Clumsy - 2008-12-11

@midgetspy: Here is the debug log, thanks ! Don't have the time to look into the regexp at the moment, will do next time Smile This is ffmpeg from intrepid btw.


- midgetspy - 2008-12-11

Rocky5: You can change the size by adjusting the IMG_HEIGHT config variable. It's default 0.09 which mean 9% of the thumbnail height.

cptplanet: Could you please turn DEBUG=1 and scan one of the files with the 5:1\r and paste the result? I'm curious to see what it says.

Once hotzenpl0tz pastes his debug log I'll fix his issue and release 0.4.

EDIT: haha he beat me. Grr, that debug logfile violates an assumption that I've been making the entire time... time for a different approach I guess, hehe.

- Clumsy - 2008-12-11

Hehe, yeah - was looking at the code a bit and it seems you will have to do a more robust check to see if a value is missing and the value you are looking for is the correct one. I think an assumption that is safe would be that you will have a tuple that looks something like "int"x"int""space""openbracket" for your resolution check.

- Rocky5 - 2008-12-11

Ok here is the batch file that will do everything for you some people may find this useful.

Thumbnail Overlay Generator batch ( Windows only )

1. Configurable
2. has restore feature ( Only appears if backup is present )
3. easy to use

1. Can convert through sub folders but restore cant yet will do that soon.



this batch will hide *.nfo and *.tbn files once done if you done want this then turn it off you need to edit the batch file with notepad and look for this
:: Hides the files i dont want to see again.
attrib +h "%movies%\*.nfo"
attrib +h "%movies%\*.tbn"
change to this or remove
:: Hides the files i dont want to see again.
attrib -h "%movies%\*.nfo"
attrib -h "%movies%\*.tbn"

Note you still need to configure tog.py

also here is my icons

50% transparent and normal

Image Image

Settings for them
Tog.py edit with notepad
change these xxx = to the number after them

LOGO_RATIO = xxx.x/xxx.x = 240.0/240.0

IMG_HEIGHT = x.xx = 0.20

- midgetspy - 2008-12-11

OK guys, OP updated with tog-0.4.0. I believe it fixes all the issues which were brought up, if you encounter more problems with the ffmpeg scan please post your debug output here.

Note that the config has been moved to tog/config.py. In future versions you can just not overwrite your config.py to keep your settings.

- Ayla - 2008-12-12


In your screenshots, it looks like you added my thumbnails to your covers as jpg or something?

They are square in your screenshots, the black at the top and bottom should not be visible (it's not visible in my png's).

Just thought I'd mention it Smile

- Rocky5 - 2008-12-12

Ayla Wrote:rocky5

In your screenshots, it looks like you added my thumbnails to your covers as jpg or something?

They are square in your screenshots, the black at the top and bottom should not be visible (it's not visible in my png's).

Just thought I'd mention it Smile

Ok got you your really should Quote posts lol.

That's because i just right clicked them and saved the thumbs lol

OK how does this look trying something different also going to change the background overlay and maybe the font as i cant get /
Image or Image


in the new version of this script v0.4.0 when it scans all my videos it put them all 5.1 surround but before in v0.3.3 they were all stereo now am sure this is a bug as all my .avi files are 2 channels audio so that's stereo.

- midgetspy - 2008-12-18

I just noticed this edit... I'll look into it. In the meantime post the debug output please, it'll help me narrow down the problem.

EDIT: Nevermind, one look at the code and it's obvious the problem. 0.4.1 will be up in a second.

EDIT2: OK 0.4.1 is up, audio bug fixed.

Ready made icons for this - Gamester17 - 2008-12-18

Loads of great looking overlay icons of this type can be found on MediaPortal's download page here (with PSD):

Download here:


and even more in this MediaPostal forum thread => http://forum.team-mediaportal.com/my-tvseries-162/tvseries-logos-21816/

Quote:Source psd is included ithe pack and can be modified.

Channel logos
- abc
- Scf fi
- Showtime
- CW
- Discovery Channel

Sound/video logos
- Dolby Digital (x3)
- Dolby surround
- 5.1
- Dolby stereo
- HD

Channel logos
- nickelodion
- History Channel
- Entertainment channel
- Comedy central
- Lifetime
- cpb
- Canal +
Sound/video logos
- HD 540p logos (x2)
- HD 720p logos (x2)
- HD 1080p logos (x2)

v0.3 Tanks lampie
Sound/video logos
- Divx video (x2)
- Divx theaters
- Dolby digital 5.1 (x2)
- DTS ES 96/24 (x2)
- H264 (x2)
- X264 (x3)
- XVID mpeg-4 video codec (x3)
- HD DVD Rom (x3)
- DVD (x3)
- 16:9 widescreen (2x)
- HD ready (2x)
- FULL HD 1080
- HD ready (2x)
- Digital DTS surround (3x)

- Drama (x2)
- Action (x2)
- Thriller (x2)
- Comedy (x2)
- Network (x2)

- USA Flag
- Swedish Flag (2x)
Channel logos
- Animated (2x)
- ABC Family
- BBC one
- WB
- itw3
- itw1
- itw2
- BBC three
- BBC Four
- BBC News 24
- BBC News
- BBC World
- itv4
- itv news
- Sky boxoffice
- Sky movies
- Sky News
- Sky Sports
- Sky One
- Sky three
- SKy travel
- Sky two
- tbs
- itv
- BBC two
- FX

v0.6 // Submitted by lampie
- WMVHD (x4)
- Blu Ray (x4)

- Mp3 (x3) // Tanks Anthrax
- Mp3 surround
- 1.33:1 // Tanks scythelt
- 4:3 // Tanks scythelt

- runtime logo 10min (x2)
- runtime logo 15min (x2)
- runtime logo 20min (x2)
- runtime logo 30min (x2)
- runtime logo 40min (x2)
- runtime logo 50min (x2)
- runtime logo 45min (x2)
- runtime logo 50min (x2)
- runtime logo 60min (x2)
- runtime logo 80min (x3)

- Adventure logo (x2)
- Favorites (x3)
- Subtitles
- Sci-Fi (x3)
- Soap (x2)

- Added BlueSilver background
- Added PurpleSilver background
- Added BlueGreen background

- Sorted the layers to diffrent folders inside the PSD.
- Logo creation script now create all logos automatic, with all the diffret backgrounds,with and without glaslayer.
- New folder structure. The channel logos is now in its own folder and the others in a misc folder.
- Script that creates only logos for the selected background. ( for test only, take 1/(number of backgrounds) of the time )

- Rocky5 - 2008-12-19

In the new version bin files no longer get scanned they did in the old version.