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- ezar2003 - 2004-11-24

i want to know if it is possible do a shortcut to folder in samba net.
i have seen that there is a new funtion in xboxmediacenter.xml that u can add news buttons. i have seen that u can do buttons to scripts (xbmc.runscript) and xbe's (xbmc.runxbe). but my questions is that there are any funtion for link a samba folder.
thanks a lot

- jmarshall - 2004-11-24

not currently.

all the current supported functions are in cutil::execbuiltin()

the problem with what you are trying to do, is it involves 2 steps:

1. activate the appropriate window (my videos for instance)

2. go to the appropriate directory within this window.

i'm not sure the best way to implement this into the current system. feel free to come up with ideas (and implement the code!Wink

one idea could be:


which does the 2 step process as defined above. there'd have to be a method added to the video window class (cguiwindowvideofiles) to set the current directory, but otherwise should be reasonably straightforward to do.
