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Update the XBMC version number in "About" box - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Update the XBMC version number in "About" box (/showthread.php?tid=4431)

- Megaman - 2004-07-03

so we know what the hell we just installed Smile

now everything is just "cvs build". when 1.000000 (1) is out, it should be shown somewhere. (not that it matters it would just be more helpful).

is there a "stable" or "development" version out? ( i don't know, we're told that there was supposed to be a features freeze, but since 1.0 out new things have been added. or should it be version 1.01 et.c.) visually there are no differences from the earlier.

- Gamester17 - 2004-07-05

maybe someone also could add a 'feature' to build.bat so it grabs date and time from the pc and update the file before it compiles xbmc?

as for cvs, yes think it should be edited/updated to say version "1.0.0 + cvs build", then compile-date and time could/should be added

- tmlim - 2004-07-13

my apologies if this is already in there and i can't find it, but it would be nice to see the version # and build #/date in the program.

also, if this site can put the latest build on homepage. i know it's compiled every day, but it might still be handy to see.

- Nogood5 - 2004-07-13

yup was already in this thread

- tmlim - 2004-07-13


maybe another thread will help push it forward.

- Nogood5 - 2004-07-13

i think the mods will kill you if you would make a new thread for this every 10 days  Wink

- tmlim - 2004-07-13

that's a possibility.

but don't worry, i won't.

- rpao - 2004-07-13

i submitted an rfe, but it seems to have fallen on deaf ears.


a build timestamp from __date__ and __time__ would be better than nothing and requires minimal change to the source file. however, a cvs $revision$ or something from the project would be just as useful so we can see what source a binary was built from (rather than when it was compiled).

- heho66 - 2004-07-14

i use this batchfile to add a custom string to my build

Quote:@echo off
echo date/time...
rem aktuelles datum / zeit in xdate schreiben
bin\date.exe +"%%a, %%d %%b %%y | %%h:%%m" > _tmp_
for /f "delims=" %%i in (_tmp_) do set xdate=%%i

rem alle sprachen in der klammer werden geändert
for %%i in (english, german) do (
echo %%i
bin\grep.exe -a1 "<id>6</id>" xbmc\language\%%i\strings.xml | bin\grep value | bin\sed s/"^.*<value>"//g | bin\sed s/"<\/value>"//g > _tmp_
for /f "delims=" %%j in (_tmp_) do set xstr=%%j
bin\sed.exe s/"!xstr!"/"%xdate% [v1.0.0]"/g xbmc\language\%%i\strings.xml > xbmc\build\language\%%i\strings.xml
rem umgebungsvars killen
set xdate=
set xstr=

rem tempfiels killen
del /f /q _tmp_

requires date, sed, grep from the unxtools

the builddate.cmd is called form start.cmd

Quote:@echo off
copy /y build.cmd xbmc\
chdir xbmc
call build.cmd
cd ..
del xbmc\build.cmd
%comspec% /e:on /v:on /c builddate.cmd